Common Aa'maal for the first 10 days of Dhil-Hajj
The first ten days of this month are full of significance and merit. According to some commentators of the Holy Qur’an, these ten days have been mentioned in Sura al-Fajr when Allah swears by the ten nights: وَ الْفَجْرِ وَ لَيَالٍ عَشْرٍ I swear by the daybreak, and by the ten nights(89:1-2)
The Holy Prophet (s) has said: There are no days when Allah is as pleased with good deeds as He is in these ten days [of Dhil-hajj].
Keep fast on the first 9 days (not on the 10th)
In the nights of the first 10 days, between the Maghrib and Ishaa Salaats pray a 2 Rak—a’t Salaat as under:
In every Rak—a’t, after the recitation of Soorah Al Faatih’ah, recite Soorah Al Ikhlaas and the following verse:
[And when We did appoint for Moosa thirty nights, and added to them ten; and he completed the whole time appointed by his Lord of forty nights; and Moosa said unto his brother: “Take my place among the people. Do right, and do not follow the way of the mischief-makers”.](Sura al-A`araaf, 7:142) |
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3. Recite the following dua any time after the Subh prayer and before the Maghrib prayer
O Allah these are the days Thou has preferred to and surpassed over other (ordinary) days, and mercifully as a favour gave me the opportunity to avail its advantages, so send down Thy good for us, and increase Thy good for us, and increase Thy bounties bestowed on us in these days. O Allah I ask Thee to send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad. And keep us on the rightly guided path, leading us to moderation, contentment, and productive labour, through which we get Thy love and sympathy. O Allah I ask Thee. O he who makes good and settle complaints, O He who listens to that which hearts and minds ask for secretly, O He sees clearly through points of view and opinions, expressed openly. O He who knows and ins and outs of that which is kept undisclosed, to send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, and, during these days, disperse the calamities hovering over our heads, accede to our request, strenthen us, help us and encourage us, by which we get Thy love and sympathy, and carry out that which has been made obligatory in Thy obedience and in the obedience of Thy Messenger and Thy authorized reppresentatives. O Allah I ask Thee, O the Most Merciful of all the merciful, to send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, and grant us Thy approval, because verily, Thou hears supplications, in these days, do not deprive us of the good that Thou sends down in this period from the heaven, cleanse us of the (dirt of) sins, O Knower of the unseen, and make certain for us a place in the land of everlasting happiness (Paradise). O Allah sends blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, and do not leave us alone burdened with sin, setting aside forgiveness, do not fill yus with care and sorrow, passing over relief, do not let us borrow unless made able to pay back, do not remove us (from any place) or send (in any direction) without keeping clear the way back home, and do not render anything necessary, whether it is a worldly need or a desire for the everlasting happiness, except that fulfillment is made easy and expeditious. Verily Thou art able to do all things. O Allah, O knower of the secrets, O He who takes pity on those who shed tears, O He who gives answer to those who call on Him. O lord of the earths and the heavens. O He whom (countless) voices of the (supplicants) do not confuse (He pays attention to each and every call separately), send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, and declare us as those who have been set free and kept foar away from the Fire, and have been rescued to reach Thy Paradise, through Thy Mercy, O the Most Merciful of all the merciful, send blessings on our Master Muhammad, and on (all) his children.
Recite the following 5 dua’as every day
on the first 10 days, Angel Jibraeel brought to Prophet Isa (a.s.) from
the Almighty Allah:
(i) I testify that there is no god save
Allah only. He has no partner. Unto He belongs the sovereignty. Unto He
belongs the praise. In His hand is the good. And it is he who is able to
do all things.
(ii) I testify that there is not god save
Allah only. He has no partner; Single and Ever-Independent, (He) has
taken neither wife nor son.
(iii) I testify that there is no god save
Allah only. He has no partner, One, Ever-Independent, He begets not, nor
was He begotten, and there is none comparable (co-equal) unto Him.
(iv) I testify that there is no god save
Allah only, he has no partner. Unto he belongs the sovereignty. Unto he
belongs the praise. He gives life and he puts to death. And it is He who
is Ever-Alive, never non-existent. In His hand is the good. And it is He
who is able to do all things.
(v) Allah is my all. He is enough (for
me). Allah hears the prayer of the supplicant. Beyond Allah there is no
destination. I testify Allah unto Whom I turn to make requests,
disconnecting all links with those who go astray for Him. Unto Allah
belongs the beginning and the end.
Recite the following dua’a taught by
Imam Ali (a.s.) on the first 10 days of this month:
There is no god save Allah, in the midst
of the multitude of nights and days; there is no god save Allah, in the
midst of the repeating concourse of the waves moving across the surface
of the oceans; there is no god save Allah, His loving kindness (mercy)
out balances their addition put together; there is no god save Allah, in
the midst of the plentitude of plants and leaves; There is no god save
Allah, in the midst of countless pores and mass of hairs; there is no
god save Allah, in the midst of numerous stones and particles in heaps;
there is no god save Allah, in the midst of quite a many flashes of the
eyes; there is no god save Allah, in the hours of every night when
darkness begins to deepen and at every daybreak when light shines
bright; there is no god save Allah, in the midst of thousands of winds
blowing over the plains and mountains; there is no god save Allah, from
today to the day of “blow the horn” (the final call). |