Imam Jaa�far bin Muhammad
As Sadiq (a.s.) used to recite
the following dua'a in the month of Rajab:
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Run to a
dead end the hoodwinked passengers who looked for the �Ghayrallah�
(other than Thee), Lost
their way, lured and swindled, those who hanged onto and held fast
anything that offers itself, not linked with Thee, cried in
anguish, frightened and agitated, those who stayed and took shelter
anywhere other than Thee, went
waste efforts of those who tried to profit from that which they came
across instead of having the wholesome benefits from Thee. Thy door
is wide open for those who call humbly and fervently on Thee, Success,
high � mindedness, and piety are freely available to those who pray and
request Thee, Thy
favours are common and open to all when besought submissively, They
gifts come in long strides when asked for by the hopeful supplicants,
tears in their eyes, the daily bread (from Thee) is openly spread out for
one and all, even the transgressors, Thy indulgence reach out (even) to
those who keep themselves far from Thee, Thy
usual disposition is to do favour (even) to those who stir up mischief, Thy
system looks after and keeps alive (even) those who are hostile to Thee. O my
Allah, therefore, keep me on the path of those who are rightly guided,
give me courage to strive like those who exert themselves fully in Thy
way, and do
not let me be among the negligent who have gone far in their
forgetfulness, forgive
me on the Day of Judgement. |
Wafedoona `ala ghaireka wa khaseral muta arrezoona illa laka waza`al
mullimmoona illa beka wa ajdabal muntaje`oona illa man intaja`a fazlaka
baboka maftoohun lir raghebeena wa khairoka mabzoolun littalebeena wa
fazloka mubahun lis-sa`eleena wa nailoka mutabun lil `aameleena wa rizqoka
mabsootun leman `asaka wa
hilmoka mo`tarezun leman nawaka adatokal ehsano ilal musi-eena wa
sabeelokal ibqa`o alal mo `tadeena. Allahumma
fadeni hudal mohtadeena warzuqni ijtehadal mujtahedeena wa la taj`alni
minal ghafeleenal mub `adeena waghfirli yaumaddeen. Allahooma
Salle Alaa Mohammadin wa Aale Mohammad,
Ameen. |
O my
Allah I ask Thee for the poise and composure of the thankful, for the
disposition of the cautious in awe of Thy reverence, for the sure certain
dedication of the adorers. O my
Allah Thou art the Highest Almighty, and I am Thy bondman, a poor
miserable needy, Thou art the praiseworthy who has enough and is above
needs, and I am insignificant indistinct dependent, O Allah send
blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, show favour to and
bestow benefits on me, on account of Thy infinite sufficiency in my
distress; on account of Thy indulgence in my ignorance; on account of Thy
might in my weakness, O Mighty! O Almighty! O my Allah send blessings on
Muhammad and on his descendants, the approved praiseworthy successors, and
free me from that which breaks my heart and turns me Gray with worry in
worldly matters and about my fate on the Day of Judgement, O the Most
Merciful! |
allahumma inni as-aluka
sabra alshshakirina laka,
wa�amala alkhaifina minka,
wayaqina al� abidina laka.
allahumma anta al� aliy
al� azimu,
wa-ana �abduka alba-isu
anta alghaniy alhamidu,
wa-ana al� abdu
allahumma salli �alai
muhammadin wa-alihi wamnun bighinaka �ala faqri,
wabihilmika �alai jahli,
wabiquwwatika �alai da
ya qawiyyu ya �azizu.
allahumma salli �ala
muhammadin wa-alihi al-awsiya�I almardiyyina,
aakfiny ma ahammany min amri
alddunya wal-akhirati
ya arhama arrahimina.