In the Name of Allah, the Merciful the Compassionate There is no god but You, Dispeller of every grief, There is no god but You, Strength of every humbled one, There is no god but You, Sufficer of every poor person, There is no god but You, Remover of every distress, There is no god but You, Fulfiller of every need, There is no god buy You, Master of every good, There is no god but You Object of every desire,,,, There is no god but You, Repeller of every affliction, There is no god but You, Knower of every hidden thing, There is no god but You, Knower of every secret, There is no god but You,, Witnesser of every secret discourse, There is no god but You, Remover of every affliction. There is no god but You, everything is subject to You; There is no god but You, everything is abject before You; There is no god but You, everything is fearful of You; There is no god but You, everything supplicates You; There is no god but You, everything is afraid of You; There is no god but You, everything is sustained by You; There is no god but You, everything returns to You; There is no god but You, everything is needy of You; There is no god but You alone, no partner have You, One, Sole; Yours is the kingdom and Yours is the praise (ref. 64:1), You give life and cause death (ref.3:156), And You are the Ever-living who does not die (ref. 25:58), “…In Your hand is the good and You are powerful over everything ’’ (3:26) There is no god but You alone, no partner have You, One, Eternal Refuge, You do not beget, nor are You begotten (ref.112:1-3), “and there is no one like Him” (112:4); And He has not taken to Himself “.. either a consort or a son” (72:3). There is no god but You, before everything, There is no god but You, after everything, There is no god but You, You abide, Our Lord, and everything else perishes: the Everlasting Unceasing are You. There is no god but You, the Ever-living, the Self-subsistent, slumber seizes You not, neither sleep (ref 2:255): “.. maintainer of equity” (3:18), the Just. There is no god but You, “ …Creator of the heavens and the earth” (2:117), and “.. Lord of the Mighty Throne” (9:129); The Compassionate, the Gracious, “ .. Possessor of Majesty and Honour” (55:78), There is no god but Allah, the Forbearing, the All-generous; There is no god but Allah, “.. the Most high, the Great “ (2:255). Glory be to Allah, “.. the Lord of the seven heavens” (23:86) and the Lord of the seven earths and what is in them and what is between them and what is under them, and “.. the Lord of the Mighty Throne” (23:86) and “..praise belongs to Allah the Lord of the worlds” (1:2), I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, “.. His is the Kingdom and His is the praise ’’(64:1) “.. He gives life and causes to die” (2:258), and He is “.. the Ever-living (Lord) who does not die” (25:58), in His hand is the good (ref 3:26), and He is “ .. powerful over everything” (3:26). I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, God, One, Single, Eternal Refuge, He has not taken to Himself “.. either a consort or a son” (72:3); “and there is no one like Him” (112:4). I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, a testimony through which I hope for salvation from the Fire. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, a testimony through which I hope for entry into the Garden I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, as long as the mountains hold fast and after their ceasing to be, forever. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, as long as the spirit remains in my body and after its departure forever. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, in activity before sluggishness and in sluggishness after activity and in every condition forever. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, in youth before old age and in old age after youth and in every condition forever. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, in leisure before occupation and in occupation after leisure and in every condition of ever. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, as long as the two hands labour and as long as they do not labour and in every condition forever. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, As long as the ears hear and as long as they do not hear, and in every Condition forever. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, as Long as the eyes see and as long as they do not see, And in every condition forever. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, As long as the tongue moves and as long it does not move and in Every condition forever… I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, before my entry into my grave and after my entry into my grave and in every condition forever. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, in “…the night when it veils” (92:1) and in “..the day when it appears radiant” (92:2). I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, in “… the end and the beginning” (92:13)… I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, a testimony which I store away for the terror that is beheld (on the Day of Resurrection). I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, a testimony of truth and an assertion of sincerity. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, a testimony witnessed by my hearing, my sight, my flesh, my blood, my hair, my skin, my brain, my joints, my nerves, and what my feet carry. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, no partner has He, a testimony with which I hope Allah looses my tongue at the departure of my soul until I die, my actions having been sealed with good (ones), Amen, O Lord of all Being… |
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In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
There is no God save You, Dispeller of every distress. There is no God save You, Honour for any one disgraced. There is no God save You, Wealth for the needy. There is no God save You, Strength for every weak. There is no God save You, Who eases every torture.
There is no God save You, Fulfiller of needs. There is no God save You, the Master of all goodness. There is no God save You, the Object of every desire. There is no God save You, Remover of calamities. There is no God save You, Konwer of every thing hidden.
There is no God save You, Konwer of every Secret. There is no God save You, Present at every secret whisper. There is no God save You, Dispeller of every calamity. There is no God save You, before Whom everything is humble.
There is no God save You, of Whom every thing fears. There is no God save You, before Whom everything is submissive. There is no God save You, to Whom everything is inclined. There is no God save You, of Whom everything is fearful. There is no God save You, on Whom depends the existence of everything. There is no God save You, to Whom is the return of everything.
There is no God save You, on Whom is the dependence of everything. There is no God save You, the One with no associate, the One, Matchless, Allah, for Your is the absolute Kingdom, all praise is for You. You bestow life and You cause the people to die. You are Ever-living, death touches You not, within You control is every good. You are over every thing Powerful. There is no God Save You, the One, there is no associate with You the (only) One, Needless, beget You not nor Your are begotten.
There is none like You, You have neither taken a spouse nor a son. There is no God Save You, existing before the existence of everything and will survive every thing. There is no God but You, Our Lord will remain Constant with no decay for ever and every thing will perish.
There is no God save You, the Ever-living, Self-subsistent, neither slumber nor sleep seizes You, Constant in Justice. There is no God save You, the Mighty, the Wise in decision. There is no God save You, the Matchless originator of the Heavens and the Earth, the Lord of the great Throne Arsh, All-merciful, the Benefactor, Glorious and Gracious.
There is no God save You, the Forbearing, the Generous. There is no God save You, the High, the Sublime. And glory be to Allah the Lord of seven Heavens and the seven Earths and things in them, between them, underneath them, the Lord of great heavenly Throne Arsh. And praise be to Allah! The Lord of the Worlds!
I bear witness that there is no God save Allah, the One with no partner. For Him is the absolute Kingdom and for Him is all praise, give life and causes death. He is Ever-living, death touches Him not and under His control is all good. He is over every thing Powerful. I bear witness that there is no god save Allah, the One with no associate, the One, Unique, Needless, Allah with no spouse or a son and there is none like unto Him.
I bear witness that there is no God save Allah, the only One with no associate. Bearing of such a witness I hope deliverance from Hell-fire. I bear witness that there is no God save Allah, the only One with no associate. Bearing of such a witness I hope entry to the Paradise.
I bear witness that there is no God save Allah, the only One with no associate till the mountains stand firm after their destruction and even after that for ever. I bear witness that there is no God save Allah, the only One with no associate till the soul remains in the body and after its departure therefrom and even after that for ever.
I bear witness under all circumstances for ever, during health before, illness and after health that there is no deity but Allah, the One with no associate. I bear witness under all circumstances for ever, during my youth before old age and during old age after youth that there is no God but Allah, the One with no associate.
I bear witness under all circumstances for ever, during the free period before the period of occupation and during the period of occupation after the free period that there is no God but Allah.
I bear witness under all circumstances for ever, during the performances by my hands and when there is no performance by my hands that there is no God but Allah, the One with no partner. I bear witness under all circumstances for ever, during the period my ears heard and when they heard not anything that there is no God except Allah, the One with no associate.
I bear witness under all circumstances for every, during the period my eyes saw when they saw not anything that there is no God but Allah, the One with no associate. I bear witness under all circumstances for ever, during the period my tongue uttered anything and when it uttered not anything that there is no God but Allah, the One with no associate.
I bear witness under all circumstances for ever, during the period before my entry into the grave and during the period after my entry into the grave that there is no God but Allah, the One without associate. I bear witness during the night when it enshrouds and during the day when it shines that there is no God but Allah, the One with no associate.
I bear witness in the Hereafter and in world that there is deity but Allah, the One with no associate. I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah, the One with no associate, a witness which may be my treasure of protection from the terror of the day of judgement. My witness that there is no God save Allah, the One without a partner, is a confession of Truth with all sincerity.
The witness that there is no God but Allah, the One without an associate, is a witness also my ears, eyes, flesh, blood, hair, skin, nails, brain, bones, nerves and by everything my legs carry. With my witness that there is no God but Allah, the One with no associate, I hope from Allah at the departure of the soul from my body to keep my tongue perfect in its action of uttering words till my life ends with good deeds. Accept this invocation, O the Lord of the Worlds!