24. An Elegy (Munajat)
Dua 24 from Sahifa Alavia by Imam Ali(as)

24. An Elegy (Munajat)
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ.
Bismil Laahir Rahmaanir Raheem.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

لَکَ الْحَمْدُ یَا ذَا الْجُوْدِ وَ الْمَجْدِ وَ الْعُلٰی تَبَارَکْتَ تُعْطِیْ مَا تَشَآءُ وَتَمْنَعُ
lakal hamdo yaa zal joode wal majde wal o’laa Tabaarakta to’tee maa tashaa-o wa tamna-o’
To You be all praise; O Lord of magnanimity, Blessed be You; You favor or ban whomever You wish. glory, and elevation!

اِلٰہِیْ وَ خَلَّاقِیْ وَ خِرْزِیْ وَ مَوْئِلِیْ اِلَیْکَ لَدَی الْاِعْسَارِ وَ الْیُسْرَ اَفْزَعُ
elaahee wa khallaqee wa khirzee wa maw-eleeelayka ladal e-a’saare wal yusra afza-o’
. O my God! My Creator, my Shelter, and my Refuge!To You do I resort in hardships and in joys

اِلٰہِیْ لَئِنْ جَلَّتْ وَ حَمَّتْ خَطِیْئَتِیْ فَعَفْوُکَ عَنْ ذَنْبِیْ اَجَلَّ وَ اَوْسَعُ
elaahee la-in jallat wa hammat khatee-ateefa-a’fwoka a’n zanbee ajalla wa awsa-o’
O my God! Even if my sin is too grave and too big,Your pardoning my sin is still greater and vaster.

اِلٰہِیْ لَئِنْ اَعْطَیْتَ نَفْسِیْ سُؤْلَہَا فَہَا اَنَا فِی رَوْضِ النَّدَامَۃِ اَرْتَعُ
elaahee la-in a-a’tayta nafsee soa-lahaa.fahaa anaa fee rawzin nadaamate arta-o’.
O my God! Because I have allowed my soul to do whatever it liked,here I am now turning over and over on the land of remorse.

اِلٰہِیْ تَرٰی حَالِیْ وَ فَقْرِیْ وَ فَاقَتِیْ وَ اَنْتَ مُنَاجَاتِیْ الْخَفِیَّۃَ تَسْمَعُ
elaahee taraa haalee wa faqree wa faaqateewa anta monaajaatil khafiyyata tasma-o’
O my God! You can see my manner, my neediness, and my poverty,so can You hear my inaudible prayers to You.

اِلٰہِیْ فَلَا تَقْطَعْ رَجَائِیْ وَلَا تُزِغْ فُؤَادِیْ فَلِیْ فِیْ سَیْبِ جُوْدِکَ مَطْمَعٌ
elaahee falaa taq-ta’ rajaa-ee wa laa tozighfo-aadee falee fee saybe joodeka mat-ma-u’n
O my God! Then (please) do not disappoint me and do not cause my heart to turn away, for I long for Your vast magnanimity.

اِلٰہِیْ لَئِنْ خَیَّبْتَنِیْ اَوْ طَرَدْ تَنِیْ فَمَنْ ذَا الَّذِیْ اَرْجُوْا وَ مَنْ ذَا اُشَفِّعُ
elaahee la-in khayyabtanee aw tarad-tanee faman zal lazee arjoo wa man zaa o-shaffe-o’
O my God! If You disappoint me or throw me out,then for whom will I hope and whose intercession will I seek before You?

اِلٰہِیْ اَجِرْنِیْ مِنْ عَذَابِکَ اِنَّنِیْ اَسِیْرٌ ذَلِیْلٌ خَائِفٌ لَکَ اَخْضَعُ
elaahee ajirnee min a’zaabeka innaneeaseerun zaleelun khaa-efun laka akhza-o’
O my God! Please redeem me from Your torture,for I am imprisoned, humble, and to You do I submit.

اِلٰہِیْ فَآنِسْنِیْ بِتَلْقِیْنِ حُجَّتِیْ اِذَا کَانَ لِیْ فِیْ الْقَبْرِ مَثْوًی وَ مَضْجَعُ
elaahee fa-aanisnee be-talqeene hujjatee ezaa kaana lee fil qabre maswan wa maz-ja-o’
O my God! Delight me by helping me submit my argument,when I shall be lodged in my grave.

اِلٰہِیْ لَئِنْ عَذَّبْتَنِیْ اَلْفَ حِـجَّۃٍ فَحَبْلُ رَجَائِیْ مِنْکَ لَا یَتَقَطَّعُ
elaahee la-in a’zzabtanee alfa hijjatinfa-hablo rajaa-ee minka laa yataqatta-o’
O my God! If You chastise me for one thousand years,the rope of my hope for You shall nonetheless be cut off.

اِلٰہِیْ اَذِقْنِیْ طَعْمَ عَفْوِکَ یَوْمَ لَاَنُوْنَ وَ لَا مَالٌ ہُنَالِکَ یَنْفَعُ
elaahee aziqnee ta’ma a’fweka yawma laa banoona wa laa maalun honaaleka yanfa-o’
O my God, please make me taste the flavor of Your pardon on that Day when neither one’s sons nor property shall promote.

اِلٰہِیْ اِذَا لَمْ تَرْعَنِیْ کُنْتُ ضَآئِعًا وَ اِنْ کُنْتَ تَرْعَانِیْ فَلَسْتُ اُضَیَّعُ
elaahee izaa lam tar-a’nee kunto zaaa-e-a’n wa in kunta tar-a’anee fa-lasto ozayya-o’
O my God! If You do not guard me, I shall certainly be lost,but if You guard me, I shall never be lost.

اِلٰہِیْ اِذَا لَمْ تَعْفُ عَنْ غَیْرِ مُحْسِنٍ فَمَنْ لِمُسِیْٓءٍ بِالْہَوٰی یَتَمَتَّعُ
elaahee ezaa lam ta’fo a’n ghayre mohsenin faman le-moseee-in bil-hawaa yatamatta-o’
O my God! If You forgive none but the doer of good deeds,then who shall care for the wrongdoers who plunge in their fancies?

اِلٰہِیْ لَئِنْ فَرَّطْتُ فِیْ طَلَبِ التُّقٰیَہَا اَنَا اِثْرَ الْعَفْوِ اَقْفُوْا وَ اَتْبَعُ
elaahee la-in farrat-to fee talabit toqaa fahaa anaa isral A’FWE aq-foo wa at-ba-o’
O my God! If I have been negligent in the seeking of piety,here I am now tracking the traces of Your pardon.

اِلٰہِیْ لَئِنْ اَخْطَأْتُ جَہْلًا فَطَالَمَاَجَوْتُکَ حَتّٰی قِیْلَ مَا ہُوَ یَجْزَعُ
elaahee la-in akh-taato jahlan fa-taalamaa rajawtoka hattaa qeela maa howa yajza-o’
O my God! If I have been wrong out of ignorance,I have begged You so much that it was said that I would never feel tired.

اِلٰہِیْ ذُنُوْبِیْ بَذَّتِ الطَّوْدَ وَ اعْتَلَتْ وَ صَفْحُکَ عَنْ ذَنْبِیْ اَجَلُّ وَ اَرْفَعُ
elaahee zonoobee bazzatit tawda wa’ talat wa safhoka a’n zanbee ajallo wa arfa-o’
O my God! Although my sins have been higher than mountains,Your pardon is still higher and more elevated.

اِلٰہِیْ یُنَجِّیْ ذِکْرُ طَوْلِکَ لَوْعَتِیْ وَ ذِکْرُ الْخَطَایَا الْعَیْنَ مِنِّیْ یُدَمِّعُ
elaahee yonajjee zikro tawleka law-a’tee wa zikrul khataayal a’yna minnee yodamme-o’
O my God! As I remember Your power, my agonies are abated,and as I remember my sins, my eyes shed tears.

اِلٰہِیْ اَقِلْنِیْ عَثْرَتِیْ وَامْحُ حَوْبَتِیَْاِنِّیْ مُقِرٌّ خَآئِفٌ مُتَضَرِّعُ
elaahee aqilnee a’sratee wam-ho hawbatee fa-innee moqirrun khaaa-efun motazarre-o’
O my God! Please overlook my slips and erase my wrongdoing,for I confess of them fearfully and hopefully.

اِلٰہِیْ اَنِلْنِیْ مِنْکَ رَوْحًا وَ رَاحَۃً فَلَسْتُ سِوٰی اَبْوَابِ فَضْلِکَ اَقْرَعُ
elaahee anilnee minka rawhan wa raahatan fa-lasto sewaa abwaabe fazleka aqra-o’
O my God! Grant me rest and relax from You,for I knock no door save the doors of Your favor.

اِلٰهِي لَئِنْ اَقْصَيْتَنِيْ اَوْ اَهَنْتَنِيْ فَمَا حِیْلَتِیْ یَا رَبِّ اَمْ کَیْفَ اَصْنَعُ
elaahee la-in aqsaytanee aw ahantanee famaa heelatee yaa rabbe am kayfa asna-o’
O my God! If You expel me or insult me, which method shall I then take and what shall I do?

اِلٰہِیْ حَلِیْفُ الْحُبِّ فِیْ اللَّیْلِ سَاہِرٌ یُنَاجِیْ وَ یَدْعُوْا وَ الْمُغَفَّلُ یَہْجَعُ
elaahee haleeful hubbe fil layle saaherun yonaajee wa yad-o’o wal moghaffalo yahja-o’
O my God! The true lover (of You) is staying up at night,calling at You and praying to You, while the unmindful is asleep!

اِلٰہِیْ وَ ہٰذَا الْخَلْقُ مَا بَیْنَ نَائِمٍ وَ مُنْتَبِہٍ فِیْ لَیْلَۃٍ یَتَضَرَّعُ
elaahee wa haazal khalqo maa bayna naa-emin wa muntabehin fee laylatin yatazarra-o’
. O my God! These beings are either sleeping or vigilant at night, beseeching You

وَ کُلُّہُمْ یَرْجُوْ نَوَالَکَ رَاجِیًا لِرَحْمَتِکَ الْعُظْمٰی وَ فِی الْخُلْدِ یَطْمَعُ
wa kullohum yarjoo nawaalaka raajeyan le-rahmatekal u’zmaa wa fil khulde yat-ma-o’
Yet, all are hoping for Your rewards, wishing for Your Grandest Mercy, and desiring for Eternity.

اِلٰہِیْ یُمَنِّیْنِیْ رَجَائِیْ سَلَامَۃً وَ قُبْحُ خَطِٓیْئَاتِیْ عَلَیَّ تُشَنِّعُ
elaahee yomanneenee rajaa-ee salaamatan wa qubho khatee-aatee a’layya toshanne-o’
O my God! My hope for You makes me feel safe,but the vice of my wrongdoings is reproaching me.

اِلٰہِیْ فَاِنْ تَعْفُوْا فَعَفْوُکَ مُنْقِذِیْ وَ اِلَّا فَبِالذَّنْبِ الْمُدَمِّرِ اُصْرَعُ
elaahee fa-in ta’foo fa-a’fwoka munqezee wa illaa fa-biz zanbil modammere usra-o’
O my God! If you pardon me, then You shall have saved me;otherwise, I will be the prey of my offensive sins.

اِلٰہِیْ بِحَقِّ الْہَاشِمِیِّ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ حُرْمَۃِ اَطْہَارٍہُمْ لَکَ خُضَّعُ
elaahee behaqqil haashemiyye mohammadin wa hurmate athaarin hum laka khuzza-o’
O my God! (I beseech You) in the name of Muhammad, the Hashemite and in the name of the sanctity of those Pure Ones who always submit to You.

اِلٰہِیْ بِحَقِّ الْمُصْطَفٰی وَ ابْنِ عَمِّہٖ وَ حُرْمَۃِ اَبْرَارٍ ہُمْ لَکَ خُشَّعُ
elaahee behaqqil mustafaa wab ne a’mmehi wa hurmate abraarin hum laka khus-sha-o’
O my God! (I beseech You) in the name of the Chosen Prophet, his cousin,and the sanctity of the Pious Ones who are fearful of You.

اِلٰہِیْ فَاَنْشِرْنِیْ عَلٰی دِیْنِ اَحْمَدٍ مُنِیْبًا تَقِیًّا قَانِتًا لَکَ اَخْضَعُ
elaahee fa-anshirnee a’laa deene ahmadin moneeban taqiyyan qaanetan laka akhza-o’
. O my God! Guide me to keep following the religion of Ahmad with full submission, piety, obedience, and surrender to You

وَلَا تَحْرِمْنِیْ یَا اِلٰہِیْ وَ سَیَّدِیَْفَاعَتَہُ الْکُبْرٰی فَذَاکَ الْمُشَفَّعُ
wa laa tahrimnee yaa elaahee wa sayyadee sha-faa-a’tahul kubraa fazaakal moshaffa-o’
Please, deprive me not, O my God and Master!of his (i.e. Muhammad) great intercession, for he is the true interceder.

وَ صَلِّ عَلَیْہِمْ مَا دَعَاکَ مُوَحِّدٌ وَ نَاجَاکَ اَخْیَارٌ بِبَابِکَ رُکَّعُ
wa salle a’layhim maa da-a’aka mowahhedun wa naajaaka akhyaarun be-baabeka ruka-o’
send blessings to them as long as one believing in Your Oneness prays to You and as long as pious people, kneeling down at Your door, implore You.