All Days PageAmaal Eve 23rd -
(night preceeding day 23rd) 8 Rak-a’t after the recitation of Soorah A Faatih’ah, recite any other Soorah.
. Recite Quran Juz 23
“O‟ my God! Even though there is some doubt about whether this night or the previous one is the Night of Destiny, there is no doubt about Your being one and only and that You purify the deeds.
You do not reject him if he is sincere in what he asks and You would fulfill his request.
You thank him if he does good deeds. And You would save any deeds he sends up that please You.
And cut me off from my mistakes by Your Extensive Mercy. And please forgive me, my parents, all the believing men and women on this night. Forgiveness of one who is free from the punishment of the weak, Merciful to the ones in privation and poverty- Forgiving to his servants- Most kind to their humbleness and debasement.
Cut my hands off of forbidden things without cutting them or making them crippled, or making me dumb, or making me deaf, or making me blind, or making me crippled, or making me impotent, or given me a stomach-ache, or making my other organs defective.
Please let me enter to see You on the Day I shall stand in front of You while I am free of sins, free of faults, not ashamed of You, for having denied Your Blessings, having never confessed to anyone being a partner with You in Your Power, not having started any sedition, having never fallen into any ditch of unduly shed blood, not having placed anyone‟s yoke on my neck whom You have honored somehow, not having stood under any deceitful flags, and not having turned colors due to false oaths and betrayal of pledges.
Please give me enough of Your success and guidance to be able to follow the path of Your Obedience and pleasure, O‟ the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.”
3.Night Dua- Muhammad ibn Abi Qarrih book Amal-i-Shahr-i-Ramadhan 23rd
allahumma kun li-walliyikal-qaimi bi amrika, Muhammad-ibn-il-Hasan-il-Madhi ‘alayhi wa ‘alaa aabaihis-salaati was-salam
O’ Allah! Offer blessing and peace to be Your guard who will establish Your affair, Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Mahdi, may the best blessing and peace be on him and his forefathers