Prepare for the Holy & Spiritual Month of Ramadhan
1.A Short Treatise on 'The Divine Invitation' ...Each year, as we approach the Graceful Month of Ramadān, we are considered as the �Special Guests� of Allah (SwT). What does it mean to be a special guest? What is the difference between an �ordinary� invitation and a �special� invitation? Why is the Holy Month of Ramadān described by the Holy Prophet (s) as �The Banquet of Allāh�? 2. Know Islamic Laws relating to Fasting Fasting means that a person must, in obedience to the commands of Allah, from the time of Adhan for Fajr prayers up to Maghrib, avoid nine things which will be mentioned later. ..Niyyat for Fasting......... 3.Manifestations of the All-Merciful --A Commentary and reflections on the first portion of the supplication recited daily during the month of Ramadhan that begins with "Allahumma adkhil `alaa ahli-l-quboor as-suroor" (O Allah, give happiness to the people of the grave). The Holy Prophet (s) is
reported to have said
Whosoever supplicates with this
prayer in the Holy month of Ramadan after the prescribed prayer,
his sins (dhunub) would be forgiven till the Day of
Judgment.(Allama Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, v.95, p.120, ch.6 ) The most important duty of a devoted wayfarer in this great month is to understand the right of this Holy Month in which Allah (the Glorious, the Exalted), has invited the wayfarers of His path for a feast. Also he must understand the correct meanings of fasting and its relevance with Allah's invitation. Having discovered this reality he must endeavour that all his actions and deeds are accompanied with required devotion and sincerity in order to earn the pleasure of his host Allah (the Glorious, the Exalted) 5.Fast of the Month of Ramadhan Includes fasting in history, benefits of fasting, types of fasts, and the Prophet's preaching on Ramadhan. Also includes other articles on the Night of Power, and Invocations for Ramadhan 6.Understanding the Month of Glory Excellent lessons and activities on the month of Ramadhan for children and youth; includes verses from the Qur'an, traditions on fasting, a chant, Ramadhan checklist, reasons for fasting, seaking nearness to God, and much more. 7.Know More about Duas & its etiquettes 8) Load your mobile with Mp3 duas & other duas and computer/e-reader with pdfs