Duas by Imam Mahdi (A.t.f.s ) from Sahifa Razavia
Dua's From {01 to 24} Click here for duas 100 to 162 | Other Imam Mahdi duas index
1. Praising God on the 18th day and up to the end of the month Glory be to God by the number of His Creations, glory be to God when He is Pleased, glory be to God by the sum total of words, glory be to God by the weight of His Empyrean and praise be to God by the same amount.
2. In greetings and salutations to the prophet and his family peace and tranquility be up on them. O Allah , send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Mohammad, the leader, the greatest master, Lord of the prophets, and the last of the prophets, (Mohammad) the proof, reason, and demonstration of God the Creator, Nurturer, and the Lord of the universe. (Mohammad) who has been chosen in an alliance, and in the world of spirits, the one who is clean from any bad deed, away from any mistake, he is the hope for freedom and righteousness, we hope that he accept to be our clout, and Allah bestowed Mohammad the path and the way to Allah. O Allah, glorify his foundation, strengthen his teachings, make his reasons, proofs, and demonstration victorious above all, raise him high, strengthen him, and give him highest positions, illuminate his light the highest illuminations, make his face full of light, grant him; knowledge, virtue, excellence, superiority, attainment, highest position, tools, and make his position so high that everyone envy him from the first to the last of human beings. And; send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto the king of the believers, the heir to the prophets, guide and leader of the worshippers of Allah, the greatest master of the executors and guardians, (Ali) the proof, reason, and demonstration of God the Creator, Nurturer, and the Lord of the universe. And; send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto the pure Fatimeh, the greatest lady of all the ladies of the world, daughter to Mohammad prophet of Allah, Wife to Ali the true Imam, leader, and king of believers, and mother of the pure Imams and leaders after Ali. And; send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Hassan son of Ali, Imam and leader of the believers, the heir to the prophets, and the proof, reason, and demonstration of God the Creator, Nurturer, and the Lord of the universe. And; send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Hussein son of Ali, Imam and leader of the believers, the heir to the prophets, and the proof, reason, and demonstration of God the Creator, Nurturer, and the Lord of the universe. And; send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Ali son of Hussein, Imam and leader of the believers, the heir to the prophets, and the proof, reason, and demonstration of God the Creator, Nurturer, and the Lord of the universe. And; send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Mohammad son of Ali, Imam and leader of the believers, the heir to the prophets, and the proof, reason, and demonstration of God the Creator, Nurturer, and the Lord of the universe. And; send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Ja^far son of Mohammad, Imam and leader of the believers, the heir to the prophets, and the proof, reason, and demonstration of God the Creator, Nurturer, and the Lord of the universe. And; send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Moosa son of Ja^far, Imam and leader of the believers, the heir to the prophets, and the proof, reason, and demonstration of God the Creator, Nurturer, and the Lord of the universe. And; send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Ali son of Moosa, Imam and leader of the believers, the heir to the prophets, and the proof, reason, and demonstration of God the Creator, Nurturer, and the Lord of the universe. And; send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Mohammad son of Ali, Imam and leader of the believers, the heir to the prophets, and the proof, reason, and demonstration of God the Creator, Nurturer, and the Lord of the universe. And; send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Ali son of Mohammad, Imam and leader of the believers, the heir to the prophets, and the proof, reason, and demonstration of God the Creator, Nurturer, and the Lord of the universe. And; send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Hassan son of Ali, Imam and leader of the believers, the heir to the prophets, and the proof, reason, and demonstration of God the Creator, Nurturer, and the Lord of the universe. And; send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing (O my Allah and God) onto successor of Haadee, Mehdi, the teacher, the director of the path, Imam and leader of the believers, the heir to the prophets, and the proof, reason, and demonstration of God the Creator, Nurturer, and the Lord of the universe. O Allah , send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Mohammad and the members of his family. His family who are the leaders and guidance to everyone, his family who are truthful and knowledgeable, the obedient to you, the freedom fighters, who are free, foundation of Your way to You, pillars to Your path , the translators of Your message, Your proof and demonstration to all of Your creation, kings on Your Earth , the ones whom You have chosen, and gave them high place over your believers, You picked them up happily for Your way to You, You gave them the understanding of Your deeds, raised them high with Your Grace, cover them with your Mercy, helped them grow with Your blessings and Grace, feed them with Your Knowledge, clothed them with Your Light, gave them high places in Your universe, surrounded them with Your angels, and gave them glory with your prophet, peace and tranquility be upon him. O Allah , send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto him and them, a greeting, salutation, grace, and blessing that is very high in number, it is continuous and is going on always, no one has any power over it except You, only Your knowledge is able to understand it, and no one but You can enumerate it. O Allah , and send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto your trusted appointee, the one who brings your religion from death to life, standing up and waiting per Your order, the only way toward You, he shows the way to You, Your proof, reason, and demonstration to all of Your creation, King on Earth, and witnesses the ones who worship You. O Allah , Make sure his victory is definite, increase his life, and make Earth beautiful and nicely designed by his long stay on Earth. O Allah , save him from the trouble of jealous people, keep him safe under your protection from the evil of the evil doers and deceivers, push away from him the will of unjust people, and free him from the hands of oppressors. O Allah , award him; for himself and his family, his followers and servants, his special pupil and general public, his enemies, and everyone in the whole wide world; whatever that makes his eyes happy and full of light, whatever makes his heart full of happiness, and give him whatever his heart desires in this world and the next world after death. I testify, and I am a witness that you are able to do everything and you are omnipotent. O Allah, renew with him everything that has been taken away from your path to you, give life with him to whatever which has been disputed and changed in your book, clear and reveal with him whatever which has been changed from your orders, until he changes the path to you with his hands to a new, clean, original, and real path, the kind of path that there will be; no doubt , no question, nothing unclear, no wrong, no transposition of letters, and no corruption in it. O Allah, with his light illuminate any darkness, with his strength and stability destroy any corruption, destroy any injustice and deviation with his glory and power, break down with him any unjust and oppressor, turn off with his sword any fire, kill and destroy with his justice the pain and agony of any unjust oppressor, give rise and power to his orders over any and all orders, and ruin and desolate all the kings and kingdoms under his rule and power. O Allah, abject, afflict, and make miserable the one who wants to harm him, destroy and annihilate anyone who is his enemy, remove the deceitfulness of the deceivers from him, annihilate and kill anyone who is not his believer and follower, take his orders lightly, try to turn off the light of his being, or to make everyone forget about him and his name. O Allah , send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Mohammadene almostafa, Aliyene almortaza, Fatimehta Azzahra, Hassan Alreza, Hussein almosaffa, all the prophets, teachers, and the people who were guidance and light in the darkness of the path, the scholars of direction of the path, the true worshippers, the virtuousness, the rope of the strength, the steady chain of power, and the correct and straight path. And, send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto guardian and your friend, other guardians and friends of yours, the imams and leaders and their children, add and increase their lives, increase and extend their time, give them whatever their hearts desire from whatever they want in their path, their way to you, in this world and the other world. It is testified and approved that you are able to do everything and you are omnipotent.
3. Prayer after sending thoughts and respect (Ziyaarat) of Aal-e-Yaaseen O Allah, surely I ask You that You send blessings upon Mohammad (s.a.w.) the prophet of Your mercy and the word of your light. And fill my heart with the light of certainty And my chest with light of faith. And my thinking with the light of intentions. And my determination with the light of knowledge. And my strength with the light of action. And my tongue with the light of truthfulness. And my religion with the light of understanding from You. And my vision with brightness. And my hearing with the light of wisdom. And my love with the light of friendship for Mohammad (s.a.w.) and his progeny. Peace be upon (all of) them until I meet You. And certainly I discharged Your promise and Your covenant. So You cover me with Your mercy, O Master ! O Praiseworthy.
O Allah send Your blessings upon Muhammad, Your proof on Your earth. And Your vicegerent of Your cities. And the caller towards Your way. And the upright by Your justice. And the one who arouses by Your command. The master of the believer and the perdition of the disbelievers. And the enlighter of the darkness. And the illuminator of the truth. And the speaker with the wisdom and the truth. And Your complete word on Your earth. The anxious anticipator and the counselling Master, the ship of salvation. And the flag of guidance and the light of the sight of mankind. And best of he who was attired and was clothed and the illuminator of the blind. The one who will fill the earth with justice and equity just as it was filled with injustice and oppression. Surely You are powerful over everything.
O Allah send Your blessings upon Your friend and son of Your friends. Those whom You have ordered (for) obeying them. And You made (the observation of) their rights compulsory And You removed from them the uncleanliness and purified them a thorough purifying. O Allah help him and come to the aid of Your religion through him And help Your friends and his friends and his followers and his helpers through him. And place us among them. O Allah protect him from the evil of every tyrant and despot. And from the evil of all Your creatures. And protect him from his front and his back and his right and from his left. And protect him and prevent from him the reaching of any evil. And protect Your Apostle and the progeny of Your Apostle through him. And make the justice manifest through him. And support him by the victory. And help his helpers and abandon his deserters. And break up his dividers and break up the giants of disbelief through him. And through him kill the disbelievers and the hypocrites and all the heretics. Wherever they be, in the east of the earth and its west, its land and its sea. And fill the earth with justice through him. And manifest the religion of Your prophet blessings be upon him and his progeny through him.
And place me, O Allah, among his helpers and his aiders and his followers and his partisans. And show me in the progeny of Mohammad peace be upon them, whatever they are hoping. And in their enemies whatever the enemies are afraid (of). O God of the truth, Amen (Accept). O the possessor of splendour and honour! O the most merciful of all the mercifuls.
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5.To implore Allah (swt)
to supply one’s requests of this life and the life after this one |
10. To implore Allah (TvT) to supply one's request. A prayer known as the Salat of Imam Mehdi (AvS) in the night before Friday (Thursday) Whoever has a request of Allah for a need; should wash and perform “ghosl” the night before Friday (Thursday night after the midnight), and then should go to his/her place of prayer and worship. There he/she should perform two (2) rakaat of salat (prayer). In each rakaat start with the Soreh (section) “Alhamd” and continues to the Ayeh (verse) ((Eiyyaka Na^bodo va Eiyyaka Nasta^ein)) then repeat this Ayeh one hundred (100) times. After the 100th time, finishes the rest of the Soreh. After Alhamd he/she should read the Soreh “Ikhlas / Altauheed” once. In each “Rokooa^ “recite the “tasbeeh” (Sobhana Rabbey Alazeema va Behamdehey) seven (7) times, and each Sojood” recite the “tasbeeh” (Sobhana Rabbey Alaa^la va behamdehey) seven (7) times. Then, finishes the salat like a normal salat. After salat recite this dua: O Allah, If I obeyed you and followed your orders, I appreciate you as the thanks and appreciation belong to you, and if I did not obey you and did not listen to your orders, you made it clear for me and showed me the way but I did not listen. Comfort and relief are from you. Praise be the one who gives generously, sends blessing, knows the value of everything, and he is an absolute purity. Praise be the one who arranges the life, designs everyone's destiny, forgives our trespassing, and he is an absolute purity. O Allah, If I do wrong and do not obey your orders, At least I have obeyed you in the best of the things that you like, and that is; that I believe in You, I do not say that You have a child, and I do not accept anyone as a partner to You. You did me a favor in that and I was not the one who can claim the credit for it. And if I disobeyed you O my Allah, it was not that I was getting out of being your creature, your slave, your servant, and your obedient man. And it was not to deny your grace and your kindness. But, I listened to my lust, my desires, my passion, and devil (shaytan) deceived me, and made me slip. You have shown me the way clearly, and demonstrated the path to me. So, if you punish me; for my disobedient, disrespect, guilt, and defiant, you are not unfair, and you have not been unjust to me. And if you forgive me, have mercy on me, and show your kindness to me, then; you are indeed the Most Generous and Absolute Benefactor (Javadon), Munificent and Merciful (Kareem)……………………….. Repeat his name (Ya Kareem O Ya Kareem) in one breath as many times as it is possible in that one breath …………………………………….. Then you recite the rest of the dua …………………………………………………… O you who can save from anything and everything, and everything and anything are afraid of you and they are staying away from your anger. I am asking you in the name of the safety, security, and protection that you provide, and the inferiority, fear, and obedient of everything to you that you send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Mohammad and the members of his family, and for you to protect me, keep me secure, and save me, my family, my children, my relatives, and everything that you have given me and granted me. Protect me, save me, and keep me secure so I should have no fears, no stresses, no worries, and no panic from anything or any situation at all. You are able to do anything and everything, you are omnipotent. Allah is enough to protect and he is the best lawyer, barrister, agent, mandatary, and he is well invested with all powers. O You who protected and kept safe Ibrahim from Nomrood, and O You who protected and kept safe Moosa from Fera^on, I am asking you to please send Your greetings, salutations, grace, and blessing onto Mohammad and the members of his family, and to please protect me and keep me safe from the evil, malevolence, wickedness, and bad of (Recite the name of the one you are afraid of ) Then go to Sejdeh (Putting your forehead on the ground for Allah TvT) and ask whatever your request is from Allah begging and crying for Allah to grant your request. It is said that; when any man or woman who is a believer, and he/she would perform this salat, and recite this dua sincerely and from the bottom of his/her heart, the doors to the sky will open for him/ her to grant his/her request , at the same night and the same time whatever the request maybe. |