Imam Ja'far As Sadiq (as)

Kuniyat / Agnomen: Abu Abdullah, Abu Musa  | Mother: Umm-e-Farwa Binte-Qasim  |  Father: Muhammad Ibne Ali Al Baqir(as)

Born: 17th of Rabi'awal 83AH (702AD)      Martyred: 25th Shawwal 148AH (765 AD)     Lived: 65 years

Poisoned by Mansur Dwaniqi    Buried: Cemetery of Jannatul Baqi Medina

  Life sketch  Allama Zeshan Jawadi | Brief Biography | Stories  Sayings -last words | 25 Shawal image 

 Documentary film    |  Life- Video / Mp3 lecture lecture by Ayt Wahid Khurasani | School of Imam Sadiq (as)

Books on Imam at ; First Hand written Quran

The Great Muslim Scientist & Philosopher Imam Jafar As Sadiq(as)  Video  EPUB    PDF

A Short Biography of Imam Sadiq (as)   EPUB   PDF     PDF 2

Tradition of 'MUFADDAL'- Pearls of Wisdom by Imam Sadiq(as)   EPUB   PDF

Imam Sadiq(as) discussion with Atheist Scientist on the Myrobalan Fruit PDF

Remembering Imam Sadiq ppsx    |  Divinely Inspired Scientific Observation ppsx  |  Jafari schoolof thought  |  Books on Imam

Friday Salat /dua |  His 4 Simple duas  |  Salwaat   & Ziarat -(  Pdf   Image  img2 )  |    Baqi Ziarat

Ziarat Imam Jafar as Sadiq (as)  |   Image   ImageMp3  | Mobile ziarat page

السلام عليك يا إمام الورى 


السلام عليك أيها العروة الوثقى 


السلام عليك يا حبل الله المتين 


السلام عليك يانوره المبين

السلام عليك أيها الصادق 


جعفر بن محمد خازن العلم الداعي
إلى الله بالحق


اللهم كما جعلته معدن كلامك ووحيك وخازن علمك 



ولسان توحيد ووالي أمرك 



ومستحفظ دينك ، فصلي عليه أفضل


ماصليت على أحد من أوصيائك

وحججك إنك حميد مجيد 












Peace be on you, O Imam of The world! 

Peace be on you O secure and Lasting link of Allah! 

Peace be on you, O strong rope of  Allah! 


Peace be on you, O the bright light Of Allah! 


Peace be on you, O the truthful

Ja�far son of Mohammad, Treasurer of Allah�s Knowledge, O true inviter of people towards Allah! 

O Allah! In the same way as You Have made him the mine Of Your words and of Your Messages and the treasurer of Your knowledge, 

And give him the language of Your oneness, the ownership of Your realm 

And the protectorship of Your Religion, send the choicest of Blessings on him- 

The same blessings bestowed by You on Your regents And successors. Surely, You are Worthy of praise and Your are Revered!

Salwaat on Imam   Image

َللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى جَعْفَرِ بْنِ مُحَمَّدٍ الصَّادِقِ


 خَازِنِ الْعِلْمِ الدَّاعِي إِلَيْكَ بِالْحَقِّ النُّورِ الْمُبِينِ‏

اللَّهُمَّ وَ كَمَا جَعَلْتَهُ مَعْدِنَ كَلاَمِكَ وَ وَحْيِكَ

وَ خَازِنَ عِلْمِكَ وَ لِسَانَ تَوْحِيدِكَ وَ وَلِيَّ أَمْرِكَ

وَ مُسْتَحْفَظَ (مُسْتَحْفِظَ) دِينِكَ‏
فَصَلِّ عَلَيْهِ أَفْضَلَ مَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَى أَحَدٍ مِنْ أَصْفِيَائِكَ
وَ حُجَجِكَ

 إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيد










O Allah send blessings on Jaa'far bin Muhammad,the truthful,  

treasurer of knowledge, who truthfully called people unto Thee, the evident Light.   

Therefore, O Allah, Thou established him as a specialist expert to teach Thy "words" and Thy "Revelation",

To preserve Thy knowledge, to make known Thy Oneness, to administer Thy commands, to protect Thy Religion,   

so, send blessings on him, much and more blessings than Thou had bestowed upon any of Thy close friends, and Thy demonstrators,

 verily Thou alone art praiseworthy and Almighty.


His demolished shrine/tomb at Baqi in Medina Saudi Arabia today click image to know more

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ أَیُّهَا الإِمَامُ الصَّادِقُ.
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ أَیُّهَا الوَصِیُّ النَّاطِقُ.
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ أَیُّهَا الفَاتِقُ الرَّاتِقُ. 
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ أَیُّهَا السَّنَامُ الأَعْظَمُ.
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ أَیُّهَا الصِّرَاطُ الأَقْوَمُ.

السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا مِفْتَاحَ الخَیْرَاتِ.
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا مَعْدِنَ البَرَكَاتِ.
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا صَاحِبَ الحُجَجِ وَالدَّلالاتِ.
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا صَاحِبَ البَرَاهِینِ الوَاضِحَاتِ.

السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا نَاصِرَ دِینِ اللَّهِ.
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا نَاشِرَ حُكْمِ اللَّهِ. 
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا فَاصِلَ الخِطَابَاتِ.
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا كَاشِفَ الكُرُبَاتِ.

السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا عَمِیدَ الصَّادِقِینَ.
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا لِسَانَ النَّاطِقِینَ.
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا خَلَفَ الخَائِفِینَ. 
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا زَعِیمَ الصَّالِحِینَ.
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا سَیِّدَ المُسْلِمِینَ.
السَّلامُ عَلَیْ. یَا كَهْفَ المُؤْمِنِینَ.
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا هَادِیَ المُضِلِّینَ.
السَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ یَا سَكَنَ الطَّائِعِینَ.

أَشْهَدُ یَا مَوْلایَ أَنَّكَ عَلَمُ الهُدَى،
وَالعُرْوَةُ الوُثْقَى، وَشَمْسُ الضُّحَى،وَبَحْرُ 
النَّدَى، وَكَهْفُ الوَرَى،وَالمَثَلُ الأَعْلَى،
وَصَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَى رُوحِكَ وَبَدَنِكَ. 
واَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ وَعَلَى العَبَّاس
ِ عَمِّ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَیْهِ
وَآلِهِ وَرَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه.
نعزی الامة الاسلامیه و شیعة اهل البیت (ع) بذکری استشهاد الامام جعفر بن محمدالصادق علیه السلام
صباح الخير

Brief Biography  

Mother: Umm Farwa, the daughter of Qasim bin Muhammad bin Abu Bakr. 

Kunniyat (Patronymic): Abu 'Abdillah. Laqab (Title): Al-Sadiq. 

Birth: He was born at Madina in 83 A.H. Martyrdom: He died of poison in on 25 Shawaal 148 A.H. and is buried at Baqi near his father.

Birth of Imam Sadiq(as):The sun of the existence of Imam jafar as Sadiq (AS) arose from the lap of his mother Umm-e-Farwah on the 17th of Rabiul Awal, 83rd year Hijrah, in the city of Madina. Imam jafar as Sadiq (AS) has the same birth date as that of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Family Backgroung of Imam jafar Sadiq(as):

Imam jafar as Sadiq (AS) has three titles; they are: As-Sadiq, Al-Fadil, At-Tahir

His father Imam Muhammad Baqir (AS) was much happy and pleased by the birth of his son. His mother Umm-e-Farwah was the grand daughter of Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr, who was one of the companions of Imam Ali (AS). Imam Ali (AS) repeatedly said about him that, "Muhammad is my spiritual and moral son." Asma Bint Umais was the mother of Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr, and she was considered to be a pious woman. She was continuously in the service of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA) and took pride in it. After the martyrdom of her husband jafar ibn Abi Talib in the Battle of Mu�tah, Asma Bint Umais married Abu Bakr Siddiq and after his death, married to Imam Ali (AS).

Imam jafar as Sadiq (AS) said about her mother, "My mother was one of the pious, faithful and devoted women." Imam jafar as Sadiq (AS) was 15 years of age when his grandfather Imam Sajjad (AS) was martyred and 34 years old when his father Imam Muhammad Baqir (AS) was martyred.

Political Background:

Consequent upon the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS) the government of Bani Umayyah was shaken which turned the people into their enemy and pessimist about them. This opened the avenue for the formation of Bani Abbasid government. The gap in between these two powers opened the way for the propagation of Shiia ideology and school of thought. Imam jafar as Sadiq (AS) could, through a learning movement, propagate the learning�s of Islam in such a way to extend and make it reach all the people in the World.

Characteristic of Imam jafar Sadiq (as):

The Characteristic distinctions of Imam jafar as Sadiq (AS)We all know that the conduct of men is the reflection of their inner character and everyone can be recognized by his conduct.

There are only a very few people who do not spill out their conduct and whatever they have in their interior and do not exhibit it. Whatever they have in their hearts kindles the exterior of the electric lamp like an electric switch.

Whole of the life of Imam jafar as Sadiq (AS), like the other Imams (AS), was the enlightened lesson of the real and true Islam. He himself was considered to be the example and specimen of the Islamic ethic, moral and conduct.

 You cannot find a father and a son among all the people, of all the tribes who may resemble each other from all the angles of ideas, thoughts, character and conduct. But the family of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and his successors all were on the same line and performed their heavenly duty with one aim, one ideology, and did not have any kind of difference in speech, character and ethical conduct.

Ethical value and virtue of Imam Sadiq jafar (as)

About the ethical value and virtue of Imam jafar as Sadiq (AS), it is sufficient that out of four thousands of his students even a single one did not object or criticize upon the moral character and conduct of Imam jafar as Sadiq (AS), and did not find a weak point in it. He was a practical example and specimen for the Muslims with respect to eating, relaxing and resting, walking, speaking, and conducts with others. He had the same social conduct with his friends as he had with his children.

His Life

During the Imamate of the sixth Imam greater possibilities and a more favourable climate existed for him to propagate religious teachings. This came about as a result of revolts in Islamic lands, especially the uprising of the Muswaddah to overthrow the Umayyad caliphate, and the bloody wars which finally led to the fall and extinction of the Umayyads. The greater opportunities for Shi'ite teachings were also a result of the favourable ground the fifth Imam had prepared during the twenty years of his Imamate through the propagation of the true teachings of Islam and the sciences of the Household of the Prophet (sawas).

The Imam took advantage of the occasion to propagate the religious sciences until the very end of his Imamate, which was contemporary with the end of the Umayad, and beginning of the Abbasid caliphates. He instructed many scholars in different fields of the intellectual and transmitted sciences, such as Zararah, Muhammad ibn Muslim, Mu'min Taqi, Hisham ibn Hakam, Aban ibn Taghlib, Hisham ibn Salim, Hurayz, Hisham Kalbi Nassabah, and Jabir ibn Hayyan, the alchemist. Even some important Sunni scholars such as Sufyan Thawri, Abu Hanifah, the founder of the Hanafi school of law, Qadi. l Sukuni, Qadi Abu'l-Bakhtari, and others, had the honour of being his students. It is said that his classes and sessions of instruction produced four thousand scholars of hadith and other sciences. The number of traditions preserved from the fifth and sixth Imams is more than all the hadith that have been recorded from the Prophet (sawas) and the other ten Imams combined.

Towards the end of his life the Imam was subjected to severe restrictions by the Abbasid caliph Mansur, who ordered such torture and merciless killing of many of the descendants of the Prophet (sawas) who were Shi'ite that his actions even surpassed the cruelty and heedlessness of the Umayyads. On his order they were arrested in groups, some thrown into deep and dark prisons and tortured until they died, while others were beheaded or buried alive or placed at the base of or between walls of buildings, and walls were constructed over them.

Hisham, the Umayyad caliph, had ordered the sixth Imam to be arrested and brought to Damascus. Later, the Imam was arrested by Saffah., the Abbasid caliph, and brought to Iraq. Finally, Mansur had him arrested again and brought to Samarrah where he had the Imam kept under supervision, was in every way harsh and discourteous to him, and several times thought of killing him. Eventually the Imam was allowed-to return to Medina where he spent the rest of his life in hid-ing, until he was poisoned and martyred through the intrigue of Mansur.

Upon hearing the news of the imam's martyrdom, Mansur wrote to the governor of Medina instructing him to go to the house of the Imam on the pretext of expressing his condolences to the family, to ask for the Imam's will and testament and read it. Whoever was chosen by the Imam as his inheritor and successor should be beheaded on the spot. Of course the aim of Mansur was to put an end to the whole question of the Imamate and to Shi'ite aspirations. When the governor of Medina following orders, read the last will and testament. He learnt that the Imam had chosen four people rather than one to administer his last will and testament: the caliph himself, the governor of Medina, 'Abdallah Aftah., the Imam's older son and Musa, his younger son. In this way the plot of Mansur failed.

Being brought up by his father, the �Splitter of Knowledge of the First to the Last�, Imam Muhammad ibne Ali al-Baqir, the 6th Imam was blessed with being able to acquire knowledge directly from the never-ending spring of the 'Divine' through his father.

According to the narration of Shaykh Abbas al-Qummi in his masterpiece, Muntahal al-Amaal, as-Sadiq had no less than 4,000 scholars from the various Muslim sects studying under him while in Madinah.  What we have in our hands today is perhaps less than one-tenth of what he conveyed to those around him! 

Last Words of Imam a.s.

After the martyrdom of Imām Sādiq (A.S.), I (Abu Basir) went to his (A.S.) house to pay my condolences to his wife Hamidah. Upon seeing me, she began to weep and I wept as well. Then she said: ' Abu Basir! If you were here on the last moments of Imām Sādiq's (A.S.) life, you would have witnessed something extraordinary. What is that? I asked. She answered: It was in the last moments of the Imām's life when he opened his blessed eyes and said: Gather all of my family and relatives now and bring them to me! Thus, we gathered every one of the relatives until no-one was left. He turned to them  & although going in and out of consciousness, at one point, the Imam a.s. looked towards the family and said:

�Surely our intercession shall never reach to those people who take their Salaat lightly. [Reference: Bihar al-Anwar , vol. 6, p. 154 ,and vol. 4, p. 297, narrated by Abu Basir]

The Imam a.s. was not concerned about those who did not pray, as they are in a completely different category.  However his words were directed to his �Shia� who do not give importance to their prayers and he was very emphatic in his final words that he and the rest of the Ahlul Bayt a.s. would have no ability to intercede for those who claim to be their followers, but give no attention or importance to the prayers. 


SAYINGS from Imam Sadiq (as)

1. He who marries a woman for the hope of her wealth, Allah leaves him with only that wealth.

2. Indeed the cognition & knowing of Allah provides comfort in all terrors & frights. And it is the companion in all solitudes & loneliness & the light in all darkness & energy in all weaknesses & feeblenesses & the cure of all diseases & aliments.

3. The person who sees his brother (religious) involved (in a problem) which is the cause of his trouble & dislike ness & he does not remove it from him although he can do that, has committed a dishonesty with him.

4. Be careful of your knowledge and see from whom you get it.

5. Nothing follows a person after his death except three virtues & qualities. 
 a. The study & charity that he may have executed by the grace of Allah in his life & which continues on after his death.
 b. And a decent & good tradition (left over by him) which is put into practice (after his death).
 c. A pious son who prays for him.

6. In no way is Allah worshipped better than by fulfilling the right of a believer.

7. Momin is the brother of a Momin just like one single body, (so that) if one part of it has a complaint the entire body feels & receives the pain & trouble. And their souls are from a single soul. And indeed the tie & connection of the faithful's should to the soul of Allah is more powerful & strengthener than the connection of the rays of sun with it.

8. Surely, a little action (of worshipping) with piety is better than many deeds with no virtue.

9. The smallest thing which turns a man out of faith is that he keeps counting the faults, lapses missteps & flaws of his brother in faith so that one day he may reprimand him. (by those weaknesses)

10. It is from the disposition & manners of the ignorant that he answers before listening & quarrel before understanding & gives judgment upon what he is unaware of.

11. The person who acts & practices short of vision is similar to the traveler of a wrong avenue. So the speed of his journey would not but only increase his distance.

12. The most beloved of the brothers to me is the one who presents & indicates to me my faults & short comings.

13. Be the inviters & callers of people towards beneficence without (using) your tongue, so that they may observer your endeavor & efforts, & truth & piety.

14. Seventy sins of ignorant are forgiven before one sin of a scholar is forgiven.

15. Indeed when the sin is committed by a servant secretly, it does not harm but the one who commits it. Where as, if it is committed openly & conspicuously & a restraints is not put upon it then it harms the general public.

16. The love of this fleeting world is the origin of all vices.

17. A man does not become proud hearted & arrogant but for the self abjection which he finds in his soul.

18. He who has even a little arrogance in his heart will not be allowed to enter Heaven.

19. Toiling & laboring hard for one's family is like becoming the warrior of a holy war on the course of Allah.

20. He who restrains his anger, Allah will cover his blemishes.

Other sayings

The person moving to help his Momin brothers is like the person who is walking between Safa and Marwa.

Islam is a definite rank. Faith is one rank higher than Islam. Conviction is one rank higher than faith.

 The desire for the worldly pleasures causes grief and sadness.  Abstinence from the worldly pleasures brings about the rest of both heart and body.

   He who mistreats people should not complain when people mistreat him.

  A Muslim always has three characteristics: knowledge about the religion, good management of life, and perseverance in the faces of calamities.

  Enjoining good and forbidding evil should be practiced with a faithful believer that he would learn a lesson. 

  Enjoining good and forbidding evil become surely worthless when they are applied to the powerful tyrants.

  As some people showed ingratitude for Allah's graces, He changed the graces into crises. As other people showed steadfastness against the misfortunes that inflicted them, Allah changed the misfortunes into graces.

  Thank him who did you favour, and confer favour upon him who thanked you.   Thanks increase the graces and saves against poverty.

Whoever controls himself when he's angry, and whenever he's afraid, and whenever he desires, God shall forbid his body from [burning] in hell" � Imam Sadeq(as)

Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (p) is reported to have said: �From [among] the dispositions of the ignorant are answering before listening, and opposition before understanding, and [judging] on what he lacks knowledge of.�

Shaykh al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol 75, p. 278

روي عن الإمام جعفر الصادق (ع) أنّه قال: مِن أَخلاقِ الجاهِلِ الاجابَةُ قَبلَ اَن يَسمَعَ وَالمُعارَضَةُ قَبلَ اَن يَفهَمَ وَالحُکمُ بِما لا يَعلَمُ

[الشيخ المجلسي، بحار الأنوار، ج ٧٥، ص ٢٧٨

Service to the Poor in the Darkness of Night

 Mu'alla, who was a servant of Imam Sadiq (A.S.), narrates the following event: 

  "One rainy night, as Imam Sadiq (A.S.) left his house, I calmly followed him. Suddenly, something fell out of his hands onto the ground.  I approached him and greeted him. He asked:" Is it you Mu'alla?"   "Yes" I replied"O son of the messenger of Allah (S.A.W.W.)".   

He then said:" Touch the ground and hand me what you find." I stretched my hand toward the ground and found a piece of bread.

I took it and returned it back to him. It was then that I realized Imam Sadiq (A.S.) was carrying a sack full of bread, some of which had fallen to the ground.   

I said: "My Master! Let me carry the sack." He refused saying: "No! I am worthier for carrying it. Yet, follow me!" 

 I followed him until we reached the shelter of Bani Sa'idah.   

The Shelter of Bani Sa'idah was an area where people gathered to shelter themselves from the extreme daytime heat;and where the poor and needy would sleep there during the night.There, I realized that Imam Sadiq (A.S.) had left his house in the dark night in order to help the poor.

Imam Sadiq (A.S.) took loaves of bread out from the sack and placed one or two beside each person, making sure that no one was left out.

 Ja'fari School of Thought Islamic Insights 


A famous  Scholar Says 75%-80% of Imam Jafar's (as) Students were from Ahle Sunnah   click the link below to hear it 

One of the well-known Muslim schools of thought, also known as the 12er Shia school of thought, is the Ja'fari school of thought. The word 'Jafar' in 'Jafari' refers to the sixth blessed Imam of the Prophet's family (Ahlul-Bait), peace be upon all of them.  The martyrdom of Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) is commemorated during these days.

Imam Jafar as-Sadiq a.s. was born on 17 Rabiee Awwal, 83 AH, in Medina, present-day Saudi Arabia, to the fifth Imam, Imam Muhammad Al Baqir a.s., and Um-Farwah a.s.  The Imam lived in a time when the Umayyad Dynasty was losing control of power to the Abbasid Dynasty.  During this period, the power gap allowed for the Imam to spread the knowledge of Ahlul Bayt and teach the true teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

Imam as-Sadiq a.s. was known to be the most knowledgeable of his time in the Qur'an, Hadith (traditions), and other religious & worldly sciences. Imam as-Sadiq a.s. had thousands of attendees taking part in his classes.  Those who agreed, those who disagreed, and those who just wanted to listen flocked from different parts of the world to hear the great imam a.s.  One of the most famous students of the Imam was Jabir Ibn Hayyan.  Jabir was the great chemist who is known as Geber in the Western world.

The Imam a.s. had many debates and wise responses to atheists and followers of different schools of thought.  In one instance, someone asked Imam as-Sadiq a.s. to show him God. The Imam replied, "Look at the sun."  The man said that he could not look at the sun because it was too bright.  Imam as-Sadiq a.s. replied, "If you cannot see the created, how can you expect to see the Creator?"

Imam As-Sadiq a.s. used to give his companions general outlines about how to validate a Hadith and know the laws.  The Imam a.s. once said, "Do not accept any hadith supposedly narrated by us except that which is in harmony with the Qur'an and the Sunnah, or if you find in it a witness (to the meaning) from an earlier narration."

The Imam a.s. also confirmed to his companions another general rule, "My narration is the narration of my father, and the narration of my father is the narration of my grandfather, and the narration of my grandfather is the narration of Ali son of Abu Talib, and the narration of Ali is the narration of the Messenger of Allah, and the narration of the Messenger of Allah is the Word of Allah the Exalted."

It was not very long before the Abbasid Dynasty tightened its clutch over the Muslim world and began to sense the danger of a man like Imam Jafar as-Sadiq.  The Abbasids feared that a population armed with the knowledge of Ahlul Bait a.s. would not be good for their politics.  The Abbasid Caliph, Mansur Al Dawaneeqi, poisoned the Imam on 25 Shawwal, 148 AH.  Imam Jafar as-Sadiq a.s. was buried in the Baqee cemetery in Medina. He is visited by thousands of Muslims every year. 





BOOKS - Imam Ja�far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (as)

The Great Muslim Scientist & Philosopher Imam Jafar As Sadiq(as)



A Short Biography of Imam Sadiq (as)


PDF    PDF 2

Tradition of 'MUFADDAL'- Pearls of Wisdom by Imam Sadiq(as)



Remembering Imam Sadiq ppsx    |  Divinely Inspired Scientific Observation ppsx  |  Jafari schoolof thought