Istighfaar means seeking forgiveness of Allah for the sins so far committed and turning repentant unto Allah. Ibn Abbas relates that the was in the company of Imam Ali(as) when a man came and said Mawla, I have transgressed much "Imam told him: ISTIGHFAAR. Another man came and said : Mawla my land has become arid and parched, what shall I do ?. Imam told him ISTIGHFAR. After a few moments another came and said Mawla I am poverty stricken. Nothing I do bearts fruit. Is there any remedy. Imam said: ISTIGHFAR. Then another man came and said : Mawla Allah has not yet blessed me with a child. What should I do. Imam told him ISTIGHAFAR. I asked him : O AMIRUL MUMININ - though the problems were different, but to each of them you advised to pray ISTIGHFAAR. Imam said : Because Allah says in surah Nuh: And I said : seek forgiveness of your Lord. Verily he is ever most forgiving. He will send you abundant rain from the heaven and will help you with wealth and sons, and will make for you gardens and will make for your rivers.
Imam Mohammed Taqi Al Jawad (as) :"Touba" depends upon four things: sincere regrets, verbal "istighfar", deeds and determination never to repeat the sin.
Isti'adha book : Seeking Allah's Protection from Satan by Ayatullah Sayyid Abd al-Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi An explanation of Isti�adha through its five aspects namely, piety, remembrance of Allah, resignation on the wishes of Allah, honesty of purpose and humility in supplication. | Repentance Article | Book on Repentance-zip file
Munajat by Imam Mohammed Taqi Al Jawad (as) - True repentance & Accepting Repentance |
Namaz /Salaat of Isteghfar | ISTEGHFAR-E-MAUJIZ-E-AASAA | Isteghfar from book 'Power of prayers'
Other Duas of Isteghfar :-
DUA'A 16
O Lord, I have wronged myself. So forgive me. Verily save You there is no one who can protect from the consequences of sinning. RABBI INNEE Z'ALAMTU NAFSEE FAGHFIRLEE INNAHOO LAA YAGHFIRUD 'D'UNOOBA ILLA ANTA |
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DUA'A 17
O Allah, I seek forgiveness for every sin, I committed, about which, of course, You know inside and out, from the beginning to the end of my life, whether committed deliberately or intentionally, few or many, obscure or manifest, old or new, secretly carried out or openly done; and for whatever wrong I have done I turn repentant unto You and beseech You to bless Muhammad and the children of Muhammad and forgive all my unjust acts I did to wrong the people (because they have rights which I have to recognize and fulfill) but You have full authority to forgive those wrongdoings whenever and howsoever You wish, O the most merciful. ALLAHUMMA INNEE ASTAGHFIRUKA LIKULLI D'AMBIN JARAA BIHEE I'LMUKA FIYYA WA A'LAYYA ILAA AAKHIRI U'MREE BI-JAMEE-I D'UNOOBEE LI-AWWALIHAA WA AAKHIRIHAA WA A'MADIHAA WA KHAT A-IHAA WA QALEELIHAA WA KATHEERIHAA WA DAQEEQIHAA WA JALEELIHAA WA QADEEMIHAA WA H'ADEETHIHAA WA SIRRIHAA WA A'LAANIYATIHAA WA JAMEE-I MAA ANAA MUD'NIBUHOO WA ATOOBU ILAYKA WA AS-ALUKA AN TUS'ALLIYA A'LAA MUH'AMMADIN WA AALI MUH'AMMADIN WA AN TAGHFIRA LEE JAMEE-A, MAA AH'S'AYTU MIM MAZ'AALIMIL I'BAADI QIBALEE FA-INNA LI-IBAADIKA A'LAYYA H'UQOOQAN WA ANAA MURTAHINUM BIHAA TAGHFIRUHAA KAYFA SHI-TA WA ANNAA SHIA-TA YAA ARH'AMAR RAAH'IMEEN |
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DUA'A 18The following istighfar is tekan from Sahifa Alawiyyah by Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib. It can be recited after any obligatory salat
O Allah, I seek Your forgiveness for those wrongdoings for which I had turned repentant unto you but have done again. I seek your forgiveness for those deeds which I planned to do for your sake only but afterwards other interests not connected with You crept in, and I seek Your forgiveness for my taking advantage of the bounties, You gave me, in order to disobey You. I seek forgiveness of Allah (who is) “There is no god save He, the self-subsisting, the knower of the unknown and known, the beneficent, the merciful.” For all those sins which I have committed and for all those transgressions I perpetrated. O Allah grant me perfect ability to use, follow and apply reason, astute and keen determination, preponderant genius, pure heart, all-embracing wisdom and beautiful elegent manners. Let all these favours work for my good; let them not harm me, through your mercy, O the most merciful. Then say 5 times: I seek forgiveness of Allah who is: “There is no god save He, the self-subsisting” and I turn repentant unto Him. "ALLAHUMMA INNEE ASTAGHFIRUKA MIN KULLI MAA TUBTU ILAYKA MINHU THUMMA U'DTU FEEHI WA ASTAGHFIRUKA LIMAA ARADTU BIHEE WAJHAKA FA-KHAALAT'ANEE FEEHI MAA LAYSA LAKA WA ASTAGHFIRUKA LIN-NA A'MIL LATEE MANANTA BIHAA A'LAYYA FA TAQAWWAYTU BIHAA A'LAA MA-A'AS'EEKA ASTAGHFIRUL-LAAHAL LAD'EE LAA ILAAHA ILLAA HUWAL H'AAYUL QAYYOOMU A'ALIMUL GHAYBI WASH SAAHAADATIR RAH'MAANUR RAH'EEM LI KULLI D'AMBIN AD'NABTUHOO WA BI-KULLI MA'S'IYATIN IRTAKABTUHAA ALLAAHUMMAR-ZUQNEE A'QLAN KAAMILAN WA A'ZMAN THAAQIBAN WA LUBBAN RAAJIH'AN WA QALBAN D'AKIYYAN WA I'LMAN KATHEERAN WA ADABAN BAARI-A'N WAJ-A'L D'AALIKA KULLAHOO LEE WA LAA TAJ-A'LHU A'LAYYA BI-RAH'MATIKA YAA ARH'AMAR RAH'IMEEN Then say 5 times : ASTAGHFIRULLAAHAL LAD'EE LAA ILAAHA ILLAA HUWAL H'AYYUL QAYYOOMU WA ATOOBU ILAYHI |
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DUA'A 19The following istaghfar is taken from Sahifa Alawiyyah by Imam Ali ibm Abi Talib. It can be recited at any time :
O Allah, forgive my wrongdoings which you know inside and out, and if I do them again, then forgive me again. O Allah, forgive me for not fulfilling those promises I made to myself but did not put them into effect. O Allah, forgive me the mysterious suggestions of the eyes, my bad language, forgetfulness, carelessness, and foolish utterances. ALLAAHUMMAGH-FIR LEE MAA ANTA A'LAMU BIHEE MINNEE FA-IN U'DTU FA-U'D LEE BIL-MAGHFIRAH ALLAAHUMMAGH-FIR LEE MAA WA-A'DTU MIN NAFSEE WA LAM TAJID LAHOO WAFAA-AN I'NDEE ALLAAHUM-MAGH-FIR LEE RAMAZAATIL ALH'AAZ'I WA SAQAT'AATIL ALFAAZ'I WA SAHAWAATIL JINNAANI WA HAFAWAATIL LISAANI |
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DUA'A 20The following istighfar is taken from the Sahifa Alawiyyah by Imam Ali Ibn abi Talib. It can be recited at any time :
O Allah, I beseech You because (praise be to You. There is no god save You, the munificent, the originator of the heavens and the earth, the owner of glory and generosity) I am a needy beseecher, an apologetic suppliant and a repentant seeker of pardon. O Allah send blessing on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad and forgive me all my sins, old and new, committed by me. O Allah, do not aggravate my misfortunes and do not let my enemies laugh at me, because there is no remover and preventer (of misfortune) save You. ALLAAHUMMA INNEE AS-ALUKA BI-ANNA LAKAL H'AMDU LAA LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTAL MANNAANU BADEE-U'S SAMAAWAATI WAL ARZ'I D'UL JALLAALI WAL IKRAAM INNEE S'AA-ILUN FAQEERUN WA KHAA-IFUN MUSTAJEERUN WA TAA-IBUN MUSTAGHFIR ALLAAHUMMA S'ALLI A'LAA MOHAMMADIN WA AALE MOHAMMAD WAGFIRLI D'UNOOBEE KULLAAHAA QADEEMAHAA WA H'ADEETHAHAA WA KULLA D'ANBIN AD'NABTOH ALLAAHUMMA LAA TAJHAD BALAAA-EE WA LAA TUSHMIT BEE A'-DAAA-EE FA-INNAHOO LAA DAAFI-A'WA LAA MAANI-A ILLAA ANT |
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DUA'A 21The following istighfar, a form of seeking pardon, is taken from the Sahifa, Alawiyyah by Imam Ali ibn abi Talib.
O He who has absolved me of those sins I committed in my house and in the houses of other persons. O He who did not take me to task for the sins committed by me, (I seek) Your pardon, O generous pardoner. YAA MAN A'FAA A'NNEE WA A'MMAA KHALAWTU BIHEE MINAS SAW-AATI FEE BAYTEE WA GHAYRI BAYTI YAA MAL LAM YU-AAKHID'NEE BIRTIKAABIL MA-A'AS'EE A'FWUKA A'FWUKA YAA KAREEMU A'FWUKA |
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DUA'A 22The Holy Prophet said:To seek forgiveness of Allah recite surah Ali Imran
DUA'A 23 Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq said:
1) He who has intended to do good but could not, is credited with the good in his record of good deeds.
2) He who intends to do good and actually does so will receive tenfold of reward determined for that one good deed.
3) He who intends to do wrong but does not put it into practice will not be asked for any explanation.
(4) He who intends to do evil and actually does so, has an hour at his disposal to turn repentant unto Allah. The angel who records good deeds asks the angel who records evil deeds to wait. May be the sinner does a good deed which wipes out the evil deed done by him.
Verily good deeds take away evil deeds. If he repents and recites the following istighfar his sin will not be recorded.
I seek forgiveness of Allah who is: “There is no god save He, the knower of the unknown and the known, the mighty, the wise, the oft-forgiving, the merciful, the owner of glory and grace”; and I turn repentant unto Him. ASTAGHFIRUL-LAAHAL LAD'EE LAA ILAAHA ILLAA HUWA A'ALIMUL GHAYBI WASH SHAHADAATIL A'ZEEZUL H'AKEEMUL GHAFOORUL RAH'EEM D'UL JALAALI WAL IKRAAMI WA ATOOBU ILAYHI. |
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DUA'A 24According to Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib - Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi says the following du-a'a gives strength and assurance of faith to do good and avoid evil. If it is recited three times by the end of evening the whole night till morning becomes a protected period during which no evil comes near the reciter.
So glory be to Allah when you enter the evening and when you enter the morning. For His is the praise in the heavens and the earth-at the sun’s decline and when you enter the noon. FA-SUBH'AANALLAAHI H'EENA TUMSOONA WA H'EENA TUS'BIH'OON. WA LAHUL H'AMDU FIS SAMAAWAATI WAL ARZ'I WA A'SHIYYAW WA H'EENA TUZ'HIROON |
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MAGHFIRAT-TAWBA (REPENTANCE) from book 'Power of prayers'
(1) Recite “Astaghfirullaah Rabbee Wa Atoobu Ilayh” as many times as possible, with sincerity.
(2) Try your best to wake up early before dawn to pray Namaaz-e-Tahajjud (Shab). There are fourty plus advantages in it.
(3) At any time pray two rak’at Namaaz, niyyat – Namaaz-e-Afw: In each rak’at recite Surah-e-Qadr after Al-Hamd and then recite fifteen times “Rabbee Afwaka”, then go in Rukoo, after its zikr recite ten times “Rabbee Afwaka”, then before going in Sajdah recite ten times “Rabbee Afwaka”, then in the Sajdah recite it ten times after its zikr, then in between two Sajdah again recite it ten times, then in the second Sajdah recite ten times the same, then before standing for the second rak’at recite ten times the same (Rabbee Afwaka), and pray the same way during the second rak’at also.
(4) Perform Sunnat ghusl, do Wudhoo, and recite Ziyarat of Bibi Fatima (S.A.) and then recite Istighfaar, or any Duaa for repentance. (ref. Mafaatihul Jinaan)
(5) Recite Duaa-e-Tawba. (ref. M.Jinaan or Majmooa)
(6) Recite these Surah of Holy Qur’an – S.Yaaseen, S.Tahreem, S.Waaqiah, S.Kaafiroon. Specifically, S.Tahreem carries Sawaab of Tawba-e-Nasooh.
(7) Recite Ziyarat of Imam Radhaa (A.S.) It is also a means of having our sins being pardoned.
(8) These magnificent Duaas are also a means of wiping our sins away: Duaa-e-Mashlool, Duaa-e-Mujeer, Jawshan-e-Kabeer, Sayfi Sagheer, etc.
(10) Namaaz-e-Ameerul Mu’mineen (A.S.): Its merits are as mentioned above.
(11) Namaaz-e-Wasiyyat: To earn great Sawaab and sins forgiven, in between Maghrib and Ishaa pray two rak’at Namaaz, in each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 13 times Surah Zilzaal and 15 times S.Tawheed. [*]
(12) Recitation of Salawaat is also a means of atonement for the past sins.
(13) This is also very effective A’amaal to make our sins disappear from our A’amaalnaama: Perform Sunnat Ghusl then do Wudhoo and offer 4 rak’at Namaaz, in each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 3 times S.Ikhalaas and once S.Maoozatain (S.Falak and S.Naas). After completing the Namaaz recite 70 times “Astaghfirullaah Rabbee Wa Atoobu Ilayh”, then recite the following Duaa: “Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahil Aliyyil Adhweem, Yaa Azeezu Yaa Ghaffaar, Ighfirlee Dhunoobee, wa Dhunoobi Jamee’il Mu’mineena Wal Mu’minaat, Fa Innahoo Laa Yaghfirudh Dhunooba Illa Anta”.
(15) Reciting Surah-e-Dukhaan in Wajib or Sunnat Namaaz is a way to clear our account of sins.
(16) Pray 2 rak’at Namaaz in which recite 60 times S.Ikhlaas (Qulhuwallaah…) in each rak’at after Al-Hamd.
(17) Recitation of Duaas specifically for Maghfirat can be found in Mafaatihul Jinaan and Pirmuhammad Ebrahim Trust’s Books of DUAA, which are there in various volumes.
(18) A very effective Namaaz for the forgiveness of sins is: Namaaz-e-Ghufayla. In between Maghrib and Ishaa prayers pray 2 rak’at, in the first rak’at after Al-Hamd recite this – Wa Dhannooni Idh-Dhahaba Mughaadhiban Fadhanna Anlan Naqdira Alayhi Fa Naadaa Fidh-Dhulumaati An Laa Ilaaha Illaa Anta Sub’haanaka Innee Kuntu Minadh-Dhwaalimeen Fastajabnaa Lahoo Wa Najjaynaahu Minal Ghammi Wa Kadhaalika Nunjil Mu’mineen. Then continue the Namaaz as usual until you reach the second rak’at, there after Al-hamd recite this: Wa Indahoo Mafaatihul Ghaybi Laa Ya’alamuhaa Illaa Huwa Wa Ya’alamu Maa Fil Barri Wal Bahri Wamaa Tasqutu Min Waraqatin Illaa Ya’alamuhaa Walaa Habbatin Fee Dhulumaatil Ardhi Walaa Ratbin Walaa Yaabisin Illaa Fee Kitaabin Mubeen. Then in Qunoot recite this: Allaahumma Bi Mafaatihul Ghaybil-Latee Laa Ya’alamuhaa Illaa Anta, Antu Swallee Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Wa An Taf’alabee… here beg your Haajat Then recite: Allaahumma Anta Waliyyu Ni’amatee Wal Qaadiroo Alaa Twalibatee Ta’alamoo Haajatee Fa As’aluka Bihaqqe Muhammadin Wa Aalihee Alayhimus-Salaam Lammaa Qadhwaytahaa Lee.
(19) Duaa of Hazrat Ilyaas (A.S.) in Sajdah: Ataraak Muazzabi wa qad adhma’tu laka hawaajiri, Ataraak Muazzabi wa qad affartu laka fitturaabi wajhee, Ataraak Muazzabi wa qad ijtanabtu lakal ma’aaswee, Ataraak Muazzabi wa qad as’hartu laka layli.
(In this Duaa the supplicant pleads to the Almighty that:
O Allaah, shall You, The Most Merciful, be happy to see me burning in fire and in great torments although I have been observing fasts in hot weathers and endured acute thirst, and I have restrained from sins to please You only, and will You be happy to see me burning while I have kept night vigils for Your worship?)
“Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Bi Wajhikal Kareem, Wa Ismikal Adhweem, Antuswalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad, Wa An Taghfira Lee Dhanbiyal Adhweem.”
(21) Rasoolullaah (S.A.W.W.) said that whoever recites these seven verses on the Friday-eve, when he shall die he shall be directly admitted to Jannat:
“Allaahumma Anta Rabbee. Laa Ilaaaha Illaa Anta Khalaqtanee Wa Anaa Abduka Wabnu Amatik Wa Fee Qabdhatik Wa Naaswiyatee Bi Yadik Amsaytu Alaa Ahdik Wa Wa’adik Mastatwa’atu Aoodhu Bi Ridhaak Min Sharri Maa Swana’atu Aboo’u Bi Ni’amitik Bi Amali Wa Aboo’u Bi Dhambi Faghfirlee Dhunoobee Innahoo Laa Yaghfirudh-Dhunooba Illaa Anta.”
(22) Insistence in a request and keeping asking continuously gives favourable result. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) said, “A servent of God says: O God! Forgive me. But God turns away from him. Again he will say: O God! Forgive me. God turns away from him the second time. The man again says:O God! Forgive me. Here God says to the Angels: Don’t you see My servant? He asked Me for forgiveness while I was turning away from him. He askekd for forgiveness for the second time. I turned away from him again. He asked for forgiveness for the third time. My servent realized that no one but Me forgives the sins. I take you as witness that I have forgiven him.”
(23) Reciting Surah-e-Takaasur at bedtime saves one from Fishaar-e-Qabr. [*]