Download The Book
of 101 Dua'a
PAGE 1 (View)
No. 1 |
Doa while using khake
shifa |
No. 2 |
While eating khake
shifa |
No. 3 |
While building new
house |
No. 4 |
While leaving house for special
work/object/purposes |
No. 5 |
While salvation of worldly and
spiritual tasks at the time of leaving house |
No. 6 |
At the Time of wearing
jewels |
No. 7 |
Whenever one sits in
gathering |
No. 8 |
While on hill or on great
height |
No. 9 |
For avoiding bad omens for
travellers |
No. 10 |
Before starting
journey |
PAGE 2 (View)
No. 11 |
For talisman to be keep by
traveller |
No. 12 |
For a traveller�s
family |
No. 13 |
When anyone loses
way |
No. 14 |
At the time of visiting a dangerous
place |
No. 15 |
At the time of arrival in new
place |
No. 16 |
For safety from
robbers |
No. 17 |
Dua�a & prayer at the time of
storm in the sea |
No. 18 |
For safety from
drowning |
No. 19 |
Dua�a after every
prayer |
No. 20 |
An excellent invocation Doa �After
morning prayer |
PAGE 3 (View)
No. 21 |
Dua�a after Zohar
prayers |
No. 22 |
Dua�a after Asr
prayer |
No. 23 |
Dua�a after Maghrib
prayer |
No. 24 |
Doa after isha
prayer |
No. 25 |
For preservation of
faith |
No. 26 |
For true belief for one�s
family |
No. 27 |
For offering thanks for the bounties
bestowed by Allah |
No. 28 |
For limitless heavenly
reward |
No. 29 |
Dua�a for reward of
Paradise |
No. 30 |
hereafter |
PAGE 4 (View)
No. 31 |
Doa for all night
ibadat |
No. 32 |
For sawab of whole night
ibadat |
No. 33 |
For seeking forgiveness of sins
(Dua�a in Sajdah) |
No. 34 |
For great sawab and protection from
major sins |
No. 35 |
For sawab, forgiveness, protection
from great sins and sawab for reciting 12
Qurans. |
No. 36 |
For protection from
Hell |
No. 37 |
For safety from
enemy |
No. 38 |
For protection of self and
wealth |
No. 39 |
For recovery of misplaced or lost
thing. |
No. 40 |
For scorpion
bite |
PAGE 5 (View)
No. 41 |
For release from
prison |
No. 42 |
For avoiding bad thoughts and
temptation |
No. 43 |
Dua�a For avoiding temptation &
greed |
No. 44 |
Dua�a for avoiding bad
dreams |
No. 45 |
Dua�a for not getting afraid in
sleep |
No. 46 |
For marriage
proposal |
No. 47 |
For Love (wife &
husband) |
No. 48 |
For love (wife &
husband) |
No. 49 |
For Love (wife &
husband) |
No. 50 |
obedience |
PAGE 6 (View)
No. 51 |
For getting a
child |
No. 52 |
For getting a
child |
No. 53 |
For getting a
child |
No. 54 |
For easy and safe delivery of
child |
No. 55 |
For avoiding early deaths of
children |
No. 56 |
Dua�a for aqiqa of
child |
No. 57 |
At the time of
circumcision |
No. 58 |
For increase of breast
milk |
No. 59 |
For wealth &
prosperity |
No. 60 |
For wealth &
prosperity |
PAGE 7 (View)
No. 61 |
For increase in
sustenance |
No. 62 |
For increase of
sustenance |
No. 63 |
For disbursement of
debts |
No. 64 |
For removal of poverty and
worries |
No. 65 |
For removing
worries |
No. 66 |
For warding off
calamities |
No. 67 |
Dua for safeguard from
drowning/burning |
No. 68 |
Dua After every
prayer |
No. 69 |
Dua and prayers for getting a
child |
No. 70 |
Dua for getting a
child |
PAGE 8 (View)
No. 71 |
Dua�a for getting a
child |
No. 72 |
For safety of
pregnancy |
No. 73 |
For safety of pregnancy and avoiding
abortion |
No. 74 |
For easy deliver of
child |
No. 75 |
For easy
teething |
No. 76 |
For cure of the child eating
dust |
No. 77 |
For excessive weeping
child |
No. 78 |
For increase in
sustenance |
No. 79 |
For increasing
memory |
No. 80 |
For learning quran by
heart |
PAGE 9 (View)
No. 81 |
For banishing the effect of black
magic |
No. 82 |
For protection from satan and
enchantment |
No. 83 |
For repelling devil and dispelling
magic |
No. 84 |
For security against
witchcraft |
No. 85 |
For cure of all
diseases |
No. 86 |
For all diseases and for all
purposes |
No. 87 |
For cure from all
diseases |
No. 88 |
For increase in
business |
No. 89 |
To Be recited at the time of going to
market |
No. 90 |
To be recited when one sets in his
shop |
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No. 91 |
At the Time of
Purchase |
No. 92 |
At the time of
purchase |
No. 93 |
For the safety o the
store |
No. 94 |
For all purposes |
No. 95 |
Moosa Kazim (a.s.) doa for all
puposes |
No. 96 |
For all
purposes |
No. 97 |
For saving from sqeeze of
grave |
No. 98 |
To be recited a the time of
death |
No. 99 |
To be recited at the time of
death |
No. 100 |
To be recited by 40 momins at death
body of a momin |
No. 101 |
While entering
the grave yard |