The Blessings and Great Rewards of Reciting SalawaatNew Download Mp3
It is reported through authentic sources that Imam Zainul Abideen (A.S.) used to recite the following Salavat every day in Sha`ban at the time sun passes the merdian (waqt-e-Zawal) and on the night of 15th Sha`ban. The salawat is as under:
In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful. |
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O’ Allah! Bestow Your blessing on Muhammad and his progeny-the tree of prophet hood and the afrode of Your Messages, the place of visits of the angels, the mine of Your Knowledge and the people of the Holy House of revelation. O` Allah I Bestow Your blessing on Mohammad and his progeny who are a boat sailing in the deep waters of fathomless sea. Safe is he who boarded it and drowned is he who discarded it. Those who went ahead of them were misled and those legged behind them were ruined and those who adhered to them were united with them. O` Allah! Bless Mohammad and his progeny who are the strong refuge, rescue for the distressed and the helpless, shelter for the fugitives and protection.
O` Allah! Bless Mohammad and his Progeny with plenty of Your blessings
which should please them and grant them their due and it should be
fulfilled with Your might-O` the Lord of the Worlds!
O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon
Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad— O` Allah! Bless Mohammad and his progeny and embellish my heart with obedience to You and disgrace me not with disobedience to You and bless me with tenderness for one struck with poverty from Your sustenance for You have blessed me with affluence in livelihood and because You have displayed Your justice on me and bestowed life on me to live under Your shade. And this is the month You have attributed to Your Prophet the chief of Your Prophets month of Sha`aban You have encompassed it with your mercy and pleasure.
The Messenger of god used to keep vigil in devotion during its nights
and observed fasts during its days humiliating himself before You
honouring and respecting it till his departure from this World.
O` Allah! Help us in following his life pattern and in achieving his
intercession. O` Allah! Appoint him as an intercessor for me and his intercession is accepted by You and appoint him to show us a simple path towards You and make me his follower till I meet You on the day of resurrection in a state that You be pleased with me ignoring my sins for You have prescribed mercy and pleasure from you and my entertainment a peaceful abode and the abode of virtous people: |
BISMILLA HIR RAHMA NIR RAHIM “Allahumma Salle Alaa Mohammedin wa Aale Mohammadin Shajaratin Nabuwwate wa Mauze`ir Risalate wa Mukhtalafil Malae`ekate Wa Ma`denil Ilme wa Ahle Baitil wahye; Allahumma Salle Alaa Mohammadin wa Aale Mohammadenil Fulkil Jariyate Fil Lujajil Ghamerate Yamanu Man Rakabaha wa Yaghraqo Man Tarakaha Al Mutaqaddimo Lahum Mariqun wal Mutakhkhiro Anhum Zahiqun wal Lazimo Lahum Lahhiqun Allahumma Salle Alaa Mohammadin wa Aale Mohammdil Kahfil Haseena wa Ghiyasil Muztarril Mustakeen wa Maljaa`al Harebeena wa Ismatil Mo`tasemeena; Allahumma Salle Alaa Mohammadin wa As;e Mohammadin Salavatan Katheeratan Takoono Lahum Rezan wa Behaqqe Mohammadin wa Aale Mohammadin Ada`an wa Oazaa`an Be Haulin Minka wa Quwwatin ya Mohammadin wa Aale Mohammadenit Tayyebeenal Abraril Akhyaril Lazeena Aujabta Haqooqahum wa Farazta Ta`atahum wa Wilayatahum; Allahumma Salle Alaa Mohammadin wa Aale Mohammadin wa`a mur Qalbi be Ta`ateka wa la Tukhzeni Be Ma`siyateka warzuqni Movassata Man Qattarta aaihe Min rizqeka Be Ma wassa`ta alayya Min fazleka wa Nasharta Alayya Min Adleka wa Ahya`tani Tahta Zilleka wa Haza Shahro Nabiyyeka wa Saiyide Rusuleka Sha`abanul lazi Hafaftahoo Minka Bir Rahmate war Rizwani Lazi kana Rasoolullahe Sallallaho Alaihe wa Aalehi wa Sallam Yad`abo fi Siyamehi wa QiyamehiFi Layalehi wa Ayyamehi Najoo`an Lake Fi Lkramehi wa I`zamehi Ila Mahalle Himamehi; Allahumma Fa Ainna Alal Istinane Be Sunnatehi Feeha wa Nailish Shafa`ate Ladaihe; allahumma Waj`alahoo Li Shafee`an Mushaffa`an wa Tareeqan Ilaika Mahyaan waj`alni Lahoo Muttaba`an Hatta al Qaka Yaumal Qiyamate Anni Raziyan wa an Zunoobi Ghaziyan Qad Aujabta li minkar Rahmata war Rizwana wa azzaltani Daral Qarare wa Mahallal Akhyar. |