Last Few Days of the Holy month & Celebrating Idd ul Fitr

We say farewell to the blessed month, its beautiful days and its fragrant nights. We leave the month of seeking nearness to Ar Rahmaan, the school of Imaan and an opportunity to recharge our spiritual batteries. In the previous nights, we prayed, offered charity and attended lectures.....


E. Last Night of Ramadhan month 29/30th

Recite Duaa-e-Widaa�a ie  Bidding Farewell - by Imam Jaffer e Sadiq(as)  & by  Imam Sajjad (as) from Sahifa Sajjadia  ....And this month of Ramadhan is about to slip away.I thus beseech You in the name of Your Noble Face,And Your Perfect Words,If I am still liable to a sin that You have not yet forgiven or You want to punish me for it,or to retaliate upon me because of it,(I beseech You that) before dawn of this night rises And before this moth elapses(please) forgive it for me...


F. Zakat Fitra Rules  

Payment of fitrah becomes wajib (obligatory) after sunset on the eve of Eid-ul-Fitr on a person who is baligh (attained puberty), aqil (sane), and is neither needy, nor indigent nor unconscious for himself and all his dependants wherever and whoever they are.


G. Night of Idd (1st Shawwal)

It is highly blessed night, not less that the �Laylatul Qadr� , in its auspiciousness...take a lenient view of my acts of disobedience clearly recorded in the reference �book� kept with Thee....


H. Idd ul Fitr Day    |   Idd sermon

It is a day which is similar to the one on which you shall be standing (before your Lord). Therefore, when you come out of your homes to go to places of your prayer, remind ....


I. Mustahab Fasts after Idd (4-9 shawwal)

1757.* Fasting is Mustahab on every day of a year except those on which it is haraam or Makrooh to observe a fast. Some of them which have been strongly recommended, are mentioned here: 

(i) The first and last Thursday of every month and the first Wednesday after the 10th of a month. If a person does not observe these fasts it is Mustahab that he gives their qadha. And if he is incapable of fasting, it is Mustahab for him to give one mudd of food or prescribed coined silver to poor. (ii) 13th, 14th and 15th day of every month. (iii) On all days of Rajab and Shaban or on as many days as it is possible to fast, even though it may be one day only. (iv) The day of Eid Nawroz.
(v) From the 4th up to the 9th of the month of Shawwal.

J  .Monthof Shawwal

A. Common Duas for last 10 Nights ...

.O Allah the month of Ramazan, in which Thou revealed the Holy Quran, now is at its end. I take refuge with Thy kindest disposition, O Lord, lest the dawn of this night breaks forth, or the month of Ramazan comes to an end, and I stand as an accused sinner, liable to be punished, on the Day I am presented before Thee....


B.Etekaf rules

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said:�The persons who secludes himself (in the Masjid in I�tikaf) in true faith and hope (for the reward of Allah), all of his previous sins shall be forgiven


C  .Last Friday of the Month 17 Aug 2012 Youm Al quds

I visited the Messenger of Allah (a.s) on the last Friday of Ramazan. As he saw me, he said, �Jabir: This is the last Friday of Ramazan. You should thus bid it farewell by saying the following:O Allah: (please) do not make it the last of our fasting in this month;but if You decide so, then (please) make me enjoy (Your) mercy and do not make me deprived (of it).


D. Completion of recitation of the Quran

Thou hast helped me complete Thy Book,   which Thou sent down as a light and appointed as a guardian over every book Thou hast sent down,preferring it over every narrative which Thou hast recounted,a separator, through which Thou hast separated   Thy lawful from Thy unlawful,......