It is recommended to say the following whispered prayer (munajat) that has been narrated by Ibn Khalawayh who commented on it, saying, “This is the confidential prayer of Imam `Ali Amir al-Mu'minin and the Holy Imams (peace be upon them) who used to recite it in the month of Shaban.” It is advisable to recite it with presence of heart all the time.
The late Mirza Agha Maliki Tabrizi, one of the teachers of Imam Khomeini, especially in the fields of ethics and spirituality, says that Munajat Sha‘baniyyah contains a wealth of knowledge and the etiquettes and manners of beseeching Allah, and how one can pray and ask for forgiveness from Him.
Imam `Ali Amir al-Mu'minin and the Holy Imams (peace be upon them) who used to recite it in the month of Shaban.” It is advisable to recite it with presence of heart all the time.
wa salla allahu `ala muhammadin rasulihi wa alihi alttahirina
May Allah send blessings to Muhammad, His Messenger, and upon his Household the Infallible,
وَسَلَّمَ تَسْلِيماً كَثِيراً
wa sallama tasliman kathiran
and may countless greetings be to them.
English improved Translation by Shk Asad Dharsi
In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful
Oh Allah! Send your choicest mercy upon Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad S.
Hear my prayer when I supplicate to you, and Hear my cry when I call out to you
And turn towards me when I whisper to you! (as) surely I have come fleeing to you and (now) stand before you
(in a state that I am) desperately pleading towards You, beseeching You, (being) hopeful towards what you have rewarding for me,
(while) You know what is in my soul and You have news of my need and You are aware of my hidden reality.
And the affairs of my turns and stations are not hidden from You
(and likewise) what I want to begin expressing, and bring to utterance in asking, and the hopes for my ultimate culmination (are not hidden from You)
And Your Preordained measured capacities for me will transpire, Oh My Master, in what is going to ensue from me till the end of my life, in account of my affairs (both) hidden and apparent,
And in Your Hand and not in the hand of other than You, lies the increase, decrease, benefit and harm (in the affairs of my life – hidden and apparent)
My God! If you hold back from me, then who will provide me with sustenance?
And if you forsake me, then who will come to my assistance?
My God! I seek Your Protection from Your Wrath, and from becoming eligible for Your Displeasure
My God! If I am not worthy of Your Mercy, You are (indeed) worthy of generosity towards me by the expansiveness of Your Grace.
My God! As if I myself stand in your Presence while my high degree of trust and reliance upon You has shaded me; so You said [did] what You are worthy of, and (thereby) wrapped me in Your Pardon.
My God! If You pardon, then who is more suited than You to do so? And if my death has come near, and my deeds did not yet bring me close to You, then I make this confession of my sins to You a means of approaching You.
My God! I have been unjust upon my soul due to fixation (on base needs) for its sake, and it will certainly be doomed if You do not forgive it.
My God! You have continually been kind to me in my lifetime, so do not cut off Your favour from me at the time of my death.
My God! How can I despair from your good attention towards me after my death, while you have not left me (with anything) but beauty in my lifetime.
My God! Undertake guardianship of my affairs in a way that befits You and return favourably with your Grace towards a sinner whose ignorance has become immersive.
My God! You surely covered my sins in the temporal life, while I am in greater need of Your covering them for me in the Next.
( My God! You acted benevolently towards me) when you did not make them apparent to anyone from Your Virtuous Servants, so do not expose me on the day of Rising, before the faces of onlookers.
My God! Your Generosity has increased my aspiration, and Your Pardon is worthier than my action.
My God! So make me exhilarated by Your Meeting on the day wherein You will judge between Your Servants.
My God! My apology to You is the seeking excuse of someone who cannot afford the non-acceptance of his apology, thus accept my excuse, O the Most Honouring One that the sinners seek excuse from.
My God! Don’t turn my request down, and don’t undermine my yearning, and don’t cut off my hope and aspirations from You.
My God! If You had wanted my disgrace, You would not have guided me, and if You had wanted to expose me, You would not have kept me well.
My God! I don’t reckon You will turn down a request I have expended my whole life in seeking it from You.
My God! To You belongs All Praise, everlastingly, eternally, forever, perpetually, increasing and not diminishing, the way You Love and Please.
My God! If You take me to task for my crimes, I will cling to You by Your Pardon, and if You hold me responsible for my sins, I will cling to You by Your Forgiveness,
And if You make me enter Hell, I will announce to its inmates that I surely love You!
My God! If my deeds fall short before (the suitability of) Your Obedience, my aspirations are uplifted due to (the degree of) Hope I hold in You.
My God! How can I turn away from You, failed and denied, while my Good opinion of Your Generosity made me sure of becoming successful and blessed.
My God! I have perished my life in the greed of oblivion (away) from You, and I have decayed my youth in the intoxication of becoming distant from You.
My God! I did not wake up while arrogant towards You and while seeking the path of Your displeasure.
My God! I am your servant, the son of Your servant, standing before You, interceding by means of Your Magnanimity towards You.
My God! I am a servant seeking elimination from You of all what was committed by me in Your Presence unashamedly, with low regard for Your Watch,
And I seek Pardon from You, as Pardon is a characteristic of Your Magnanimity.
My God! I did not have the ability (by which) I could move away from Your disobedience, except in moments that You woke me up to Your Love.
And the way you Willed that I be, I was, thus I thanked You for including me in Your Magnanimity, and for purifying my heart from the filth of negligence towards You.
My God! Look at me the look of a person who You have called out to, and he answered you, and who You empowered to serve You and he obeyed You.
O the Near who is not away from the one infatuated with Him! O the Generous who does not withhold from the one who hopes for His reward.
My God! Grant me a heart that is drawn near to You by its passion, and a tongue whose truthfulness raises it towards You, and a sight whose authenticity brings it close to You.
My God! Indeed the one who recognizes through You is not unknown, the one who takes shelter in You is not forsaken, and the one who You turn towards is not owned by another (or, is not fatigued).
My God! Indeed the one who treads the path through You is surely enlightened, the one who holds onto You has surely sought refuge, and certainly I have sought refuge with You my God!
So do not disappoint my notions from Your Mercy, and do not veil me from Your Kindness.