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In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
O Allah, to You belongs Praise according to the number of trees and leaves, and to You belongs Praise according to the number of pebbles and clods of earth, and to You belongs Praise according to the number of hairs and fur, and to You belongs Praise according to the number of days of this world and the Hereafter, and to You belongs Praise according to the number of stars in the heaven, and to You belongs Praise according to the number of drops of rain, and to You belongs Praise according to the number of every thing You have created, and to You belongs Praise that fills Your Throne, and to You belongs Praise according to the number of Your Words, and to You belongs Praise to the extent of Your own pleasure, and to You belongs Praise according to what Your knowledge has encompassed, and to You belongs Praise for every thing You have counted in numbers (ref 72:28), and to You belongs Praise for every thing into which Your sight penetrates, and to You belongs Praise for every thing which Your Majesty attains, and to You belongs Praise for every thing Your Mercy encompasses, and to You belongs Praise for all things the treasures of which are in Your hand, and to You belongs Praise for what Your Book encompasses, and to You belongs Praise, a praise continual, eternal, that never comes to an end nor can be reckoned in numbers by creatures. O Allah, to You belongs Praise for that by which You answer one who calls on You, and to You belongs Praise, through all Your praiseworthy qualities, For all Your blessings, the hidden and the manifest, the first and the last, the outward and the inward… O Allah, to You belongs Praise for what was and what was not, and to You, belongs Praise for what is. O Allah to You belongs Praise, an abundant praise just as You have conferred blessings on us. Our Lord, in abundance. O Allah, our Lord to You belongs Praise entirely, and in Your Hand is the good entirely, and to You returns the affair, entirely, the manifest and the hidden… O Allah, to You belongs Praise for Your trial and Your favour on us, formerly and in recent times, and on me in particular. You created me and guided me, and made good my creation and made good my guidance; You taught me and made good my teaching... So to You belongs Praise, O my God for Your goodly trials and favours towards me, for many a distress have You removed from me, and many an anxiety have You dispelled from me, and after many a hardship have You appointed ease. O Allah, to You belongs Praise for Your blessings, those of which have been forgotten and those remembered, those for which thanks have been given and those which have been denied, and those which are past and those which continue... O Allah, to You belongs Praise equal to Your forgiveness, and to You belongs Praise equal to Your pardon and veiling (of sins), and to You belongs Praise equal to Your bounty and blessings, and to You belongs Praise for Your setting our affair right and Your goodly trials towards us. O Allah, to You belongs Praise, for You are worthy of being praised, worshipped and thanked, O Best of those praised, O Most merciful of the merciful. O Allah, bless Muhammad and his family, and forgive us with a forgiveness definite and absolute which does not leave out a single sin. O Allah, forgive us and our fathers and our mothers as they raised us when young (ref 17:24) and made us well disciplined when older. O Allah, grant us and them of Your Mercy, the most exalted and abundant, and of Your Gardens, the highest and most elevated, and make incumbent on us that of Your pleasure which will comfort us, and remove for us our sorrows and remove from us our anxieties about the affair of our religion and our (life in) this world, make us content with what You have prepared for us of Your sustenance, forgive us and grant us well-being as long as You give us life, and “.. give us in this world good and good in the hereafter, and guard us against the torment of the Fire” (2:201) and Allah’s blessings on Muhammad and his family..
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In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
O God! Praise be to You equal to the number of trees and leaves, Praise equal to the number of pebbles and stones and hairs. Praise be to You as numerous as the number of days of this world and the world Hereafter. Praise be to You equal to the number of stars of the Heaven and praise be to You equal to the number of the drops of rain and those of ocean water.
Praise be to You equal to the number of things You created. Praise be to You equal to the population of Your Arsh. Praise be to You equal to the number of Your words. Praise be to You till Your pleasure is achieved. Praise be to You equal to the number of things Your knowledge encompasses.
Praise be to You equal to the number of things You have taken account of. Praise be to You for all the things Your sight has circumspected. Praise be to You for things to which Your sublimity has reached. Praise be to You for the things Your mercy has enveloped them. Praise be to You for things the treasure of which is within Your control. Praise be to You for the things included in Your Book.
Praise be to Your persistent, everlasting and endless, Praise so much so, that Your creatures can not assess it. O Allah! Praise be to You equal to the number of times one might have invoked You and the prayers were granted. Praise be to You for all Your attributes and for all Your bounties whether secret or open, first or last and manifest or hidden.
Praise be to You for what was and what is not and what is going to be. Praise be to You in numerable in the manner Your countless bounties bestowed on us. O Allah! O Lord!
All praise are for You. The entire realm belongs to you. Within Your control is all good. To You is the return of everything hidden or manifest. Praise be to You on Your trails, on Your favours, whether present or past;
particularly those shown towards me by gifting existence and guiding me to the right path for You have created a good creation and gave me the best guidance and You taught and taught me the best.
O Allah! Praise be to You for Your testing me by gracious trail and for Your favours shown to me. Many a hardship You have dispelled from me, many a grief You have warded off and many a difficult You have soled and granted me ease.
Praise be to Your for Your bounties, some of them I have forgotten, for some I have offered my thanks to You others not even acknowledged by me, some of them have already passed and some still remain.
O Allah! Praise be to You equal to the number of times You have granted pardons and salvation and praise be to You the number of times You have given cover to my lapses. Praise be to You as numerous as the number of Your blessings and favours. Praise be to You for setting my affairs in order and for testing us in a gracious manner.
O Allah! Praise be to You for You really deserve to be praise and worshipped and thanked,
O the best of all those are Praiseworthy! O the most Merciful!