O my Allah, place; your salutations,
greetings, blessings, and grace , and your Angels and Prophets salutations,
greetings, blessings, and grace onto Mohammad and the children and family of
Mohammad, and hasten His (Imam Zamaan a.t.f.s.) advent
O my Allah, Send your salutations, greetings, blessings, and grace onto
Mohammad and the children and family of Mohammad, and hasten His (Imam
Zamaan a.t.f.s.) advent
O my Allah, Send your salutations, greetings, blessings, and grace onto
Mohammad and the children and family of Mohammad, and hasten His (Imam
Zamaan a.t.f.s.) advent
Allahomma-ja^al salaateka va salavaateh malaaekateka va rosoleka a^laa
Mohammaden va aaleh Mohammd, va a^jjel farajahom
Allahomma salleh a^laa Mohammaden va aaleh Mohammd, va a^jjel farajahom
Allahomma salleh a^laa Mohammaden va aaleh Mohammd, va a^jjel farajahom