From Iqbal Aamal:-
Observe Fast on 28, 29 and 30.
Do Ghusl on last day
Recite Salaah of Salman Farsi- see next tab
Section 108 On How to End the Month of Rajab Iqbal Aamal Syed Ibn Tawoos
In the section on the deeds for the day and the night of the beginning of the month of Rajab some points about the reverence of this month and its value near the Almighty God is mentioned and a knowledgeable person cannot abandon it.If you are a real Muslim, you would know the difference between entering under the protection of the rulers and departing from the support of God who has honored them and has kept them safe and immune.
Moreover, you should know that when you leave the month of Rajab that is the last of the sacred months that has a high rank, you have left the domain of support and security. Thus, you should be fearful when you leave this month like one whose supporter has turned his face back from him or like one who has been driven away as an outcast.
You should ask for the mercy of God, the Owner of the existence and the Owner of Generosity to provide you with support and protection from the treasures of His Mercy and Generosity so that He protects you after the month of Rajab until you enter another of the sacred months that have the same attributes as the month of Rajab and again you are covered by His Support and Favors.
You should also collect all your deeds and entrust them to the Imam Mahdi (ajtfs) who was your host in the final day ofthe month of Rajab. You should tum to him by the Almighty God and whatever is dear to him and ask the Divine Leader (ajtfs) to perfect the shortcomings of your deeds and fasting in this month and offer them to God so that God may pay attention to you and fulfill your wishes.
A special Dua of Last Friday of the Month of Rajab for increase in life expectancy
Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir Firashqi in his booklet of Aamal mentions this ( Source Madrastul Qaim)
Last Friday of Rajab
Method of Salaah of 10 units on First,Last Day and last day of Rajab
10 Raka' ( 2 units each x 5 ).
In each Raka' recite; Surah Al-Fatihah once, Surah Al Ikhlas 3 times and Surah Al Kafiroon 3 times
After Salaam (at the end of EACH 2 units) raise your hands and say the common recitation and the specific recitation for each of the days respectively:
Common ( for 1st,15,Last day)Recitation after the end of Each 2 Rakat.
Last day of Rajab the following is added after the first recitation at end of each 2 Rakat:
Then, one should pass the hands over the face and submit his requests.
Salman Farsi narrates that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him and his family) said "O Salmaan, there is no Mumin/Muminah (True Believer/Female Believer) who performs 30 Raka' in the month of Rajab; that Allah does forgive them their sins and bestows rewards upon them as upon a person who has fasted a whole month. He becomes among those who will be steadfast in their salaat in the year which is to come. For him, the deeds of the day are equal to that of the martyr. He will be raised with the Martyrs of the Holy Battle of Badr. For him is written for the fast of each day, one year's worship. His station is raised 1000 times higher.”
He said Jibreel informed me "O Muhammad this is the sign between you and the Mushrikeen (Polytheists) and the Munaafiqeen (Hypocrites) because the Munafiq does not perform this Salaat."