Supplication 50 ,69 for Warding Off Calamities and Seeking Protection
Dua 50,69 from Sahifa Alavia by Imam Ali(as)

50. His Supplication for Warding Off Calamities and Seeking Protection
اَللّٰہُمَّ بِتَأَلُّقِ نُوْرِ بَہَآءِ عَرْشِکَ مِنْ اَعْدَآئِیْ اِسْتَتَرْتُ
Allāhumma bi-ta'alluqi nūri bahā'i 'arshika min a'dā'ī istatartu
O Allah, by the radiance of the light of the splendor of Your Throne, I am concealed from my enemies,

وَ بِسَطْوَۃِ الْجَبَرُوْتِ مِنْ کَمَالِ عِزِّکَ مِمَّنْ یَّکِیْدُنِیْ اِحْتَجَبْتُ
wa bi-satwatil-jabarūti min kamāli 'izzika mimman yakīdunī ihtajabtu
And by the might of Your omnipotence, from the perfection of Your might, I am veiled from whoever plots against me,

وَ بِسُلْطَانِکَ الْعَظِیْمِ مِنْ شَرِّ کُلِّ سُلْطَانٍ عَنِیْدٍ وَّ شَیْطَانٍ مَرِیْدٍ اِسْتَعَذْتُ
wa bi-sulṭānikal-'aẓīmi min sharri kulli sulṭānin 'anīdin wa shayṭānin marīdin ista'adhtu
And by Your great authority, from the evil of every obstinate ruler and rebellious devil, I seek refuge,

وَ مِنْ فَوَائِضِ نِعْمَائِکَ وَ جَزِیْلِ عَطَآئِکَ یَا مَوْلَایَ طَلَبْتُ
wa min fawā'iḍi ni'mā'ika wa jazīli 'aṭā'ika yā mawlāya ṭalabtu
And from the abundance of Your blessings and the generous of Your gifts, O my Master, I seek.

کَیْفَ اَخَافُ وَ اَنْتَ اَمَلِیْ وَ کَیْفَ اُضَامُ وَ عَلَیْکَ مُتَّکِلِیْ
Kayfa akhāfu wa anta amalī wa kayfa uḍāmu wa 'alayka muttikalī
How can I fear when You are my hope, and how can I be wronged when You are my reliance?

اَسْلَمْتُ اِلَیْکَ نَفْسِیْ وَ فَوَّضْتُ اِلَیْکَ اَمْرِیْ وَ تَوَکَّلْتُ فِیْ کُلِّ اَحْوَالِیْ عَلَیْکَ
Aslamtu ilayka nafsī wa fawwaḍtu ilayka amrī wa tawakkaltu fī kulli aḥwālī 'alayk
I have submitted myself to You, and entrusted my affair to You, and relied in all my circumstances upon You.

صَلِّ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَّ اٰلِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَّ اَشْفِنِیْ وَ اَکْفِنِیْ وَ اَغْلِبْنِیْ عَلٰی مَنْ غَلَبَنِیْ
Ṣalli 'alā muḥammadin wa āli muḥammad wa ashfinī wa akfinī wa aghlibnī 'alā man ghalabanī
Send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, and heal me and suffice me and grant me victory over whoever defeats me,

یَا غَالِبًا غَیْرَ مَغْلُوْبٍ زَجَرْتُ کُلَّ رَاصِدٍ رَصَدَ وَ مَارِدٍ مَرَدَ
Yā ghāliban ghayra maghlūbin zajartu kulla rāṣidin raṣada wa māridin marada
O Victorious One who is never vanquished, I rebuke every watcher who watches and every rebellious one who rebels,

وَ حَاسِدٍ حَسَدَ وَ عَانِدٍ عَنَدَ بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ
wa ḥāsidin ḥasada wa 'ānidin 'anada bi-smi allāhi ar-raḥmāni ar-raḥīm
And every envier who envies and every obstinate one who is stubborn. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

قُلْ ہُوَ اللهُ اَحَدٌ۝۱ۚ اَللهُ الصَّمَدُ۝۲ۚ لَمْ يَلِدْ۝۰ۥۙ وَ لَمْ يُوْلَدْ۝۳ۙ
Qul huwa allāhu aḥadun allāhu ṣ-ṣamad lam yalid wa lam yūlad
Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One, Allah the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born,

وَ لَمْ يَكُنْ لَّہٗ كُفُوًا اَحَدٌ۝۴ۧ
wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan aḥad
Nor is there to Him any equivalent."

کَذٰلِکَ اللهُ رَبُّنَا حَسْبُنَا اللهُ وَ نِعْمَ الْوَکِیْلُ اَقْوٰی مُعِیْنٍ
Kadhālika allāhu rabbunā ḥasbunā allāhu wa ni'ma al-wakīlu aqwá mu'īn
Thus is Allah, our Lord. Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs, the strongest Helper.

69. His supplication for safety from calamities
اَللّٰہُمَّ بِکَ اُسَاوِرُ وَ بِکَ اُحَاوِلُ وَ بِکَ اَصُوْلُ وَ بِکَ اَنْتَصِرُ
Allāhumma bika usāwiru wa bika uḥāwilu wa bika aṣūlu wa bika antaṣiru
O Allah, with You I contend, and with You I strive, and with You I attack, and with You I gain victory,

وَ بِکَ اَمُوْتُ وَ بِکَ اَحْیَا اَسْلَمْتُ نَفْسِیْ اِلَیْکَ وَ فَوَّضْتُ اَمْرِیْ اِلَیْکَ
wa bika amūtu wa bika aḥyā aslamtu nafsī ilayka wa fawwaḍtu amrī ilayk
And with You I die, and with You I live. I have submitted myself to You, and entrusted my affair to You.

وَ لَا حَوْلَ وَ لَا قُوَّۃَ اِلَّا بِاللهِ الْعَلِیِّ الْعَظِیْمِ
wa lā ḥawla wa lā quwwata illā billāhi al-'aliyyi al-'aẓīm
And there is no might nor power except with Allah, the Exalted, the Great.

اَللّٰہُمَّ اِنَّکَ خَلَقْتَنِیْ وَ رَزَقْتَنِیْ وَ سَرَرْتَنِیْ وَ سَتَرْتَنِیْ
Allāhumma innaka khalaqtanī wa razaqtanī wa sarartanī wa satartanī
O Allah, You created me, and You provided for me, and You gladdened me, and You concealed my faults,

وَ بَیْنَ الْعِبَادِ بِلُطْفِکَ خَوَّلْتَنِیْ اِذَا وَہَیْتُ رَدَدْتَنِیْ
wa bayna al-'ibādi biluṭfika khawwaltanī idhā wahaytu radadtanī
And among Your servants, by Your kindness, You have favored me. When I weakened, You restored me,

وَ اِذَا عَثَرْتُ اَقَلْتَنِیْ وَ اِذَا مَرِضْتُ شَفَیْتَنِیْ وَ اِذَا دَعَوْتُکَ اَجَبْتَنِیْ
wa idhā 'athartu aqaltanī wa idhā mariḍtu shafaytanī wa idhā da'awtuka ajabtanī
And when I stumbled, You lifted me up, and when I fell ill, You healed me, and when I called upon You, You answered me.

سَیِّدِیْ اِرْضَ عَنِّیْ فَقَدْ اَرْضَیْتَنِیْ وَ صَلَّی اللهُ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ
Sayyidī irḍa 'annī faqad arḍaytanī wa ṣallá allāhu 'alá muḥammadin
My Master, be pleased with me, for You have pleased me. And may Allah send blessings upon Muhammad,

وَّ اٰلِہِ الطَّاہِرِیْنَ
wa ālihi aṭ-ṭāhirīn
And his pure family.