Duas by
Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.)
Amulet, Qunoot & Duas against oppressor from book
1. His supplication in the
praise of Allah (on the 16th and 17th of every month)
2. His supplication in the praise of Allah when signing (a letter) for
Ishaq ibn Ismael
3. His supplication in the praise of Allah to see Imam Mehdi(atfs)
4. A salawat on the Prophet (saw) and his Holy progeny (as)
5. His supplication seeking needs
6. His supplication seeking needs (in a taweez)
7. His supplication seeking needs after namaz
8. His supplication for sustenance and long life
9. His supplication seeking protection (general and specific)
10. His supplication seeking protection generally(or to be hidden from the
Click Here to Read Dua (11 to 20)
11. His supplication seeking
protection against something specific
12. His supplication to seek protection against the temptations of satan
13. His supplication for the oppressed cursing the oppressor
14. His supplication to seek refuge against the evil of enemies
15. His supplication for repelling fever (in a taweez)
16. His supplication for repelling headache (read on water and drink)
17. His supplication for protection against the illness given by Ummul
Sibyaan (a jin)
18. His supplication on the 3rd of Shaban-birthday of Imam Husain (as)
19. His supplication in the month of Ramadhan
20. His supplication after fajr
Click Here to Read Dua (21 to 30)
21. His supplication in the
22. His supplication in the morning and at night
23. His supplication when entering the mosque
24. Another dua
25. His supplication in qunut
26. His supplication in qunut
27. His supplication after namaz
28. His supplication in scary or dangerous situations during travelling
29. His supplication before eating
30. Another dua
Click Here to Read Dua (31 to 40)
31. Tawassul of H.Nooh(as)
to the Prophet (saw) and his Holy progeny
32. Another dua
33. Another dua
34. Another dua
35. Another dua
36. Another dua
37. Another dua
38. His supplication in the munajat of Imam Ali(as)
39. His supplication for Ishaq ibn Ismael
40. His supplication for Ashja
Click Here to Read Dua (41 to 51)
41. His supplication for
42. His supplication for the wife of Ibn Daryaab AlRuqashi
43. His supplication for Isa ibn Sabeeh
44. His supplication for Mohammad ibn Ali ibn Ibrahim
45. His supplication for Abi Sulaiman Mehmudi
46. His supplication for the son of Hijaj ibn Sufyaan Alabdi
47. His supplication for the father of one his slaves
48. His supplication for the mother of one his slaves
49. His curse on a Waqafi
50. His supplication at the 11th hour(before the sun turns yellow till it
turns yellow)
51. His supplication for the people for doing tawassul to him at the 11th