DU`�� AL-SAYF� AL-�AGH�R   The Supplication of the Minor Sword.( FROM MAFATIH)

Also called Du`�' al-Q�m�s (The Supplicatory prayer of the Ocean),

Shaykh M�rz� al-N�r��may Allah honor his tomb�has mentioned this  prayer in his book entitled al-�a��fah al-`Alawiyyah II, adding, �This supplication has been explained by the master scholars of talismans and spiritual sciences with strange words referring to marvelous effects ensuing from reciting it.� Yet, I will not refer to these details because I cannot depend upon their accuracy. Rather, I, imitating our master scholars and avoiding falling in faults, only mention the original text of the supplication, which is as follows:

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بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

bismi all�hi alrra�m�ni alrra��mi

In the Name of Allah; the All-beneficent, the All-merciful

رَبِّ دْخِلْنِي فِي لُجَّةِ بَحْرِ حَدِيَّتِكَ

rabbi adkhiln� f� lujjati ba�ri a�adiyyatika

O my Lord, include me with the profundity of the ocean of Your Oneness

وَطَمْطَامِ يَمِّ وَحْدَانِيَّتِكَ

wa �am��mi yammi wa�d�niyyatika

and in the enormity of the sea of Your singleness.

وَقَوِّنِي بِقُوَّةِ سَطْوَةِ سُلْطَانِ فَرْدَانِيَّتِكَ

wa qawwin� biquwwati sa�wati sul��ni fard�niyyatika

Strengthen me with the strength of the influence of the authority of Your Uniqueness

حَتَّىٰ خْرُجَ إِلَىٰ فَضَاءِ سَعَةِ رَحْمَتِكَ

�att� akhruja il� fa��'i sa`ati ra�matika

so that when I come out to the space of the breadth of Your mercy,

وَفِي وَجْهِي لَمَعَاتُ بَرْقِ ٱلْقُرْبِ مِنْ آثَارِ حِمَايَتِكَ

wa f� wajh� lama`�tu barqi alqurbi min �th�ri �im�yatika

my face will have the twinkles of the shining of the nearness to the traces of Your protection,

مَهِيباً بِهَيْبَتِكَ

mah�ban bihaybatika

being venerable out of Your venerability,

عَزِيزاً بِعِنَايَتِكَ

`az�zan bi`in�yatika

mighty out of Your care (for me),

مُتَجَلِّلاًَ مُكَرَّماً

mutajallilan mukarraman

esteemed, and honored

بِتَعْلِيمِكَ وَتَزْكِيَتِكَ

bita`l�mika wa tazkiyatika

out of Your instruction and purity.

وَلْبِسْنِي خِلَعَ ٱلْعِزَّةِ وَٱلْقَبُولِ

wa albisn� khila`a al`izzati walqab�li

Dress me with the garments of dignity and tolerability,

وَسَهِّلْ لِي مَنَاهِجَ ٱلْوُصْلَةِ وَٱلْوُصُولِ

wa sahhil l� man�hija alwu�lati walwu��li

make easy for me to attain the courses of communication and attainment (to You),

وَتَوِّجْنِي بِتَاجِ ٱلْكَرَامَةِ وَٱلْوَقَارِ

wa tawwijn� bit�ji alkar�mati walwaq�ri

adorn me with the crown of decorum and solemnity,

وَلِّفْ بَيْنِي وَبَيْنَ حِبَّائِكَ

wa allif bayn� wa bayna a�ibb�'ika

and put affection between your beloved ones and me

فِي دَارِ ٱلدُّنْيَا وَدَارِ ٱلْقَرَارِ

f� d�ri aldduny� wa d�ri alqar�ri

in this worldly abode as well as the Abode of Enduring Settlement.

وَٱرْزُقْنِي مِنْ نُورِ ٱسْمِكَ هَيْبَةً وَسَطْوَةً

warzuqn� min n�ri ismika haybatan wa sa�watan

Out of the illumination of Your Name, confer upon me with honor and authority

تَنْقَادُ لِيَ ٱلْقُلُوبُ وَٱلرْوَاحُ

tanq�du liya alqul�bu wal-arw��u

due to which all hearts and souls will submit to me,

وَتَخْضَعُ لَدَيَّ ٱلنُّفُوسُ وَٱلشْبَاحُ

wa takh�a`u ladayya alnnf�su wal-ashb��u

and all selves and ghosts will succumb to me.

يَا مَنْ ذَلَّتْ لَهُ رِقَابُ ٱلْجَبَابِرَةِ

y� man dhallat lah� riq�bu aljab�birati

O He to Whom all the tyrants surrender,

وَخَضَعَتْ لَدَيْهِ عْنَاقُ ٱلكَاسِرَةِ

wa kha�a`at ladayhi a`n�qu al-ak�sirati

and before Whom all the kings submit!

لاَ مَلْجَ وَلاَ مَنْجَىٰ مِنْكَ إِلاَّ إِلَيْكَ

l� malja'a wa l� manjan minka ill� ilayka

There in neither shelter nor refuge (to protect) against You save to You,

وَلاَ إِعَانَةَ إِلاَّ بِكَ

wa l� i`�nata ill� bika

there is no help save through You,

وَلاَ ٱتِّكَاءَ إِلاَّ عَلَيْكَ

wa l� ittik�'a ill� `alayka

and there is no reliance save upon You.

إدْفَعْ عَنِّي كَيْدَ ٱلْحَاسِدِينَ

idfa` `ann� kayda al��sid�na

Repel against me the trickeries of the envious ones

وَظُلُمَاتِ شَرِّ ٱلْمُعَانِدِينَ

wa �ulum�ti sharri almu`�nid�na

and the murk of the evils of the stubborn ones.

وَٱرْحَمْنِي تَحْتَ سُرَادِقَاتِ عَرْشِكَ

war�amn� ta�ta sur�diq�ti `arshika

Have mercy upon me under the pavilion of Your Throne;

يَا كْرَمَ ٱلكْرَمِينَ

y� akrama al-akram�na

O most Generous of all those who show generosity!

يِّدْ ظَاهِرِي فِي تَحْصِيلِ مَرَاضِيكَ

ayyid ��hir� f� ta���li mar���ka

Aid my appearance to attain Your pleasure

وَنَوِّرْ قَلْبِي وَسِرِّي بِٱلاِطِّلاَعِ عَلَىٰ مَنَاهِجِ مَسَاعِيكَ

wa nawwir qalb� wa sirr� bil-i��il�`i `al� man�hiji mas�`�ka

and illuminate my heart and inner self by making me acquainted with the courses to acting for Your sake.

إِلٰهِي كَيْفَ صْدُرُ عَنْ بَابِكَ بِخَيْبَةٍ مِنْكَ

il�h� kayfa a�duru `an b�bika bikhaybatin minka

O my God, how does it come that I leave Your Door with disappointment

وَقَدْ وَرَدْتُهُ عَلَىٰ ثِقَةٍ بِكَ

wa qad waradtuh� `al� thiqatin bika

after I had come to it with full faith in You?

وَكَيْفَ تُؤْيِسُنِي مِنْ عَطَائِكَ

wa kayfa tu'yisun� min `a��'ika

How is it possible that You drive me to despair of Your endowment

وَقَدْ مَرْتَنِي بِدُعَائِكَ

wa qad amartan� bidu`�'ika

after You have instructed me to pray to You?

وَهَا نَا مُقْبِلٌ عَلَيْكَ

wa h� an� muqbilun `alayka

Here I am coming to You

مُلْتَجِئٌ إِلَيْكَ

multaji'un ilayka

seeking shelter with You.

بَاعِدْ بَيْنِي وَبيْنَ عْدَائِي

b�`id bayn� wa bayna a`d�'�

Keep me far away from my enemies

كَمَا بَاعَدْتَ بَيْنَ عْدَائي

kam� b�`adta bayna a`d�'�

just as You have kept my enemies far away from one another.

إِخْتَطِفْ بْصَارَهُمْ عَنِّي

akhta�if ab��rahum `ann�

Take their sights away from me

بِنُورِ قُدْسِكَ

bin�ri qudsika

through the Light of Your Holiness

وَجَلاَلِ مَجْدِكَ

wa jal�li majdika

and the Grandeur of Your Glory.

إِنَّكَ نْتَ ٱللَّهُ

innaka anta all�hu

You are verily Allah

ٱلْمُعْطِي جَلاَئِلَ ٱلنِّعَمِ ٱلْمُكَرَّمَةِ

almu`�� jal�'ila alnni`ami almukarramati

Who confers with the splendid honoring graces

لِمَنْ نَاجَاكَ بِلَطَائِفِ رَحْمَتِكَ

liman n�j�ka bila��'ifi ra�matika

upon those who secretly pray to You out of Your tremendous mercy.

يَا حَيُّ يَا قَيُّومُ

y� �ayyu y� qayy�mu

O Ever-living, O Self-subsisting,

يَا ذَا ٱلْجَلاَلِ وَٱلإِكْرَامِ

y� dhaljal�li wal-ikr�mi

O Lord of Glory and Honor!

وَصَّلىٰ اللَّهُ عَلَىٰ سَيِّدِنَا وَنَبِيِّنَا مُحَمَّد

wa �all� all�hu `al� sayyidin� wa nabiyyin� mu�ammadin

May Allah send blessings to our master and Prophet, Mu�ammad,

وَآلِهِ جْمَعينَ ٱلطَّيِّبينَ ٱلطَّاهِرينَ

wa �lih� ajma`�na al��ayyib�na al���hir�na

and upon all of his Household�the purified and immaculate.


Recite 180 times- every day six times for 30 days after each pray and the last in salat alyel