Commentary Dua 3 Adkhil
Kafami’s Misbah, 617, Balad, 222; thence in Mustadrak, vii, 447, b 14, h 8623/2. Bihar, xcv,120, b 6, h 4, from Shahid Awwal.
1 Kafi, iv, 74, h 6, thence in Wasa’il, x, 325, b 21, h 13519. Muqnicah, 314, b 10. Iqbal, 24, 39, thence in Bihar, xciv, 376, b 3, h 1, and Mustadrak, viii, 57, b 40, h 9064/2. Kafcami’s Misbah, 616, thence in Mustadrak, vii, 446, b 14, h 8622/1. Bihar, xcv, 1, b 5, h 1; xcvi, 27, b 3, h 3.
This supplication is known as ‘the Supplication of Hajj.’ Sayyid Ibn Tawus, in Iqbal, cites a report according to which Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (ca) prescribed its recitation after maghrib prayer during the nights of Ramadan.1 Kafcami says in Balad al-Amin that it is mustahab to recite it every day during the month of Ramadan as well as on the first night.
2 Shaykh Mufid, in Muqnicah, sites a report according to which this supplication is meant particularly for the first night, following the maghrib prayer3.
1 Iqbal, 24, thence in Mustadrak, viii, 57, b 40, h 9064/2.
2 Kafami’s Misbah, 617, Balad, 222. Bihar, xcvi, 27, b 3, h 3.
3 Muqniah, 313-314.
Duas after Nafilah - Iqbal Aamal
The shortest supplications for in between the units of the recommended prayers for the month of Ramadhan may be for those who have an excuse and wish to recite short supplications, or they may be a part of longer supplication. It has been narrated, “Use the following supplications.”
Ali ibn Abdul Wahid narrated the following through a chain of documents on the authority of Raja ibn Yahya ibn Saman: “We obtained the following supplications from the house of our master Abi Muhammad Al-Hassan ibn Ali Al-Askari (MGB) in the year 255 A.H.” He reports the complete Al-Risal-i-al-Maqnea in its complete form and suggests that the following supplications be used in between each two units of the recommended prayers of the month of Ramadhan
اَللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْ فِيمَا تَقْضِي وَتُقَدِّرُ مِنَ الأَمْرِ الْعَظِيمِ الْمَحْتُوْمِ
Allāhumma ij‘al fīmā taqḍī wa tuqaddiru min al-amri al-‘aẓīmi al-maḥtūm,
O Allah, make it among what You decree and determine of the great, concealed affair,
وَفِيمَا تَفْرُقُ مِنَ الأَمْرِ الْحَكِيمِ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ
Wa fīmā tafruqu min al-amri al-ḥakīmi fī laylati al-qadr,
And among what You distribute of the wise affair on the Night of Decree,
أَنْ تَجْعَلَنِي مِنْ حُجَّاجِ بَيْتِكَ الْحَرَامِ الْمَبْرُورِ حَجُّهُمُ الْمَشْكُورِ سَعْيُهُمُ الْمَغْفُورِ ذَنْبُهُم
An taj‘alani min ḥujjāji baytika al-ḥarāmi al-mabrūri ḥajjuhum al-mashkūri sa‘yuhum al-maghfūri dhanbuhum,
That You make me among the pilgrims to Your Sacred House, whose pilgrimage is accepted, whose effort is appreciated, and whose sins are forgiven.
وَأَسْأَلُكَ أَنْ تُطِيلَ عُمْرِي فِي طَاعَتِكَ وَتُوَسِّعَ لِي فِي رِزْقِي
Wa as’aluka an tuṭīla ‘umrī fī ṭā‘atika wa tuwassi‘a lī fī rizqī,
And I ask You to prolong my life in obedience to You and to expand my sustenance,
يَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِينَ.
Yā arḥama al-rāḥimīn.
O Most Merciful of the merciful.
Para format
اَللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْ فِيمَا تَقْضِي وَتُقَدِّرُ مِنَ الأَمْرِ الْعَظِيمِ الْمَحْتَوُمِ
وَفِيمَا تَفْرُقُ مِنَ الأَمْرِ الْحَكِيمِ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ
أَنْ تَجْعَلَنِي مِنْ حُجَّاجِ بَيْتِكَ الْحَرَامِ الْمَبْرُورِ حَجُّهُمُ الْمَشْكُورِ سَعْيُهُمُ الْمَغْفُورِ ذَنْبُهُم
وَأَسْأَلُكَ أَنْ تُطِيلَ عُمْرِي فِي طَاعَتِكَ وَتُوَسِّعَ لِي فِي رِزْقِي
يَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِينَ.
“O‟ my God! And in what You decide and destine for me,
and in determining a rational and sensible course of affairs in the Night of Destiny,
I ask You to include me amongst the pilgrims to Your Sacred House, whose pilgrimage receives Your Approval,
whose endeavors are appreciated, and whose sins are forgiven. And I ask You to extend my life in Your Worship, and increase my sustenance.
O‟ the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful!”
Detailed duas from Book Iqbal Aamal for Salat Layl ( to check?)
My grandfather Abi Ja‟far al-Tusi - may God the Sublime give him mercy and blessings – narrated the following short supplications for between the prayers in Tahzib ul-Ahkam on the authority of Ja‟far As-Sadiq (MGB): “After saying the evening prayer and the Recommended Nafila prayers, say eight units of recommended prayers after the evening prayer. Once you finish saying two units say the Fatimah Zahra glorifications1 and say,
„O‟ my God! You are the First and there has been nothing before You. And You are the Last and there shall be nothing after You. And You are Apparent and there is nothing above You. And You are the Hidden and there is nothing else below You! And You are Exalted in Might – All-Wise! O‟ my God! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). Please let me partake in all the good that You let Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) partake in. Please release me from all evil that You released Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) from. May God‟s peace, mercy and blessings be upon them.”
Then say the following long supplications as reported by Muhammad ibn Abi Qarrih in his book A‟mal-i-Shahr-i-Ramadhan1 following these two units for more prosperity:
“O‟ my God! This is the month of Ramadhan. This is the month to fast, this is the month to stand in prayer, this is the month to turn back to You, This is the month of repentance. This is the month for Mercy. This is the month for Forgiveness. This is the month of Salvation with shelter in Paradise, This is the month of liberation from the Fire. This is the month of Ramadhan in which You revealed the Qur‟an. O‟ my God! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). O‟ my God! Please assist me in this month to observe fasting in its days and worshipping You in its nights and keep it safe for me and keep me healthy during it. Please assist me in this month, with the best of Your Assistance and grant me success in Obedience to You and the obedience to Your Messenger (MGB). Give me some free time to worship You, pray to You and recite Your Book during it. Multiply Your Blessings for me during it and bless me with well-being and give me physical health during it. Please give me enough means of livelihood and take care of my affairs during it. Fulfill my prayers and let my hopes come true in this month. O‟ my God! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and remove from me sleepiness, sluggishness, bugs, unfriendliness, cruelty, negligence and forgetfulness. O‟ my God! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and save me from troubles and aliments, pains and distractions, anxieties, sorrows, damage and disease, faults and sins in this month. Please during this month save me from evil and corruption, misery and misfortune, troubles and pains since You hear prayers. O‟ God! Please bestow Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB), and in this month shield me from the danger of Satan and his scandals, slander, devilry, airs, injustice, diabolical suggestions, tricks, delaying tactics, obstinacy, cunning, traps, deception, fancies, seductions, mischief, confusion, supporters and disciples, and protect me from his party, disciples, followers, friends, and all his schemes. O‟ my God! Please bestow your blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and give me strength to fast during this month.
Let hopes reach completion and stay as such permanently, bring to perfection that which obtains Your Approval for my forbearance, discipline, faith and belief. Then accept them from me manifold with great rewards – O‟ Lord of the worlds. O‟ my God! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). O‟ God! Please bless me with health and comfort, a chance to perform Hajj and Umrah. Also please bless us with ability to work hard, growing strong, happiness, turning back to You, kindness, humbleness, inclination to and awe of God, crying, true sincerity, true speech, fear of God, hope in You, reliance upon You and trusting You, abstaining from what You have forbidden, good speech, doing what is acceptable, acting in a manner which pleases You, and invoking You for acceptance of supplications. Please do not put a barrier such as harm, illness, weakness, negligence, or forgetfulness between me between me and things I have mentioned, but bind me by contract of obligations for You and in Your way, and to uphold Your Rights, and with faithfulness to Your Pledge and Your Promise - by Your Mercy – O‟ the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. O‟ my God! Please bestow blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and grant me the best of what You would grant Your Servants in the ranks of the righteous during it. Please grant me the best that You grant Your Dearest Friends during it including guidance, mercy, forgiveness, good, compassion, fulfillment, assistance, wealth, life, health, continued recovery, freedom from the Hell-fire, salvation with shelter in Paradise, and the best of this world and the Hereafter. Please remove the evils of this world and the Hereafter from me. By Your Mercy! O‟ the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. O‟ my God! Please bestow blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB), and in this month let my prayers reach You, let Your Bounties descend on me, let my good deeds get Your Approval, let my efforts be acknowledged, and let my sins be forgiven, so that I may earn the largest share to enjoy. O‟ God! Please bestow blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB), and on the Night of Destiny give me the best that You like to give any of Your Friends, and what pleases You. Then please set it better than a thousand months for me. Give me the best means of livelihood that You might have given to anyone who has reached it and has been honored by it. And let me be of those freed from the Fire and Your prosperous creatures - those whom You enriched, and extended their sustenance; those whom You protected and did not make them suffer; those whom You favored with Your Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness, Your Favor, Fulfillment, Pleasure, Love, Pardon, Favor and Power. There is no God but You. By Your Mercy! O‟ the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. O‟ Lord of the dawn and the ten nights! O‟ Lord of the month of Ramadhan, and whatever of the Qur‟an which has been revelaed during it. O‟ Lord of Gabriel, Michael, 0, and Israil! O‟ Lord of Abraham (MGB), Ishmael (MGB), Issac (MGB), Jacob (MGB) and the Tribes! Lord of Moses (MGB) and Jesus (MGB)! And the Lord of Muhammad (MGB), the Seal of the Prophets (MGB). Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). Establish them as Divine Leaders (MGB) who guide to the right and return justice. Help them and let the people be helped by them. Let me be amongst the helpers of Your Prophet (MGB) and his Progeny (MGB) and their adherents in this world and the Hereafter. And I ask You for the sake of Your Right over them and for the sake of Your Great Right to take an affectionate look at me with which You get pleased with me – such pleasure that You will never get angry at me afterwards. And grant all my requests, my desires, my hopes, and all that I want. Keep away from me, my family, possessions, and children what is loathsome, frightening and dangerous, but keep me linked with what does not threaten me. O‟ my God! I come to You fleeing from my sins. So please take me under Your Shelter as one who has repented. Let us who ask for forgiveness be forgiven. Cover us - the seekers of refuge - with protection. Then please save me as I am surrendering! Please do not leave me helpless and frightened. Now that I have become inclined to You, please grant me security, and now that I am begging of You, please intercede on my behalf. Grant me now that I am sincere with You and forgive me now that I am crying to You. Then please do not disappoint me. O‟ the All-Near! O‟ the Responder! My sins are great and frightful. Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and deal with me as You deem fit, not as I deserve. O‟ my God! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). Please send me, my parents, my family, my proximate community, and my believing brethren from Your Sustenance, Mercy, Peace, Love and Bestowals and Your Extensive Sustenance to expedite improvement for our world and the Hereafter. O‟ the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. O‟ my God! I ask You to fulfill all my needs that I asked You for, all what I begged You for or not, and all that I asked or did not ask You for whether I spoke of them or not and You are even more aware of them than myself. I ask You for the sake of Your Prophet Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) to fulfill them at this very same hour and to fulfill all my needs whether minor or major. Verily You are able to do all things. O‟ God! I ask You by Your Might as You are Best Fit, and by Your Mercy as You are the Best Fit. I ask You to bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and forgive me all my sins of the very past or recent ones. Please wish well for whoever wishes me well and wish bad for whoever wishes me bad. I take refuge in You from its evil! And I ask Your help against it! O‟ my God! Please protect me from the front, the back, the right and the left sides and take me under Your Custody and Your Side. O‟ my Master! As anyone under Your Protection is honored and Glorious and Sublime is Your Praise . There is no God but You.” Then say two units of prayers and say the following supplications narrated on the authority of my grandfather Abi Ja‟far al-Tusi documented on the authority of As-Sadiq (MGB): “Praise be to God, Who is Sublime thus He subdues. And praise be to God, Who rules thus is Powerful! And praise be to God, Who is concealed thus He Knows. And praise be to God, Who gives life to the dead and caused the living to die and He has power over all things. And praise be to God, for Whose Grandeur everything is humble! And praise be to God, to Whose Honor all things are debased! And praise be to God to Whose Power all things submit. And praise be to God, to Whose Dominion all things humble. And praise be to God, Who does what He Wills, and others cannot do whatever they will. O‟ my God! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). Please let me partake in all the good that You let Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) partake in. Please release me from all evil that You released Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) from. May God bestow his blessings upon them all. May peace, God‟s Mercy, Blessings be upon them all. May His Peace be on them plentifully.”
Then say the following supplications for these two units if you wish to attain more as reported by Muhammad ibn Abi Qarrih narrated the following in his book A‟mal-i- Shahr-i-Ramadhan1 ,
“O‟ He who settles the complaints of those who ask! O‟ the ultimate desire of those who desire! O‟ He who helps the helpless! O‟ the Protector of those seeking Your protection. O‟ the best towards whom the beggars raise their hands, and the needy extend their necks towards. You are my Lord and I am Your bonds-man. It is the prerogative of a servant to make a demand from his Lord. Your Servants do not turn to anyone else like You, to ask for Kindness and Generosity. You are the ultimate of my inclinations! O‟ He who is sufficient for me when I am alone! O‟ my guardian in my loneliness! O‟ my trustin my demands! O‟ Fulfiller of my needs, Responder to my prayers, my Savior from difficulties, and my hope when my plans fail. I ask You to bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad (MGB) and his Progeny (MGB) and honor me, forgive me, help me, raise my rank, not lower me, and strengthen me to do good deeds. Please make me steadfast in speech, bring me close to You, love me, make me sincere, let me enjoy, let me develop and purify me. Give me the provisions of life according to Your Generosity and Mercy, since no one but You rules over it. Please give me self-suffiency regarding my sustenance. Do not lead me to what I do not deserve, and bestow on me two forms of Your Mercy.. O‟ my Master! Take care of my affairs and do not entrust me to anyone else than You. Please pardon me as You pardoned those before me. Protect me from sins during the rest of my lifetime and lay Your Protective Cover over me, my parents, my children, relatives and friends, who made efforts in my cause in this world and in the Hereafter as this is all because of You and You are the Vast Forgiver! And You are the Vast Forgiver! O‟ my Master! Please do not disappoint me and do not send me back empty-handed before fulfilling all that I have asked for. Please bestow blessings on Your servant and Prophet Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). O‟ my God! You are the Lord of the month of Ramadhan. In it You revealed the Holy Qur‟an, and in it You made fasting obligatory for Your Servants. Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). O‟ God! Please bless me with the pilgrimage to Your Sacred House this year and every year thereafter. Please forgive my major sins since no one but You can forgive them. O‟ Compassionate! O‟ Knower!”
Then say two units of prayers and say the following that my grandfather Abi Ja‟far al-Tusi – May God have mercy upon him – narrated on the authority of As-Sadiq (MGB):
“O‟ my God! I ask You by the meaning of all that by which You are called upon by those who call upon You – those whom You have chosen by Yourself, those who are entrusted with Your Secrets, are covered by Your Veil, welcome Your Religion and proclaim it - those who extol Your Grandeur, free from Your disobedience; those who invite to Your Path, those who race in performing Your deeds and are prosperous by Your Benevolence; those who call to abide by Your Limits, and perfectly obey You; those who call to what those in charge of Your Affairs call. Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and do such and such for me as You deem fit, not as I deserve.”
Then say the following supplications as reported by Muhammad ibn Abi in his book following these two units:
“O‟ my God! I ask You by Your Mercy that encompasses everything, by Your Might by which You overcome everything, by Your Omnipotence which has conquered all things, by Your Power which against which nothing can stand up and by Your Grandeur which prevails upon all things, and by Your Knowledge which encompasses all things. I ask You by the Light of Your Face that illuminates everything! O‟ Eternal in Honor and Omnipotence! O‟ Merciful to all who seek mercy! O‟ He who relieves the sorrow of all the sad! O‟ He who dispels all distress! I ask You by Your Names by which the bearers of Your Throne and those around Your Throne called You. I ask You by Your Names by which Gabriel, Michael and Israfil called You. I ask You to bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and be pleased with me such a pleasure that You will never get angry at me afterwards, to extend my life and expand my share of sustenance, to grant me physical health, let my hopes come true, and strengthen me in obeying and worshipping You, inspire me to thank You. Indeed my gratitude for Your Bounties is weak, my patience over Your calamities is little, and my deeds to fulfill Your Rights are insufficient. O‟ my God! I am whom You know! I am weak in honoring Your Rights and faulty in worshipping You for committing sins. And if You punish me I am one who deserves it, and if You pardon me, You are the Lord of Pardon! O‟ my God! O‟ my God! I have oppressed myself – what a great excess, and I have delved into acts of Your Disobedience for long. My sins have become many and my evil deeds have become apparent. My delusions have fooled me and I have continued following my carnal desires. O‟ my God! O‟ my God! This world has deceived me with its allurements and invited me to deviation with its lusts, and I have accepted that call. I was hindered from the Right Path and was misguided to destruction due to its little sweetness. This world adorned itself so that I turn to it. O‟ my God! O‟ my God! Indeed I have committed great destructive sins. I have oppressed myself by destructive sins and many bad deeds and have done very few good deeds. I have committed many great sins and big faults. I did wrong to myself both recently and in the past. I committed sins and was inattentive and forgetful. I was lethargic and negligent in obeying You. I continued my negligence in remembering You and rushed to do what You dislike with all my parts. O‟ my God! Verily You granted blessings to me but I did not thank You for them. You granted me insight while I did not see. You showed me lessons but I did not take heed. You disregarded my mistakes, but I did not stop. You covered up for me but I did not cover up. You made me suffer but I was not patient. You protected me but I did not. You invited me to salvation but I did not accept. You warned me against destruction but I did not heed. O‟ my God! O‟ my God! You created me with the ability to hear, but I listened a lot to what You dislike. You created me with the ability to speak, but I used it to talk in Your Disobedience. You created me with the ability to see, but I closed my eyes to growth. You made me able to hear and see, but I used them often in doing what deviates me. You gave me the ability to give and take, but I continually gave and took what You had admonished against. You gave me the ability to strive and walk, but I continually strived and walked towards what deviates me. Carnal desires overwhelmed me, and I disobeyed You with all my organs. Indeed my helplessness has intensified and I am extremely in need of You and my poverty has increased. With which face can I turn to You to complain about my affairs? With which tongue can I ask You for my needs? With which hands can I raise my desires towards you? With which soul can I present my helplessness to You? With which deeds can I disclose my sorrow and poverty to You? O‟ my Master! With my face which has little shame of You? Or my heart which has attended to You very little? O‟ my Guardian! Or my tongue that has spoken much of what You dislike – O‟ my Lord! O‟ my God! Or my body in which there exists love for acts of Your Disobedience! O‟ my Creator! Or my deeds that are opposed to what You love. O‟ my Sustainer! Or myself that has abandoned Your Obedience. I am ruined if You do not show me Mercy. I am ruined if You get angry at me. Woe be upon me due to my sins, slippages and my oppressing myself. O‟ my Master! If You do not help me, who can I turn to for help? O‟ my Master! If You turn me down, to whom can I complain and receive mercy? O‟ my Master! To whom should I call to intercede for me if You turn Your Noble Face away from me? O‟ my Master! To whom should I cry to save me if You get angry at me? O‟ my Master! Who should I ask for if You do not grant me what I plead for? O‟ my Master! In whom should I seek sanctuary if You belittle me and do not save me? O‟ my Master! To whom should I turn for protection if You do not protect me? O‟ my Master! On whom should I rely for protection and sufficiency if You belittle me? O‟ my Master! On whom should I rely to intercede on my behalf if You turn me down? O‟ my Master! To whom should I turn and where should I run to if You get angry at me? O‟ my God! O‟ my God! There is no way to escape from You. There is no saviour or resting place but You. There is no refuge but in You, and there in no reliance but in You. I have hopes in You. Nothing but Your Mercy and Pardoning can free me. Nothing but Your Kindness and Forgiveness can save me. O‟ my Master! You are my security of what I fear or not so please give me security. O‟ my Master! You are my Hope in what I avoid or not, so please save me by Your Forgiveness. O‟ my Master! You are my Helper when I fall into sins so please help me. O‟ my Master! You are the one I complain to when I cry to You so please have mercy on me. O‟ my Master! You are my Savior from Your Chastisement so please save me by Your Might. O‟ my Master! You are my place of refuge, my helper and my provider so please do not ruin me. O‟ my Master! You are my Shelter, my Guardian and merciful to me so please do not afflict me. O‟ my Master! I only ask You for my demands so please bestow them on me. O‟ my Master! I only ask You for abundant sustenance so please do not deprive me. O‟ my Master! I ask You to guide me! Please guide me and do not let me go astray! O‟ my Master! I only ask You to overlook! Please overlook my transgressions. O‟ my Master! I ask You for forgiveness. So please forgive my sins. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You enrich me with Your Mercy. Please enrich me. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You have mercy on me with Your Favor! Please have mercy on me. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You bestow me grants by Your Nobility so please bestow them on me. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You save me by Your Nobility. Please save me. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You pardon me by Your Forebearance. O‟ my Master! Please pardon me. Indeed I hope that You overlook my mistakes by Your Mercy. O‟ my Master! Please overlook my mistakes. Indeed I hope that You overlook my mistakes by Your Mercy. O‟ my Master! Please overlook my mistakes. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You free me from the Fire. Please free me. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You admit me to Paradise by Your Generosity. Please admit me. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You grant me my aspirations, desires and demands for this world and the Hereafter with Your Generosity and Benevolence. Then please do not disappoint me. O‟ my God! Even if I do not deserve this, You do! And You would not disappoint whoever calls upon You, do not turn down those who trust You, and do not leave helpless those seeking reliance upon You. Please do not let me be the one who has failed the most and suffered the most during this month from amongst those who have asked You. Favor me by fulfillment and acceptance, salvation from the Fire, salvation with shelter in Paradise, and grant me all the good of this world and the Hereafter. Please forgive my sins, my flaws, my evil deeds, acts of oppression, excesses, doing wrong to myself, and all the sins that would block my sustenance or prevent my supplications from reaching You, turn down my demand of You, hinder me from attaining my hopes, or cause You to turn Your Noble Face away from me. O‟ my Master! I truly trust You, deeply pray to You, keep my tongue busy praying to You, and my heart is open to beg to You since You had mercy and promised me via the tongue of Your honest Prophet (MGB) and in Your Book. O‟ my Master! Please do not deprive me due to the little I thank You. O‟ my Master! Please do not ruin me due to my lack of patience. O‟ my Master! Please give me due to my poverty and destitute. O‟ my Master! Please have mercy on me due to my baseness and weakness! O‟ my Master! Please perfect Your Kindness to me and Your Bounties for me. O‟ my Master! Please bestow me much from Your Treasures. O‟ my Master! Please admit me to Your Paradise by Your Mercy. O‟ my Master! Please house me on the earth due to my fear of You. O‟ my Master! Please fend off things from me due to my following You. O‟ my Master! Please bless me with Your Love, Affection and Nearness and Ease at the time of my death and forgiveness at the time of reckoning. Please bless me with wealthiness, forgiveness, well-being, good temper, and returning what I am entrusted with. Please accept my fasting and praying, and fulfill my prayers. O‟ God! Please bless me with the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage starting from this year and every year thereafter for as long as I live. Please bestow Your Blessings on Your best creature – Muhammad and his Progeny. (MGB)” Then ask for the fulfillment of your needs.
Then say two units of prayers and say the following that my grandfather Abi Ja‟far al-Tusi narrated on the authority of our master –As-Sadiq (MGB):
“O‟ Lord of Favors who favors and none can favor You. O‟ Lord of Bestowals! There is no God but You. O‟ Protection for those who seek protection and Shelter of the frightened ones. O‟ the Protector of those seeking Your Protection. If in the Mother of the Books that is with You it is destined for me to be wretched, deprived or diminish my sustenance, please blot out my wretchedness, deprivation and the littleness of my sustenance from the Mother of the Books, and record me to be amongst the prosperous, successful in doing good deeds and with an extensive sustenance7:156.. You have said in Your revealed Book, by Your sent Prophet (MGB), „Allah doth blot out or confirm what He pleaseth: with Him is the Mother of the Book.‟13:39. And said,‟but My mercy extendeth to all things.‟2 And I am a thing. Thus please let Your Mercy extend to me. O‟ the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. And please bestow Your Blessings on our Master Muhammad and His Progeny (MGB).‟ ” Then pray as you like.
Then say the following supplications reported by Muhammad ibn Abi Qarrih in his book following these two units:
“O‟ my God! I am fearful and shaky due to my deeds and I am afflicted with my deeds. Woe be upon me for I was not afraid for myself regarding what I committed with my organs. Woe be upon me! How can I be secure from the Chastisement of my Creator for what I have dared to commit. O‟ my Lord! Woe be upon me! I disobeyed You with all my organs! Woe be upon me! I excessed and overburdened my back by my crimes! Woe be upon me! I brought the Wrath of my Creator upon myself with the extent of my sins! Woe be upon me! I acted as if I have no intellect. No, I do not have an intellect to benefit from. Woe be upon me! I did not think about what I gained, and I did not fear what I obtained. Woe be upon me! I became blind to look at my affairs and think about my injustice. Woe be upon me! What if my punishment is stored for the Hereafter for me? Woe be upon me! What if I am called in with my hands chained to my neck on the Resurrection Day? Woe be upon me! What if the Fire tears my corpse into pieces and destroys my joints? Woe be upon me! What if I am considered to deserve to be punished for my sins? Woe be upon me! What if my Master does not show Mercy and does not pardon me? O‟ my God! Woe be upon me! If the earth knew about my sins, it would surely devour me! Woe be upon me! If the seas knew about my sins they would surely drown me! Woe be upon me! If the mountains knew about my sins they would surely destroy me! Woe be upon me for my obscene acts, ugly deeds, and disgraceful crimes! Woe be upon me! The earth would surely swallow me up if it knew about my sins. Woe be upon me! I wish what I fear had fallen upon me but I had not made my God angry! Woe be upon me! Surely I shall be disgraced on the Resurrection Day for my great sins! Woe be upon me! What if my face turns black when I am standing there on the Resurrection Day? Woe be upon me! What if my back breaks right there in front of the people? Woe be upon me! What if my deeds are measured, reckoned or given chastisement? Woe be upon me! What if my Lord does not show mercy? O‟ my Guardian! Indeed my expectations of You are very high since You procrastinated my punishment! O‟ my Guardian! Please pardon me, forgive me, turn to me and improve me. O‟ my Guardian! Please accept my fasting and praying, and fulfill my supplications. O‟ my Guardian! Please have mercy on my submissiveness, my humbleness to you, my taking refuge in You, my misery and my helplessness. O‟ my Guardian! Please do not disappoint me. Please do not cut off my hopes. Do not throw back my supplications at my face! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). Please bless me with the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages this year and every year thereafter for as long as I live.”
Once you finish saying supplications, prostrate and say the following supplications narrated on the authority of my grandfather Abi Ja‟far al-Tusi while you are in prostration:
“O‟ my God! Please enrich my knowledge; adorn me with patience; honor me with piety and beautify me with well-being. O‟ Guardian of well-being! Please pardon me! Pardon me from the Fire!”
Once you raise your head up, say the following, “O‟ God! O‟ God! O‟ God! I ask You O‟ “There is no God but You.” In the Name of Your Name “In the Name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. O‟ the Most Compassionate! O‟ God! O‟ Lord! O‟ the All-Near! O‟ the Chapter 4 On the Deeds for the First Night of the Month of Ramadhan 121 Responder! O‟ Creator of the heavens and the earth! O‟ Lord of Majesty, Bounty and Honor! O‟ Giver! O‟ Bestower! O‟ the Living! O‟ the Self-Subsisting! I ask You by all Names that are Yours which You like to be called by and by all the prayers with which you were called by those of the earlier times and those of the later times and You answered them. Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and engage my heart in fear of and submission to You. Establish me amongst the sincere ones in faith. Please strengthen all my organs to worship You, expand my breast for good deeds and piety and engage my tongue in reciting Your Book. O‟ Guardian of the believers! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB).” And pray for whatever you want. Then say the last night prayer and the supplications that follow it.
The shortest supplications for in between the units of the recommended prayers for the month of Ramadhan may be for those who have an excuse and wish to recite short supplications, or they may be a part of longer supplication. It has been narrated, “Use the following supplications.”
Ali ibn Abdul Wahid narrated the following through a chain of documents on the authority of Raja ibn Yahya ibn Saman: “We obtained the following supplications from the house of our master Abi Muhammad Al-Hassan ibn Ali Al-Askari (MGB) in the year 255 A.H.” He reports the complete Al-Risal-i-al-Maqnea in its complete form and suggests that the following supplications be used in between each two units of the recommended prayers of the month of Ramadhan
Para format
وَفِيمَا تَفْرُقُ مِنَ الأَمْرِ الْحَكِيمِ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ
أَنْ تَجْعَلَنِي مِنْ حُجَّاجِ بَيْتِكَ الْحَرَامِ الْمَبْرُورِ حَجُّهُمُ الْمَشْكُورِ سَعْيُهُمُ الْمَغْفُورِ ذَنْبُهُم
وَأَسْأَلُكَ أَنْ تُطِيلَ عُمْرِي فِي طَاعَتِكَ وَتُوَسِّعَ لِي فِي رِزْقِي
يَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِينَ.
Detailed duas from Book Iqbal Aamal for Salat Layl ( to check?)
My grandfather Abi Ja‟far al-Tusi - may God the Sublime give him mercy and blessings – narrated the following short supplications for between the prayers in Tahzib ul-Ahkam on the authority of Ja‟far As-Sadiq (MGB): “After saying the evening prayer and the Recommended Nafila prayers, say eight units of recommended prayers after the evening prayer. Once you finish saying two units say the Fatimah Zahra glorifications1 and say,
„O‟ my God! You are the First and there has been nothing before You. And You are the Last and there shall be nothing after You. And You are Apparent and there is nothing above You. And You are the Hidden and there is nothing else below You! And You are Exalted in Might – All-Wise! O‟ my God! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). Please let me partake in all the good that You let Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) partake in. Please release me from all evil that You released Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) from. May God‟s peace, mercy and blessings be upon them.”
Then say the following long supplications as reported by Muhammad ibn Abi Qarrih in his book A‟mal-i-Shahr-i-Ramadhan1 following these two units for more prosperity:
“O‟ my God! This is the month of Ramadhan. This is the month to fast, this is the month to stand in prayer, this is the month to turn back to You, This is the month of repentance. This is the month for Mercy. This is the month for Forgiveness. This is the month of Salvation with shelter in Paradise, This is the month of liberation from the Fire. This is the month of Ramadhan in which You revealed the Qur‟an. O‟ my God! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). O‟ my God! Please assist me in this month to observe fasting in its days and worshipping You in its nights and keep it safe for me and keep me healthy during it. Please assist me in this month, with the best of Your Assistance and grant me success in Obedience to You and the obedience to Your Messenger (MGB). Give me some free time to worship You, pray to You and recite Your Book during it. Multiply Your Blessings for me during it and bless me with well-being and give me physical health during it. Please give me enough means of livelihood and take care of my affairs during it. Fulfill my prayers and let my hopes come true in this month. O‟ my God! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and remove from me sleepiness, sluggishness, bugs, unfriendliness, cruelty, negligence and forgetfulness. O‟ my God! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and save me from troubles and aliments, pains and distractions, anxieties, sorrows, damage and disease, faults and sins in this month. Please during this month save me from evil and corruption, misery and misfortune, troubles and pains since You hear prayers. O‟ God! Please bestow Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB), and in this month shield me from the danger of Satan and his scandals, slander, devilry, airs, injustice, diabolical suggestions, tricks, delaying tactics, obstinacy, cunning, traps, deception, fancies, seductions, mischief, confusion, supporters and disciples, and protect me from his party, disciples, followers, friends, and all his schemes. O‟ my God! Please bestow your blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and give me strength to fast during this month.
Let hopes reach completion and stay as such permanently, bring to perfection that which obtains Your Approval for my forbearance, discipline, faith and belief. Then accept them from me manifold with great rewards – O‟ Lord of the worlds. O‟ my God! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). O‟ God! Please bless me with health and comfort, a chance to perform Hajj and Umrah. Also please bless us with ability to work hard, growing strong, happiness, turning back to You, kindness, humbleness, inclination to and awe of God, crying, true sincerity, true speech, fear of God, hope in You, reliance upon You and trusting You, abstaining from what You have forbidden, good speech, doing what is acceptable, acting in a manner which pleases You, and invoking You for acceptance of supplications. Please do not put a barrier such as harm, illness, weakness, negligence, or forgetfulness between me between me and things I have mentioned, but bind me by contract of obligations for You and in Your way, and to uphold Your Rights, and with faithfulness to Your Pledge and Your Promise - by Your Mercy – O‟ the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. O‟ my God! Please bestow blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and grant me the best of what You would grant Your Servants in the ranks of the righteous during it. Please grant me the best that You grant Your Dearest Friends during it including guidance, mercy, forgiveness, good, compassion, fulfillment, assistance, wealth, life, health, continued recovery, freedom from the Hell-fire, salvation with shelter in Paradise, and the best of this world and the Hereafter. Please remove the evils of this world and the Hereafter from me. By Your Mercy! O‟ the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. O‟ my God! Please bestow blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB), and in this month let my prayers reach You, let Your Bounties descend on me, let my good deeds get Your Approval, let my efforts be acknowledged, and let my sins be forgiven, so that I may earn the largest share to enjoy. O‟ God! Please bestow blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB), and on the Night of Destiny give me the best that You like to give any of Your Friends, and what pleases You. Then please set it better than a thousand months for me. Give me the best means of livelihood that You might have given to anyone who has reached it and has been honored by it. And let me be of those freed from the Fire and Your prosperous creatures - those whom You enriched, and extended their sustenance; those whom You protected and did not make them suffer; those whom You favored with Your Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness, Your Favor, Fulfillment, Pleasure, Love, Pardon, Favor and Power. There is no God but You. By Your Mercy! O‟ the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. O‟ Lord of the dawn and the ten nights! O‟ Lord of the month of Ramadhan, and whatever of the Qur‟an which has been revelaed during it. O‟ Lord of Gabriel, Michael, 0, and Israil! O‟ Lord of Abraham (MGB), Ishmael (MGB), Issac (MGB), Jacob (MGB) and the Tribes! Lord of Moses (MGB) and Jesus (MGB)! And the Lord of Muhammad (MGB), the Seal of the Prophets (MGB). Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). Establish them as Divine Leaders (MGB) who guide to the right and return justice. Help them and let the people be helped by them. Let me be amongst the helpers of Your Prophet (MGB) and his Progeny (MGB) and their adherents in this world and the Hereafter. And I ask You for the sake of Your Right over them and for the sake of Your Great Right to take an affectionate look at me with which You get pleased with me – such pleasure that You will never get angry at me afterwards. And grant all my requests, my desires, my hopes, and all that I want. Keep away from me, my family, possessions, and children what is loathsome, frightening and dangerous, but keep me linked with what does not threaten me. O‟ my God! I come to You fleeing from my sins. So please take me under Your Shelter as one who has repented. Let us who ask for forgiveness be forgiven. Cover us - the seekers of refuge - with protection. Then please save me as I am surrendering! Please do not leave me helpless and frightened. Now that I have become inclined to You, please grant me security, and now that I am begging of You, please intercede on my behalf. Grant me now that I am sincere with You and forgive me now that I am crying to You. Then please do not disappoint me. O‟ the All-Near! O‟ the Responder! My sins are great and frightful. Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and deal with me as You deem fit, not as I deserve. O‟ my God! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). Please send me, my parents, my family, my proximate community, and my believing brethren from Your Sustenance, Mercy, Peace, Love and Bestowals and Your Extensive Sustenance to expedite improvement for our world and the Hereafter. O‟ the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. O‟ my God! I ask You to fulfill all my needs that I asked You for, all what I begged You for or not, and all that I asked or did not ask You for whether I spoke of them or not and You are even more aware of them than myself. I ask You for the sake of Your Prophet Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) to fulfill them at this very same hour and to fulfill all my needs whether minor or major. Verily You are able to do all things. O‟ God! I ask You by Your Might as You are Best Fit, and by Your Mercy as You are the Best Fit. I ask You to bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and forgive me all my sins of the very past or recent ones. Please wish well for whoever wishes me well and wish bad for whoever wishes me bad. I take refuge in You from its evil! And I ask Your help against it! O‟ my God! Please protect me from the front, the back, the right and the left sides and take me under Your Custody and Your Side. O‟ my Master! As anyone under Your Protection is honored and Glorious and Sublime is Your Praise . There is no God but You.” Then say two units of prayers and say the following supplications narrated on the authority of my grandfather Abi Ja‟far al-Tusi documented on the authority of As-Sadiq (MGB): “Praise be to God, Who is Sublime thus He subdues. And praise be to God, Who rules thus is Powerful! And praise be to God, Who is concealed thus He Knows. And praise be to God, Who gives life to the dead and caused the living to die and He has power over all things. And praise be to God, for Whose Grandeur everything is humble! And praise be to God, to Whose Honor all things are debased! And praise be to God to Whose Power all things submit. And praise be to God, to Whose Dominion all things humble. And praise be to God, Who does what He Wills, and others cannot do whatever they will. O‟ my God! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). Please let me partake in all the good that You let Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) partake in. Please release me from all evil that You released Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) from. May God bestow his blessings upon them all. May peace, God‟s Mercy, Blessings be upon them all. May His Peace be on them plentifully.”
Then say the following supplications for these two units if you wish to attain more as reported by Muhammad ibn Abi Qarrih narrated the following in his book A‟mal-i- Shahr-i-Ramadhan1 ,
“O‟ He who settles the complaints of those who ask! O‟ the ultimate desire of those who desire! O‟ He who helps the helpless! O‟ the Protector of those seeking Your protection. O‟ the best towards whom the beggars raise their hands, and the needy extend their necks towards. You are my Lord and I am Your bonds-man. It is the prerogative of a servant to make a demand from his Lord. Your Servants do not turn to anyone else like You, to ask for Kindness and Generosity. You are the ultimate of my inclinations! O‟ He who is sufficient for me when I am alone! O‟ my guardian in my loneliness! O‟ my trustin my demands! O‟ Fulfiller of my needs, Responder to my prayers, my Savior from difficulties, and my hope when my plans fail. I ask You to bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad (MGB) and his Progeny (MGB) and honor me, forgive me, help me, raise my rank, not lower me, and strengthen me to do good deeds. Please make me steadfast in speech, bring me close to You, love me, make me sincere, let me enjoy, let me develop and purify me. Give me the provisions of life according to Your Generosity and Mercy, since no one but You rules over it. Please give me self-suffiency regarding my sustenance. Do not lead me to what I do not deserve, and bestow on me two forms of Your Mercy.. O‟ my Master! Take care of my affairs and do not entrust me to anyone else than You. Please pardon me as You pardoned those before me. Protect me from sins during the rest of my lifetime and lay Your Protective Cover over me, my parents, my children, relatives and friends, who made efforts in my cause in this world and in the Hereafter as this is all because of You and You are the Vast Forgiver! And You are the Vast Forgiver! O‟ my Master! Please do not disappoint me and do not send me back empty-handed before fulfilling all that I have asked for. Please bestow blessings on Your servant and Prophet Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). O‟ my God! You are the Lord of the month of Ramadhan. In it You revealed the Holy Qur‟an, and in it You made fasting obligatory for Your Servants. Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). O‟ God! Please bless me with the pilgrimage to Your Sacred House this year and every year thereafter. Please forgive my major sins since no one but You can forgive them. O‟ Compassionate! O‟ Knower!”
Then say two units of prayers and say the following that my grandfather Abi Ja‟far al-Tusi – May God have mercy upon him – narrated on the authority of As-Sadiq (MGB):
“O‟ my God! I ask You by the meaning of all that by which You are called upon by those who call upon You – those whom You have chosen by Yourself, those who are entrusted with Your Secrets, are covered by Your Veil, welcome Your Religion and proclaim it - those who extol Your Grandeur, free from Your disobedience; those who invite to Your Path, those who race in performing Your deeds and are prosperous by Your Benevolence; those who call to abide by Your Limits, and perfectly obey You; those who call to what those in charge of Your Affairs call. Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and do such and such for me as You deem fit, not as I deserve.”
Then say the following supplications as reported by Muhammad ibn Abi in his book following these two units:
“O‟ my God! I ask You by Your Mercy that encompasses everything, by Your Might by which You overcome everything, by Your Omnipotence which has conquered all things, by Your Power which against which nothing can stand up and by Your Grandeur which prevails upon all things, and by Your Knowledge which encompasses all things. I ask You by the Light of Your Face that illuminates everything! O‟ Eternal in Honor and Omnipotence! O‟ Merciful to all who seek mercy! O‟ He who relieves the sorrow of all the sad! O‟ He who dispels all distress! I ask You by Your Names by which the bearers of Your Throne and those around Your Throne called You. I ask You by Your Names by which Gabriel, Michael and Israfil called You. I ask You to bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and be pleased with me such a pleasure that You will never get angry at me afterwards, to extend my life and expand my share of sustenance, to grant me physical health, let my hopes come true, and strengthen me in obeying and worshipping You, inspire me to thank You. Indeed my gratitude for Your Bounties is weak, my patience over Your calamities is little, and my deeds to fulfill Your Rights are insufficient. O‟ my God! I am whom You know! I am weak in honoring Your Rights and faulty in worshipping You for committing sins. And if You punish me I am one who deserves it, and if You pardon me, You are the Lord of Pardon! O‟ my God! O‟ my God! I have oppressed myself – what a great excess, and I have delved into acts of Your Disobedience for long. My sins have become many and my evil deeds have become apparent. My delusions have fooled me and I have continued following my carnal desires. O‟ my God! O‟ my God! This world has deceived me with its allurements and invited me to deviation with its lusts, and I have accepted that call. I was hindered from the Right Path and was misguided to destruction due to its little sweetness. This world adorned itself so that I turn to it. O‟ my God! O‟ my God! Indeed I have committed great destructive sins. I have oppressed myself by destructive sins and many bad deeds and have done very few good deeds. I have committed many great sins and big faults. I did wrong to myself both recently and in the past. I committed sins and was inattentive and forgetful. I was lethargic and negligent in obeying You. I continued my negligence in remembering You and rushed to do what You dislike with all my parts. O‟ my God! Verily You granted blessings to me but I did not thank You for them. You granted me insight while I did not see. You showed me lessons but I did not take heed. You disregarded my mistakes, but I did not stop. You covered up for me but I did not cover up. You made me suffer but I was not patient. You protected me but I did not. You invited me to salvation but I did not accept. You warned me against destruction but I did not heed. O‟ my God! O‟ my God! You created me with the ability to hear, but I listened a lot to what You dislike. You created me with the ability to speak, but I used it to talk in Your Disobedience. You created me with the ability to see, but I closed my eyes to growth. You made me able to hear and see, but I used them often in doing what deviates me. You gave me the ability to give and take, but I continually gave and took what You had admonished against. You gave me the ability to strive and walk, but I continually strived and walked towards what deviates me. Carnal desires overwhelmed me, and I disobeyed You with all my organs. Indeed my helplessness has intensified and I am extremely in need of You and my poverty has increased. With which face can I turn to You to complain about my affairs? With which tongue can I ask You for my needs? With which hands can I raise my desires towards you? With which soul can I present my helplessness to You? With which deeds can I disclose my sorrow and poverty to You? O‟ my Master! With my face which has little shame of You? Or my heart which has attended to You very little? O‟ my Guardian! Or my tongue that has spoken much of what You dislike – O‟ my Lord! O‟ my God! Or my body in which there exists love for acts of Your Disobedience! O‟ my Creator! Or my deeds that are opposed to what You love. O‟ my Sustainer! Or myself that has abandoned Your Obedience. I am ruined if You do not show me Mercy. I am ruined if You get angry at me. Woe be upon me due to my sins, slippages and my oppressing myself. O‟ my Master! If You do not help me, who can I turn to for help? O‟ my Master! If You turn me down, to whom can I complain and receive mercy? O‟ my Master! To whom should I call to intercede for me if You turn Your Noble Face away from me? O‟ my Master! To whom should I cry to save me if You get angry at me? O‟ my Master! Who should I ask for if You do not grant me what I plead for? O‟ my Master! In whom should I seek sanctuary if You belittle me and do not save me? O‟ my Master! To whom should I turn for protection if You do not protect me? O‟ my Master! On whom should I rely for protection and sufficiency if You belittle me? O‟ my Master! On whom should I rely to intercede on my behalf if You turn me down? O‟ my Master! To whom should I turn and where should I run to if You get angry at me? O‟ my God! O‟ my God! There is no way to escape from You. There is no saviour or resting place but You. There is no refuge but in You, and there in no reliance but in You. I have hopes in You. Nothing but Your Mercy and Pardoning can free me. Nothing but Your Kindness and Forgiveness can save me. O‟ my Master! You are my security of what I fear or not so please give me security. O‟ my Master! You are my Hope in what I avoid or not, so please save me by Your Forgiveness. O‟ my Master! You are my Helper when I fall into sins so please help me. O‟ my Master! You are the one I complain to when I cry to You so please have mercy on me. O‟ my Master! You are my Savior from Your Chastisement so please save me by Your Might. O‟ my Master! You are my place of refuge, my helper and my provider so please do not ruin me. O‟ my Master! You are my Shelter, my Guardian and merciful to me so please do not afflict me. O‟ my Master! I only ask You for my demands so please bestow them on me. O‟ my Master! I only ask You for abundant sustenance so please do not deprive me. O‟ my Master! I ask You to guide me! Please guide me and do not let me go astray! O‟ my Master! I only ask You to overlook! Please overlook my transgressions. O‟ my Master! I ask You for forgiveness. So please forgive my sins. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You enrich me with Your Mercy. Please enrich me. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You have mercy on me with Your Favor! Please have mercy on me. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You bestow me grants by Your Nobility so please bestow them on me. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You save me by Your Nobility. Please save me. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You pardon me by Your Forebearance. O‟ my Master! Please pardon me. Indeed I hope that You overlook my mistakes by Your Mercy. O‟ my Master! Please overlook my mistakes. Indeed I hope that You overlook my mistakes by Your Mercy. O‟ my Master! Please overlook my mistakes. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You free me from the Fire. Please free me. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You admit me to Paradise by Your Generosity. Please admit me. O‟ my Master! Indeed I hope that You grant me my aspirations, desires and demands for this world and the Hereafter with Your Generosity and Benevolence. Then please do not disappoint me. O‟ my God! Even if I do not deserve this, You do! And You would not disappoint whoever calls upon You, do not turn down those who trust You, and do not leave helpless those seeking reliance upon You. Please do not let me be the one who has failed the most and suffered the most during this month from amongst those who have asked You. Favor me by fulfillment and acceptance, salvation from the Fire, salvation with shelter in Paradise, and grant me all the good of this world and the Hereafter. Please forgive my sins, my flaws, my evil deeds, acts of oppression, excesses, doing wrong to myself, and all the sins that would block my sustenance or prevent my supplications from reaching You, turn down my demand of You, hinder me from attaining my hopes, or cause You to turn Your Noble Face away from me. O‟ my Master! I truly trust You, deeply pray to You, keep my tongue busy praying to You, and my heart is open to beg to You since You had mercy and promised me via the tongue of Your honest Prophet (MGB) and in Your Book. O‟ my Master! Please do not deprive me due to the little I thank You. O‟ my Master! Please do not ruin me due to my lack of patience. O‟ my Master! Please give me due to my poverty and destitute. O‟ my Master! Please have mercy on me due to my baseness and weakness! O‟ my Master! Please perfect Your Kindness to me and Your Bounties for me. O‟ my Master! Please bestow me much from Your Treasures. O‟ my Master! Please admit me to Your Paradise by Your Mercy. O‟ my Master! Please house me on the earth due to my fear of You. O‟ my Master! Please fend off things from me due to my following You. O‟ my Master! Please bless me with Your Love, Affection and Nearness and Ease at the time of my death and forgiveness at the time of reckoning. Please bless me with wealthiness, forgiveness, well-being, good temper, and returning what I am entrusted with. Please accept my fasting and praying, and fulfill my prayers. O‟ God! Please bless me with the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage starting from this year and every year thereafter for as long as I live. Please bestow Your Blessings on Your best creature – Muhammad and his Progeny. (MGB)” Then ask for the fulfillment of your needs.
Then say two units of prayers and say the following that my grandfather Abi Ja‟far al-Tusi narrated on the authority of our master –As-Sadiq (MGB):
“O‟ Lord of Favors who favors and none can favor You. O‟ Lord of Bestowals! There is no God but You. O‟ Protection for those who seek protection and Shelter of the frightened ones. O‟ the Protector of those seeking Your Protection. If in the Mother of the Books that is with You it is destined for me to be wretched, deprived or diminish my sustenance, please blot out my wretchedness, deprivation and the littleness of my sustenance from the Mother of the Books, and record me to be amongst the prosperous, successful in doing good deeds and with an extensive sustenance7:156.. You have said in Your revealed Book, by Your sent Prophet (MGB), „Allah doth blot out or confirm what He pleaseth: with Him is the Mother of the Book.‟13:39. And said,‟but My mercy extendeth to all things.‟2 And I am a thing. Thus please let Your Mercy extend to me. O‟ the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. And please bestow Your Blessings on our Master Muhammad and His Progeny (MGB).‟ ” Then pray as you like.
Then say the following supplications reported by Muhammad ibn Abi Qarrih in his book following these two units:
“O‟ my God! I am fearful and shaky due to my deeds and I am afflicted with my deeds. Woe be upon me for I was not afraid for myself regarding what I committed with my organs. Woe be upon me! How can I be secure from the Chastisement of my Creator for what I have dared to commit. O‟ my Lord! Woe be upon me! I disobeyed You with all my organs! Woe be upon me! I excessed and overburdened my back by my crimes! Woe be upon me! I brought the Wrath of my Creator upon myself with the extent of my sins! Woe be upon me! I acted as if I have no intellect. No, I do not have an intellect to benefit from. Woe be upon me! I did not think about what I gained, and I did not fear what I obtained. Woe be upon me! I became blind to look at my affairs and think about my injustice. Woe be upon me! What if my punishment is stored for the Hereafter for me? Woe be upon me! What if I am called in with my hands chained to my neck on the Resurrection Day? Woe be upon me! What if the Fire tears my corpse into pieces and destroys my joints? Woe be upon me! What if I am considered to deserve to be punished for my sins? Woe be upon me! What if my Master does not show Mercy and does not pardon me? O‟ my God! Woe be upon me! If the earth knew about my sins, it would surely devour me! Woe be upon me! If the seas knew about my sins they would surely drown me! Woe be upon me! If the mountains knew about my sins they would surely destroy me! Woe be upon me for my obscene acts, ugly deeds, and disgraceful crimes! Woe be upon me! The earth would surely swallow me up if it knew about my sins. Woe be upon me! I wish what I fear had fallen upon me but I had not made my God angry! Woe be upon me! Surely I shall be disgraced on the Resurrection Day for my great sins! Woe be upon me! What if my face turns black when I am standing there on the Resurrection Day? Woe be upon me! What if my back breaks right there in front of the people? Woe be upon me! What if my deeds are measured, reckoned or given chastisement? Woe be upon me! What if my Lord does not show mercy? O‟ my Guardian! Indeed my expectations of You are very high since You procrastinated my punishment! O‟ my Guardian! Please pardon me, forgive me, turn to me and improve me. O‟ my Guardian! Please accept my fasting and praying, and fulfill my supplications. O‟ my Guardian! Please have mercy on my submissiveness, my humbleness to you, my taking refuge in You, my misery and my helplessness. O‟ my Guardian! Please do not disappoint me. Please do not cut off my hopes. Do not throw back my supplications at my face! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB). Please bless me with the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages this year and every year thereafter for as long as I live.”
Once you finish saying supplications, prostrate and say the following supplications narrated on the authority of my grandfather Abi Ja‟far al-Tusi while you are in prostration:
“O‟ my God! Please enrich my knowledge; adorn me with patience; honor me with piety and beautify me with well-being. O‟ Guardian of well-being! Please pardon me! Pardon me from the Fire!”
Once you raise your head up, say the following, “O‟ God! O‟ God! O‟ God! I ask You O‟ “There is no God but You.” In the Name of Your Name “In the Name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. O‟ the Most Compassionate! O‟ God! O‟ Lord! O‟ the All-Near! O‟ the Chapter 4 On the Deeds for the First Night of the Month of Ramadhan 121 Responder! O‟ Creator of the heavens and the earth! O‟ Lord of Majesty, Bounty and Honor! O‟ Giver! O‟ Bestower! O‟ the Living! O‟ the Self-Subsisting! I ask You by all Names that are Yours which You like to be called by and by all the prayers with which you were called by those of the earlier times and those of the later times and You answered them. Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB) and engage my heart in fear of and submission to You. Establish me amongst the sincere ones in faith. Please strengthen all my organs to worship You, expand my breast for good deeds and piety and engage my tongue in reciting Your Book. O‟ Guardian of the believers! Please bestow Your Blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny (MGB).” And pray for whatever you want. Then say the last night prayer and the supplications that follow it.
In ’al-Balad al-Amin’, al-Kaf`amiy has mentioned that Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (a.s) used to say the following after Salat during the last 10 days of the month of Ramadhan:
اللّهُمّ أَدِّ عَنَّا حَقَّ مَا مَضَى مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ،
allahumma addi `anna haqqa ma madha min shahri ramadhana
O Allah: (please) help us fulfill the right of the past days of the month of Ramadhan,
وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا تَقْصِيرَنَا فِيهِ
waghfir lana taqsirana fihi
And forgive us our shortcoming during it,
وَتَسَلَّمْهُ مِنَّا مَقْبُولاً،
wa tasallmhu minna maqbulan
And receive it from us with acceptance,
وَلا تُؤَاخِذْنَا بِإِسْرَافِنَا عَلَى أَنْفُسِنَا،
wa la tu´akhidhna bi-israfina `ala anfusina
And do not blame us for our extravagance in our affairs,
وَاجْعَلْنَا مِنَ المَرْحُومِينَ
waj`alna mina almarhumina
And include us with those upon whom mercy is had,
وَلا تَجْعَلْنَا مِنَ المَحْرُومِينَ.
wa la taj`alna mina almahrumina
And do not include us with those deprived (of the awards of Ramadhan).