All Days PageAmaal Eve 6th -
(night preceeding day 6th)
Four units salat Salat with Surah al-Fatihah and Surah al-Mulk (No. 67).
It has also been narrated that two units of prayers should be recited on the sixth day of the month of Ramadhan for the part of Imam Reza‟s (as) rights that were returned to him on that day. In each unit you should say the Sura Fatiah once, and the Chapter Al-Ikhlas twenty-five times. In his book Al-Tawarikh al-Shar‟iya Al-Mufid said that Al-Ma‟moon pledged allegiance to our Master Al-Reza (as) on the sixth day of the month of Ramadhan Recite Quran Juz 6
1.On the authority of the Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him and his family)-Iqbal Aamal- 6th
Please cover them and us and what You favored them and us with under Your Protection, Your Sufficiency, Your Guard, and Your Protecting Cover from all evils and fears in this world and the Hereafter.
We throw the ideological spear of „There is no God but God – the Forebearing, the Generous! There is no God but God the Sublime, the Supreme. There is no God but God – Lord of the seven Heavens and whatever is in between them! Lord of the seven earths and whatever is in between them! And Lord of the Throne Supreme!‟ to whoever tries to bother, frighten or hurt the Progeny of Muhammad (MGB), or their followers and adherents.”
6.Syed Ibn Baqi Dua- Iqbal Aamal 6th
دعاء آخر في هذا اليوم برواية السيد ابن باقي رحمه الله في إختياره