QUNUT (may our souls be sacrifice for him;
O’ Allah, the proprietor of the supreme authority, You gave
the reign to whom You wishes and take of reign from whom You wishes, You
honour whom ever You wishes and dishonour whom ever You wishes, You are the
possessor of all goods; verily You attain the strength over all thing; O’
the glorious, O’ the Bountiful, O’ He who possess Majesty and the bestowal
of honour, O’ the Courageous, O’ He who possess severe courage, O’ He who
acts according to His wishes, O’ He who possesses firm strength, O’ The
compassionate, O’ The Merciful, O’ The Most Kind, O’ He who exists when
there is no any existence.
O’ Allah! I requested from Thee, by Thy conceal and
deposited Names, the self existent, the Eternal, by the concealed knowledge
with Thee, You make impact that none of Our creatures are aware of , I also
requested from Thee by Thy Name by which Thee shaped Thy creature in the
womb how Thee wishes, by Thy Name You convey their provision in the darkness
of the layers between the vein and the bone, I requested from Thee by Thy
Name which Thee made the intimacy between the mind of Thy good friends and
between an ice water and flame. I requested from Thee by Thy Name by which
Thee have created the taste of the water by Thy Name by which Thee transfer
water to the plants under the layers on the ground and have through it
transfer the water to the vein of the trees between the solid and the rock..
I ask Thee by Thy Name by which Thee have created the taste of the fruits
and their colors. I requested from Thee by Thy Name which we commence and
conclude and I am requesting from Thee by Thy Name, the one and the Only,
having the exclusive possession of oneness, The Oneness in His everlasting,
I requested from Thee by Thy Name that cause the water to gush out of the
hard rock and Thee convey it to wherever Thee wishes.
I requested from Thee by Thy Name by which Thee have
created Thy creations and have provide their provision how Thee and they
wishes, O’ He who was not changed by day and night, I call upon Thee as Noah
has called upon Thee and You salvage him together with those with him and
Thee have perished the unbelievers among his people, I have also call upon
The as Ibrahim (Thy intimate friend) had called Upon Thee when Thee rescued
him and made the flame cold and peace for him, I call upon Thee as Moses
does (Thy addresser) when he called upon Thee and Thee split the sea for him
and rescued him and the children of Israel and drown Pharaoh and his people
in the sea.
I call upon Thee as Jesus (Thy spirit) did when he called
upon Thee and Thou rescued him from his enemies and raised him unto Thyself,
and I call upon Thee as Thy beloved, Thy sincere, Thy Prophet Muhammad
(blessing be upon him and his holy progeny) did and Thee answer his call and
rescued him from the troops that against him and gave him upper hand against
Thy enemies.
I requested from Thee by Thy Name Thee accepted prayers
when Thee are call with it, O, He who possess the command and the creation,
O’ He who Knowledge encompasses every thing, O’ He who knows everything in
number, O’ He who did not change by day and night, O’ He the voice of those
that call Him are not in similarity to Him and there are no any hidden
language to Him and the plaintive cries of those who weep do not weary Him.
I seek from Thee to send Thy blessing upon Muhammad and
the family of Muhammad, the best among Thy creatures. Blessed them with the
best blessing and bless all the Prophets and the Messengers, who has
delivered Guidance from Thee, who has made very sophisticate their covenant
with You through obedience, and send Thy blessing to Thy good servants.
Implement what Thee have promise me, O’ He who did not
fail His promise, gather all my companions and grant them patient, assist me
against Thy enemies and the enemies of Thy Messengers, don’t block my
calling, because I am Thy servant, the descendant of Thy servant, a captive
before Thee, my master, Thee bestow this position on me and confer it upon
me and not to other among Thy creatures. I seek form Thee to bless Muhammad
and the family of Muhammad and to implement what Thee has promise me, Thee
are Honest who did not fail His promise and Thee possess the power over all