Duas by Imam Ali Naqi (A.s)Dua's From {31 to 43}
31. His supplication after waking up from sleep
32. His supplication after namaz-e-zohr
33. His supplication for/to Ali ibn Rashid
34. His supplication for/to Ibn Hashim
35. His supplication for/to Sire ibn Salami and his brothers
36. His supplication for/to Fath ibn Yazid Aljarjani
37. His supplication for/to Mohammad ibn Ahmed ibn Khaqaan
38. His supplication for/to a man in the city of sammarrah
39. His supplication for a few shia’s in the city of Baghdad
40. Another dua
41. His supplication cursing the killer of Imam Ali(as)
42. Resorting to Imam Hadi(as) at the 10th hour
43. Another dua
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