Recite daily Ziyarat-e-Ashura See miracle story 10 Spiritual advices from Ulama Sahifa Sajjadia no 7 dua in Worrisome Tasks/Distress Sahifa Sajjadia no 15 dua in Sickness Dua ( video) from Book Kalemattayabba by Syed Ali Khan Author of Riyadh saleheen Imam Reza (as )Dua Video arabic Print this dua & stick on door -Moulana Qazvini Recite these Quran Ayats daily -Ref Bihar Recite Sura 105 Fil often as per Ayatullah Bashir Najafi Ayatullah Wahid Khurasani advice Use duas from Curing Ailments page Remedies from the Prophet (saws ) from Authentic Hadith Increase immunity , Sleep well , Avoid Junk food
Wash Hands regularly with soap & water ( 20 seconds), use hand sanitizer with Alcohol if no water , Avoid all public places & close contact or handshake /hugs & kisses , Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
The World Federation Resource page
Guidelines on Dealing with Persons Infected with the Coronavirus
- Message from the Office of His Eminence Sayyid Ali Husayni Sistani Regarding the Coronavirus
- Frequently Asked Questions � Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- Coronavirus Advice (COVID-19)
Spiritual Advices 10 Acts Recommended by Ulama and Maraji we should read the Qur�an and the duas taught to us by the Ahlul Bayt (as) to keep safe. When we refer to the Holy Qur�an, we see that in 2:155-156, Allah tells us that He tests us in different ways: وَلَنَبْلُوَنَّكُم بِشَيْءٍ مِّنَ الْخَوْفِ وَالْجُوعِ وَنَقْصٍ مِّنَ الْأَمْوَالِ وَالْأَنفُسِ وَالثَّمَرَاتِ ۗ وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِينَ ﴿١٥٥ لَّذِينَ إِذَا أَصَابَتْهُم مُّصِيبَةٌ قَالُوا إِنَّا لِلَّـهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ ﴿١٥٦﴾ Translation and application of the two verses �We will certainly [as there is great benefit in it for you] test you [all, so nobody can escape the test] with a measure of fear [e.g. of affliction and possible death by the Coronavirus], hunger [e.g. created by shortages of necessary supplies], and a loss of wealth [e.g. falling stock prices], lives [e.g. of near and dear ones who succumb to Coronal infection], and fruits [infected fruit producers cannot work effectively]. And [O Messenger!] Give good news to the patient, those who, when an affliction visits them [do not complain but bravely submit to the Divine Decree after taking the necessary rational and religious steps for self say, �Indeed we belong to Allah, and to Him do we indeed return.�� By taking the necessary precautions, praying sincerely, seeking refuge in the Ever-Merciful Lord (istighatha), and asking the Holy Masumeen (as) to interceded for us, we can be protected by Allah�s Special Mercy, insha�Allah. 1. Recitation of the Qur�an, as it is a cure and mercy � Al-Isra 17: 82: �We send down in the Qur'an that which is a cure and mercy for the faithful.� Sura al-Hamd, S36 Yaseen, and Ayatul Kursi are particularly recommended. 2. Duas reported from the Ahlul Bayt (as), as Allah the All-Hearing, All-Powerful promises us that He will answer our duas � Ghafir 40:60: �Your Lord has said, �Call Me, and I will answer you!�� The best duas are those taught to us by the Holy Household (as). For example, Dua Number 7 from Saheefah Sajjadiyyah has been suggested by Ayatullah Khamenei. Ayatullah Mazahiri has suggested Dua Mujeer, Yastasheer, and Mashlool. And of course we should not forget all mumineen and muslimeen, in fact, all humanity, in our prayers for relief from this affliction. 3. Imam Zamana (aj) is Father of the Umma, and so believers ought to turn to him for help through duas such as �Ilahi adhumal bala�. 4. Hadith Kisa, as in this dua, the mahmoom (distressed) and maghmoom (grieved) are promised relief from affliction. 5. Rajab is the month of the universal waterfall of Divine Mercy. Although the floodgates of this mercy have opened to us, we still have to seek pardon from our sins, just as we read in Dua Kumayl: �O Allah, forgive me those sins which draw down retribution!� 6. The Imams (as) also recommend giving sadaqa, because Islam is a religion of compassion for the needy and orphans, and so helping Allah�s �family� will invite Divine Protection. 7. Dhikr, such as �There is no strength nor power except in Allah� Ayatullah Waheed Khurasani recommends this dhikr, following the advice reported from Imam Ali (as). 8. Dua of Nabi Ayyub (as) when he fell sick � 21:83: �And [O, Messenger!] Remind them of Ayyub [who was afflicted with loss in wealth, crops, lives, and health] when he called out to his Lord, �Indeed distress has befallen me, and You are the Most Merciful of the Merciful.� 9. Tawassul in this month of the birth of Imam Ali (as), such as the prescription of �Naadi �Aliyyan�, and general tawassul through Ziyarat Ashoora and Ziyarat Jamia Kabeera. 10. Ultimately, we must pray for what is best for us according to Divine Wisdom, and our duty is to place trust in His Grace - Ghafir 40:44 �I entrust my affair to Allah� We must carry out our moral and religious duties
Holy Prophet
Muhammad al Mustafā (salla llāhu ʿalayhi wa-alehe wa-sallam)
said:There is no greater cure next to the Quran than remembering us -
the Ahle Bait (alayhemus salām) and invoking blessings on us
Surely Allah, the Almighty, has made mention of Ahle Bait (alayhemus salām)
as cure for (what is in) the chest and has made the act of
invoking blessings on us as elimination of burdens and sins and
as cleansing of defects and multiplication of good deeds. Anyone
who believes otherwise is victim of Satan�s whispering.
[Reference: Tafseer of Imam
Hasan Askari (alayhi salām) under Surah Baqarah (2): 172-173,
Behar al-Anwar v 26 p 233, Mustadrak al-Wasail v 12 p 392]
Message from the Office of His Eminence
Sayyid Ali Husayni Sistani Regarding the Coronavirus At this time of astonishing turmoil, when the world is struck by the corona disease, and especially as the Islamic Republic of Iran has also suffered from this affliction, the following is expected from the believers:
O Allah! Relieve this community of this grief. [Stamped with the Seal of His Eminence�s Qum Office] 9 Rajab 1441 [5 March 2020] |
Personal notes extracted from an Interview of Sheikh
Nadir Jaffer on Khojaradio on 03/24/20
Note from Alim student in Qom -Things to do for increase of immunity
Corona virus usually effects the lungs and creates a infection into
them. This is because of
poor immunity system. Homeopathic doctor recommends -Aresnic Album 30 -4 pills 3 times a day x 5 days for immunity |
Message from Ayatullah Waheed Khurasani (ht)*
In order to hasten relief from the current
circumstances arising from the Corona virus,
On *the Night of 15 Sha�ban* ie. 14 Sha�ban at 11 pm in ones own home
with the families,
Recite *Du�a Azumal Bala
'and Sura Al Hamd* and
_Gift the sawab of this recitation to *Hazrat Narjis Khatoon*_ the
mother of our Imam Zaman (ajtfs)
The Commander Of The Faithful, Imam Ali (AS) said: �Whoever
recites these six verses every morning, Allah will protect
them from any adversity, even if they were already in
danger.� Bihar al-Anwar, Vol.83. Pg.337 |
Dua Kumayl extract
ya manis-muhu dawa-un
Quranic Reflection No. 464. Āyat 11:9 � Despondency in Afflictions source
Miracle which is related deadly disease spreading among all the people with no cure.
Miracle of Ziarate Ashura (Best remedy for any type of
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) recounts, �O Safwaan! When you are
confronted with some adversity, then seek redressal of your
grievances from Imam Hussain (a.s.) through the Aamaal of Ashura.
Allah has pledged the fulfillment of demands with this Ziarat and
Allah never reneges on His word�.
Hardships and afflictions
no matter how severe, can be remedied by reciting Ziarate Ashura for
forty successive days. Records of people�s experiences actually
testify to the authenticity of this tradition.
Renowned Shia scholars have
recited this Ziarat regularly. They have reaped incalculable
benefits through its recitation and have always resorted to it in
moments of distress. There
are many such miracles but have quoted just one which is related to
the disease spread among the people and which shows the significance
of Ziyarat e Ashura.
Respite from plague /Repelling
Calamities -
Ayatullah Al Hajj Sheikh
�Abdul Karim Haeri (r.a.) founder
of the hawzah �Ilmiyyah of Qum recounts
The late Mirza
said: "If I were to issue a hukm (ruling), would it not be mandatory
for it to be executed?" All those present said: "Yes." Shaykh Abdul Kareem (r.a.) observes that on reciting this Ziarat, Shias and Ahle Sunnah both became immune to this plague. We Pray to Allah s.w.t to save all the Believers Men/Women & seek the protection from the Hazrat-e-Sahebuzzaman (a.t.f.s) to protect under his shield from all the diseases and especially this deadly disease.