In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate O Allah, there is no god but You, I ask You by Your One, Unique, Exalted Name which fills everything,,, I ask You by Your Unique Name which has no equal, I ask You by Your Name, the Sublime, the Most High, I ask You by Your Name, the All-mighty, the Most Magnificent, I ask You by Your Name, the Majestic, the Most Sublime, I ask You by Your Name, “.. there is no god but He, The King, the Holy, the Peaceloving, the Bestower of conviction, the Guardian, the Ever-prevalent, the All-compeller, the Great Absolute” (59:23): Glory by to You, O Allah, high exalted above what they associate: I ask You by Your Noble, Mighty Name, And because You are Allah, there is no god but You,,, The Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner. To You belong the Names Most Beautiful. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies You, You are the All-mighty, the All wise (ref. 59:24); I ask You by Your guarded, hidden Name, there is no god but You, I ask You, O Allah, by Your Name with which when You are called, You answer, and by which when you are asked, You bestow: I ask You by Your Name by which You make incumbent, on one who asks You through it, whatever he asks You for, I ask You by Your Name with which Your servant who “possessed knowledge of the Book” (27:40) asked You, and You brought to him the throne before his glance returned to him (ref 27:40); I ask You by it and I call on You, O Allah, with that which he called on You and You answered him; So answer me, O Allah, in what I ask You before my glance returns to me: I ask You, O Allah, by ‘there is no god but You’, for surely there is no god but You,,, O Allah, O Allah, There is no god but You, “.. the Ever-living, the Self-subsisting. Slumber seizes Him not, neither sleep; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. Who is there that shall intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what lies before them and what is behind them, and they comprehend not anything of His knowledge save such as He wills. His Throne comprises the heavens and the earth; the preserving of them does not tire Him; He is the Most high, the Great. No compulsion is there in religion. Indeed truth has become clear from error. So whosoever disbelieves in false gods and believes in Allah, has indeed taken hold of the most firm handle which will not break; Allah is All-hearing, All-knowing. Allah is the guardian of the believers; He brings them forth from the darkness into the light. And the unbelievers- their guardians are the false gods who take them out of the light into darkness; those are the inhabitants of the Fire, they shall abide therein forever” (2:255-57)… I ask You, O Allah, there is no god but You, by the former divine Books and Your Names in them and the prayer by which You answer those who call on You; I ask You, O Allah, there is no god but You, By the Zabur and Your Names in them and the prayer by which You answer those who call on You; I ask You, O Allah, there is no god but You, By the Injil and Your Names in it and the prayer by which You answer those who call on You; I ask You, O Allah, there is no god but You, By the Torah and Your Names in it and the prayer by which You answer those call on You; I ask You, O Allah, there is no god but You, By the Mighty Qur’an and Your Names contained in it and the prayer by which You answer those who call on You; I ask You, O Allah, there is no god but You,,, By every Book You have revealed to any one of Your creatures in the seven heavens and seven earths and what is between them and Your Names in them and the prayer by which You answer those who call on You; I ask You, O Allah there is no god but You, by every Name belonging to You, by which any one of Your creatures in the seven heavens and seven earths and what is between them, has named You; I as You, O Allah, by every Name You have chosen for Yourself or with which You have acquainted any one of Your creatures, or not acquainted him; I ask You, O Allah there is no god but You, By that which Your righteous servants have called on You and You have answered them: I ask You by all of that to bless Muhammad and his family, the good the pure,,, O Lord of the Worlds, and to answer me, My Master , by what I have asked You; Surely “…You hear the prayer” (3:38) and are ‘….gentle with Your servants’ (ref 3:30) O Most merciful of the merciful …
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In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
O Allah! There is no god save You. I ask You in Your name - the Matchless, the One, the Needless, the Unique, the Exalted the name with its effect on everything. And I ask You for the sake of Your unique name which has no parallel.
I ask You through Your Most Sublime name and request You for the sake of Your name - Most Glorious and beseech You in Your name - Most Gracious and ask You with Your name - La Ilaha Illa Hu (There is no God but He) the Knower of the Unseen and the Manifest, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
And I ask You through Your names - the Most Holy, the peace Loving, the Saviour, the Guardian, the Ever-prevalent, the Supreme, the Great Absolute, Hallowed You are O Allah! You are far above from what they ascribe to You And I ask You for the sake of Your name, the Generous, the Mighty, for You are Allah with no god beside You. You are the Creator, the Originator, the Fashioner.
For You have all beautiful names. Whatever is in the Heavens and the Earth glorifies You. You are Mighty and Wise. And I ask You through Your name Secret and Hidden. There is no God save You. And I ask You through Your name with which if You are invoked You respond and You bestow upon him when one entreats You with that name.
And I ask You through the name with which asked You Your bondsman who had some knowledge of the Book and You brought to him the throne of Bilquees ere to twinkling of his eyes. I beseech You with it and I invoke You.
O Allah! You accepted the invocation, when You were invoked with it. Kindly therefore accept, O Allah!, my invocation for what I invoke You ere my eye twinkles. O Allah! I beseech You will "Laa Ilaha Illa Anta" as there is no deity Save You the Ever-living, the self subsistent. Slumber seizes You not nor the sleep.
And I ask You O Allah! There is no God Save You in the name of the ancient scripture and through the names of Yours mentioned therein and through the invocation which finds acceptance with You when one invokes You.
And I beseech You O Allah! For the sake of Psalm-Book (Zaboor) and through the names of Yours mentioned therein and though the invocation which finds acceptance with You when one invokes You. There is no God save You! I beseech You O Allah! In the name of Evangel and through the names of Yours mentioned therein and through the invocation which finds acceptance with You when one invokes You. There is no God save You!
I beseech You O Allah! In the name of Torah and through the names of Yours mentioned therein and through the invocation which finds acceptance with You when one invokes You. There is no God save You! I beseech You O Allah! In the name of Great Quran and through the names of Yours mentioned therein and through the invocation which finds acceptance with You when one invokes You.
There is no God save You! I beseech You O Allah! In the name of every Book You have revealed to any one of Your creation in the seven Heavens and seven Earth's and the Creation in between them. There is no God save You! I beseech You O Allah! Through every name which You have reserved exclusively for Yourself or the names with which You have apprised any one from Your creation or the name with which You have apprised none of Your creation.
There is no God save You! I beseech You O Allah! Through the invocation with which Your Virtuous Bondsmen invoked You and You accepted their invocations. O Allah! I therefore beseech You with all these with a request to bless Mohammed (saww) and his pure and purified Progeny, O the Lord of the Worlds! And to grant me my request through it, O my Master! Verily You are Hearer of the invocation and Merciful to the bondsmen.