Ziarats at Imam Hussain (as) and Hz Abbas (as) Shrines | PDF
Ziarat Arbaaen
Also buried in Imam Hussain(as) Zari - Hz Ali Akber (near foot) and Hz Ali Asgher (on chest the 6mth old son)
Martyrs Graves( Ganj e Sahida)
Habib Ibn Mazahir | Ziyarat
Syed Ibrahim Mujaab grandson of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (as)| | Ziyarat
Inside Shrine premises:Katalgah( place head severed)
Mueseum Imam Hussain (as)
Museum Hz Abbas(as) Shrine
Near Shrine:- Tille Zanabia , Mukhyyam -Khaimagah (Camps) , Maqam Ali Akber, Ali Asger , Place of Severance of hands ,Makam e sher e fizza.
Maqam Imam Mahdi(ajtfs) and Maqam Imam Jaffar As Sadiq(as)
Hz. Hurr Ibn Yazid ar-Riyahi ( 3 miles away) | Ziyarat
Aoun Ibn Abdullah ibn Jafer Tayyar and son of Lady Zainab(sa)
About Imam Hussain (as)
Ayatullah Sistani Advice to Zuwwar of Imam Hussain(as) (lecture using arabic istifta )

Kufa Pdf comprehensive LBL | Map
Muslim Ibn Aqeel(sa) |Hani bin Urva and Mukhtar Thaqafi
House of Imam Ali(as) adjoining Kufa mosque
Syeda Khadija (sa) daughter of Imam ali(as) outside Kufa mosque
Maitham Tammar -few meters from Kufa Mosque

Masjid Sahla Aamal-Pdf
Mosque of Zaiyd ibne Sauhan- near Masjid Sahla -loyal companion of Imam Ali(as) martyred in Jamal
Mosque of Sa'asa ibn Sauhan,Zaids brother and companion of Imam Ali [a] who attended the funeral of Imam Ali(as)

Other locations:
Kumayl bin Ziad | Tomb of Rushayd Hajari
Masjid Hananna - Imam Hussain(as) head was put in this place

Ziyarat of Hazrat Kumayl Bin Ziyad an-Nakhaee, who was one of the closest companion of Imam Ali (as).To whom Imam taught special secrets including the secrets of the nafs and its reality, and he also taught him the dua of Khidhr which is famously known as dua e Kumayl. Imam (a.s.) had also told him that in last era, his Rauza will be surrounded by houses bearing `Antenna', a sign of Shaitan. When Hajjaj bin Yusuf Thaqafi started hunting down the companions and shia of Ali (a.s), Hazrat Kumail went into hiding. In order to flush him out, Hajjaj started persecuting the family and tribe of Hazrat Kumail. When Hazrat Kumail surrendered himself, Hajjaj had him beheaded.

Hazrat Rushayd Hajari (Maitham): Hazrat Rushayd (a.r) was a companion of Imam Ali (a.s). Imam Ali (a.s) had pointed out to him the palm tree on which he would be crucified. When Maytham was arrested, he told Ubaidullah bin Ziyad that Imam (a.s.) had foretold that his (Maytham's) hands, feet & tongue would be cut. In order to prove Imam wrong, Ubaidullah ordered his hands and feet cut, while sparing his tongue. Thus when his hands and feet were cut and he was taken out of the palace, he started relating to the people the events which were to happen till Qayamat and praised Imam Ali (as). Thus Ubaidullah was forced to have his tongue cut off. He died that same night.

7th Imam Musa Al Kadhim(as)

9th Imam Mohammed Taqi Al Jawad(as)
PDF both Ziyarat

Kazmain Shrine History

Ulama graves - Kazmain
Shrine mens section :- Shaikh Mufid336-413 AH Pic
& his mentor Ibn Qūlawayh, Abu’l- qāsem jaʿfar 368/978 ( Author of Kamil uz ziarat) Pic
Shrine Ladies section :- Khwaja Nassiruddin Toosi 597-672 AH Pic
Bab Qibla side
Syed Murtadha 355- 436 AH (now inside shrine compound wall)
Sayyid Razi 359- 406 AH

Madayen Salman Pak -30 miles from Baghdad
Grave and shrines of ;Salman-e-Farsi, Huzaifa yamani, Tahir son of Imam Baqer(as)and Abdullah son of Jabir al Ansari-

Baghdad :
Masjid Buratha between Baghdad and Kazimiyah .Imam Ali (as) visited. Merits narrated; has a water spring and stone related to Lady Mariam(sa)

The four representatives (Naib)of the 12th Imam [a] during the minor occultation (ghaybat al-sughra) are buried i.e.
Uthman b. Sayeed , Muhammad b. Uthman , Ali b. Muhammad Foor, and Husayn b. Rooh
Ziyarat of Deputies
The graves of Uthman and Husayn are easy to find whereas the other two are inside the bazaar. One will need some guidance from the local people to locate this place.
Janab Bohlool |
Janab Yusha ( Naib of Prophet Moosa(as))
Ulama - Baghdad
Shaikh Mohammed Yaqoub Al Kulaini Baghdad 250-329 AH |
Mohaqiq Hilli 602-676 AH |Hilla Graveyard
Syed Razi Ibne Taoos 579-664 AH

10th Imam Ali Naqi Al Hadi (as)

11th Imam Hassan Al Askari(as)
Pdf both Imams ziarats

Lady Nargis Khatoon [Mother of Imam Mahdi(ajtfs)]and
Hakeema Khatoon (sa)[daughter of Imam al Jawad(as)/Aunt of Imam Askari(as) ] |
There are other important personalities brothers and sisters of Imam also buried in this same shrine.
Sirdab (cellar) Samarra -Ziyarat | Pdf
associated with 12th Imam Mahdi(ajtfs)
Other Personalities reported to be buried in shrine
Lady Sawsan-Mother of Imam Askari(as)d 262 AH
Lady Samanah -Mother of Imam Al Hadi(as)
Syed Hussain s/o Imam Al Hadi (as) and brother of Imam Askari(as) .
Abu Hashim Jafri, descendant of Hz Jafar Tayyar
Balad(near samarra)
- Syed Mohammed ( s/o Imam Al Naqi (as)- uncle of Imam Mahdi (ajtfs) lived only 24 yrs, 228AH - 252AH) | Ziyarat
Ibrahim son of Malik Ashtar -dujail on way to samarra

Hilla Moosayab
Hazrat Qasim son of Imam Kazim (as) brother of Imam Reza (sa) | Descendant Ziarat
Syeda Shareefa (sa)daughter of Imam Hassan(as),wife of Imam Zainul Abideen (as) and mother of Imam Mohammed Baqer (as)
The shrine has been renovated and reports many miracle cures whose testimonies are all over the shrine written in piecies of cloth hung by those cured.
An important shrine (as) Instagram link into to shrine | -Video

Tiflan/sons of Muslim ibne aqeel ( Moosayab 30 km from karbala)
Hazrat Ayub(as)
Hz Zaid Shaheed -kifl

All Ziarats Index
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History of Shrines
Kamil uz ziarat wikipedia
Kamil uz ziarat PDF
By the dawn Ziarat bookPDF

Book Extract link
It is within this framework that the state of mutual exchange in this relationship becomes more distinct and stronger, and the phenomenon of give-and-take between the za’ir (visitor) and the mazur (the one visited) becomes even more active.
Among the most important features which become manifest as a result of this relation between the za’ir and the mazur are:
1. Prayer for the Holy Prophet and his Progeny, sending blessings on them, and seeking Allah’s mercy for them: “O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household with a blessing by which You will make for them plentiful Your gifts and generosity, and perfect for them Your bestowals and awards, and fill out their share of Your kindly acts and benefits.”43
We read in the Ziyarat of the Holy Prophet (S) , “O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Progeny, and send Your benedictions on Muhammad and his Household, the best You have blessed, sent benedictions, showered mercy, showed affection and sent salutations on Ibrahim and the Progeny of Ibrahim.”
2. Praying for the Holy Prophet (S) and his Progeny that may Allah make them mediators (wasa’il) to His mercy for His servants, and intercessors (shufa’a’) with Him on their behalf.
A phrase in the Ziyarat of the Holy Prophet (S) reads, “O Allah, give Muhammad the mediation (wasilah), honour, excellence, and a noble position. O Allah, confer on Muhammad the most honourable station, the gift of peace, and intercession {for the followers of} Islam. Join us with him, such that we are not ashamed, nor among those who have broken their promise {with him}, nor regretful.”
In another Ziyarat of the Holy Prophet, we read, “O Allah, grant him a {lofty} position, mediation to the Heaven, and raise him to such a praiseworthy station that the first and the last ones would covet it.”
3. Seeking recourse (tawassul) with the Holy Prophet (S) and his Progeny (‘a), and implore for their intercession (shafa’ah) with the permission of Allah, “O Allah, make me distinguished in Your eyes in this world and the Hereafter, for the sake of Muhammad and his Household. O Prophet of Allah, I turn with your help toward Allah, your Lord and my Lord, that He may forgive me my sins, and accept from me my deeds, and fulfill for me my needs. So intercede on my behalf with your Lord and my Lord, for the best of those who have been asked and the best of the masters is my Lord, and you are the best intercessor, O Muhammad, upon you and your Progeny be peace.”
In the Ziyarat of the A’immah (‘a) buried at al-Baqi’, we say, “This is the position of one who has exceeded the limits, sinned and has been humiliated, who confesses what he has committed of the offences, and {now} anticipates salvation from the state he is in… so you be my intercessors, as I have come to you when the people of this world have turned away from you, and have taken the signs of Allah in derision, and are disdainful of them.”
In the Ziyarat of Hamzah (‘a), the uncle of the Holy Prophet (S) , “I have come to you from a distant place, asking {you} to set my soul free from the Fire, as my back has been burdened with my sins and I have committed what enrages my Lord. I find no one to flee to better for me than you, the Household of mercy; so be my intercessor.”
4. Turning to Allah and asking Him to grant us their neighbourhood and companionship in the Hereafter, and firmness of stand on their guidance and path in this world, and that we may live and die in this world the way they lived and died, and that we may be resurrected in their company in the Hereafter, in the same manner that He, the Exalted, endowed us with their guidance and love in this world.
In the Ziyarat of the Holy Prophet (S) we come across the following phrases, “O Allah, I seek refuge in the generosity of Your face from placing me in the position of humiliation and disgrace, on the day the veils shall rip apart and the secrets shall be disclosed and violent fear shall seize {the people};
and the Day of Sorrow and Penitence; the Day of Drought, the Approaching Hour, the Day of Dispossession, the Day of Judgement, the Day of Requital, a day whose span is fifty thousand years, the Day of {the blow of} the Trumpet, the day when the Quaker quakes and is followed by the Successor, the Day of Resurrection, the Day of Exposition, a day when mankind will stand before the Lord of all the worlds, the day when a man will evade his brother, his mother and his father, his spouse and his sons, the day the earth is split open and the flanks of the skies, the day when every soul will come pleading for itself, the day they will be returned to Allah and He will inform them about what they have done, the day when a friend will not avail a friend in any way.”
After this round of asking the companionship of the Holy Prophet (S) and the friends of Allah on that dreadful day, the visitor (za’ir) says: “O Allah, have mercy on my stand on that day, and do not disgrace me in that site because of what I have committed against my self. O my Lord, make my coming out on that day with them, and my resurrection in the company of Muhammad and his Progeny (‘a). Make his spring {of kawthar} to be the place of my arrival, and give me my book in my right hand.”
We read in the Ziyarat of Abu al-Fadl al-’Abbas (‘a), “May Allah gather us with you, and with His Prophet and friends.”
The following has also appeared in some texts of the Ziyarat, “Strengthen for me a truthful stand (qadama sidqin) with al-Husayn and the companions of al-Husayn, who sacrificed their souls for al-Husayn (‘a).”
In the supplication of ‘Alqamah recited after the Ziyarat of ‘Ashura’, we read, “O Allah, make me live the life of Muhammad and his Progeny, and make me die the like of their death. Take my soul while I am on their religion, and resurrect me in their company. Do not separate me from them even for a blink of an eye, forever, in this world and the Hereafter.”
A phrase in the lesser known Ziyarat of ‘Ashura’ reads, “O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household, and make me live their life and make me die their death, and do not separate me from them in this world nor in the Hereafter, indeed You hear all supplications.”
Part of the Ziyarat of al-Jami’at al-Kabirah reads, “May Allah make me steady, throughout my life, on Your friendship and love, and facilitate for me to obey you, and grant me your intercession, and make me among the best of your adherents, who follows that toward which you had called, and make me among those who follow in your footsteps, move on your road, who are guided through your guidance, resurrected in your company, brought back to life at your return (raj’ah), given an office during your rule, honoured under your protection, granted power in your days, and who will be delighted to see you tomorrow {in the Hereafter}.”
A phrase in the Ziyarat of Abu al-Fadl al-’Abbas (‘a) says: “May Allah gather us with you, and with His Prophet and friends, in the stations of the humble ones.”
In this way the bond between the visitor (za’ir) and the one visited (mazur) is accomplished. It is a mutual relationship which involves, on the one hand, prayers, greetings and salutations on the ‘one visited’ from the visitor, while on the other, it entails prayer to Allah by the visitor, asking from Him the intercession of the ‘one visited’ and his companionship in the Hereafter. This is taking into consideration that the mediator in this relationship, from both sides, is Allah; as He, the Glorious, the Exalted, is the one asked from (al-mas’ul), first and last.